We will sell 50 Millions of these controllers

>we will sell 50 Millions of these controllers

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rule34-data-009.paheal.net/_images/fe79f2865d61b5fe7028a9ef618bb41d/2009276 - Nintendo_Switch Samuriolu switch_dog.png



I'm glad the controller isn't completely retarded this time around, I won't have to shell out for a pro

Hopefully the wiiu pro controller will be compatible anyway

>I'm glad the controller isn't completely retarded this time around

it doesn't even have a d-pad

The buttons below the left analog stick.

Nintendo's made it 4 button style rather than their patented cross style so the two joycons could be symmetrical.

4 buttons are not a dpad.

I can make due with the bottom left even if it isn't ideal

As long as it's not absolute trash like the 360 dpad I'm ok




I don't think you can use 5 controllers per switch though

>not split-screening a 6.2" screen with your bro Chad before slaying pussy at the bar

There is zero chance of that ever being comfortable to hold and use.


where did it all go wrong?

Pro controller doesn't have motion control

>It's ok, Homestar!
>I've got the heart of a champion! I can make 50 million sales on my own!


That's the plan.
Every time you lose one of the sides, you have to buy a whole new dog for probably 60$

Even as a gimmick this looks like shit. That Zelda game better be the best game ever made.

ill only use this anyway

I'll never not see this as that fucking dog

It won't, but it will be the biggest casual magnet since GTA V.


A lot of people who have never used a button d pad think its fine. Its not. You will very quickly realize the difference between 4 buttons and a proper d pad.

I have every Sony console it's not a problem at all

Actually I prefer the button ones for fighters anyway, more precise for motions

sony uses a real dpad

it's only separated by the cover but it's a dpad

Well what the fuck uses a dpad like the switch then? Where are you basing your shit off of? Some retarded third party PC controller?

>I was wrong and didn't know
>Now I'm mad!

Nintendo always made shit controllers, your pic included

The whole "gamecube controller is the best!" meme started because in Brawl you either used GC or you had to waggle

Here's your controller bro

I'm not mad I'm asking you a question

N64 c buttons

Which don't function as the dpad

The only game I've used them for movement is turok and they work fine (as well as a console fps from that time could work


enjoy your blisters and missed combos

>we sold 150 Millions of these controllers

>people are going to buy this shit
>they are going to buy the same virtual console games for the 5th time for 10 bucks
>they are actually going to use these fucking tampon sized shit controllers that just float around in your fucking hand
>they are going to have to charge it every day because the battery is small to try and keep the design compact
>they are going to shove it in their backpack and scratch the everliving fuck out of the screen with their 3DS and vita that are clanking around
>they are actually looking forward to playing basketball then stop playing real life basketball to load up basketball on their wii u without an outlet to plug into only to realize that their sweaty hands make the 2 inch dildo controller fall out of their hand and break while the red blinking light displaying low battery screams at you
>but dude it's got zelda lol I got a the master sword triangles tattooed on my shoulder check it out **pulls up sleeve revealing erect cock**

this time they don't have the "motion" gimmick

how is splatoon supposed to work then?

No respectable game console has the button d pad because its a shitty design. But a lot of shitty bootleg console have the button d pad and its awful. If you want to see what its like emulate zelda on snes and bind youre abxy buttons to the d pad

>Taking away an actual, solid D-pad and replacing it with disconnected face buttons

It's like they've never actually used a D-pad before or know why it's vital that it be connected. It's almost as if developers don't actually play video games anymore. They just make shit up and assume it'll work just because. THIS is what's causing so much misunderstanding between developer and consumer.


>>they are actually looking forward to playing basketball then stop playing real life basketball to load up basketball on their wii u without an outlet to plug into only to realize that their sweaty hands make the 2 inch dildo controller fall out of their hand and break while the red blinking light displaying low battery screams at you

L-...lil' brudder...bless your soul.

nice d-pad!!!

>>they are going to buy the same virtual console games for the 5th time for 10 bucks
*20 bucks for gameboy games, 50 bucks for gamecube remakes

>>they are going to buy the same virtual console games for the 5th time for 10 bucks

Nintendo Marios #58956860 aside,
I keep reading nintendrones want to BUY monster hunter, AGAIN

Honestly Nintendo should go third party, only Marios and Zeldas, I save Pokemon.

kek what is that? is for volume right?

>I keep reading sonyponies want to BUY the last of us, AGAIN

>implying sonyponies are any less pathetic

Start button obviously have you never used a controller?

Actually, if you have a Nintendo Network ID you will have access to all of the games you have purchased previously. My job is literally transferring peoples NNID data and I'm positive you will be able to use your NNID with the switch.


>My job is literally transferring peoples NNID data

this is the new "my father works at nintendo"

so that's why connecting your NNID is worth so many platinum points

I could prove it to you if you'd like. I work in digital content and data transfers. You can call in and have use transfer your NNID data or you can do it yourself with both consoles.

the same as any other third person shooter

nah thank you

my last nintendo console was a gameboy color

I think it might be for controller release from the screen actually

Did I miss something, who said anything about it selling 50m?

Dogmote is a charging dock amirite?

here your controller bro. lets play some nba

No clue. We don't get that much info. Hopefully they will give us some training soon on how I wil be dealing with DC/DT on the Switch.

>x becomes the a button

It is also a charging dock, but it also makes a wireless controller.

Is the same user making many shitposting threads because too much butthurt that he cant take his ps4 and his 4k tv on the go plus the psvr?

Why is nintendo so fucking stupid when it comes to hardware? They need to just leave the hardware game altogether and make their software for iphone or playstation.

The switch should have been an official replacement for their handheld and console. It should have been PSVita sized. It should have included a more powerful (maybe even upgradable) GPU in the dock. It should have reused the classic or pro controllers.

Who the fuck wants to carry around a tablet sized gaming device? I have never seen anyone carrying around a tablet, people only use that shit at home. The split, two-player controller is a gimmick. It looks ugly and uncomfortable to use under all circumstances. This whole thing is a gimmick because of very avoidable mistakes.

Last of all, if this thing fails, no other company will want to make a dockable handheld device. This is what convergence has been working towards, what everyone has wanted. What the fuck.


*coin collecting sounds*
*sound yoshi makes in super mario world*
>hey white boy could you keep it down? i'm tryin to sleep!
*1-up sound*
>plane multi-turbulence drifts
>switch flies out of the window

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, eh Nintenbabs?

Right stick above face buttons joycon when?

>This is what convergence has been working towards, what everyone has wanted.
no, people want to play mobage on their phones.

Charging dock for the joooycons plus controller seems pretty neato desu

>capacitive touch control gaming

Lawd well good luck in the next week ya turkey

>The switch should have been an official replacement for their handheld and console. It should have been PSVita sized.
And be even slower?
>It should have included a more powerful (maybe even upgradable) GPU in the dock.
And stop working after 100 insertions due all the pins you need to perform a PCI-E like bus?

>It should have reused the classic or pro controllers.
It probably will, knowing nintendo.
>Who the fuck wants to carry around a tablet sized gaming device? I have never seen anyone carrying around a tablet, people only use that shit at home.
You know 50 people, tops, thus not exactly a good measure of what the whole world thinks of em
>The split, two-player controller is a gimmick. It looks ugly and uncomfortable to use under all circumstances.
It looks ugly and uncomfortable, but must see how it fare in practice, as nintendo somehow made that awful white brick called the Wiimore actually be comfortable somehow.

>This whole thing is a gimmick because of very avoidable mistakes.
If it go by your previous suggestions, no it is not.
Not at an affordable price at least.

everything else people shit on i completely accept
but this looks like their best fucking controller yet. it looks very comfortable at least, and im a big fan of BIG face buttons haha. being see through is cool but i don't feel like is significant enough. hopefully there is color variants/joystick position variants since i really like the playstation layout. those triggers better be analog too

i love this meme

>Sup Forumsirgins complaining about the main controller
>when most of them will either use the pro controller or won't even buy the console

>when most of them will either use the pro controller
most people stick with default controllers

>that fucking dog
rule34-data-009.paheal.net/_images/fe79f2865d61b5fe7028a9ef618bb41d/2009276 - Nintendo_Switch Samuriolu switch_dog.png

>And be even slower?
Why would it be slower? A 64-bit SoC that out performs Vita, and 3DS cost like $10.

>And stop working after 100 insertions due all the pins you need to perform a PCI-E like bus?
Why would they use a proprietary BUS? They have already decided to go with Type-C connectors which are the same as Thunderbolt 3 (40Gbps w/ support for 4 lanes of PCI-E gen 3). Just have to pay the Intel tax. Otherwise 3.1 Type-C alone is 10 Gbps.

>You know 50 people, tops, thus not exactly a good measure of what the whole world thinks of em
I live in one of the most populous cities in the most populous state in the US. The literal tech capital of the world, and I am telling you, no one walks around with or uses tablets outdoors.

>It looks ugly and uncomfortable, but must see how it fare in practice, as nintendo somehow made that awful white brick called the Wiimore actually be comfortable somehow.
I did say looks, but only time will tell

>Not at an affordable price at least
If it is above $250 it is likely to fail, that was the Wii's winning point

>Why would it be slower? A 64-bit SoC that out performs Vita, and 3DS cost like $10.
Well, it would be slower than the current Switch due having less space for batteries, cooling etc..
>Why would they use a proprietary BUS? They have already decided to go with Type-C connectors which are the same as Thunderbolt 3 (40Gbps w/ support for 4 lanes of PCI-E gen 3). Just have to pay the Intel tax. Otherwise 3.1 Type-C alone is 10 Gbps.
Even a proprietary USB port is no match for the abuse of kids, but probably an oldschool nintendo 64 like connector can handle the bantz, but its still just cheaper to have the more powerful chip in the system itself.
>I live in one of the most populous cities in the most populous state in the US. The literal tech capital of the world, and I am telling you, no one walks around with or uses tablets outdoors.
Okay, that makes it a better observation

>I did say looks, but only time will tell
Let's see what the fuck nintendo have in the store then

>If it is above $250 it is likely to fail, that was the Wii's winning point
It would be a bit hard to make it for $250 if you had a dock with a complete separate computer in it basically.
Nintendo would need to sell just the standard system by that price (or even $200, given the downscaled shit), and the dock for extra $100

An SoC would use passive cooling. If it was Vita sized screen, 720p would actually look good, an I could pull around 6 hours of life from the Vita.

>Even a proprietary USB port is no match for the abuse of kids
I don't understand, USB is not proprietary and they have already revealed they are using Type-C. No word on whether it is just 2.0 over Type-C connector or full USB 3.1 spec.

>but its still just cheaper to have the more powerful chip in the system itself
And that's where I am telling you you're wrong. There are $50 GPU's you can buy that out perform PS4/Xbone. You would be free of the logistical issues that come with trying to cram a GPU in a portable (cooling, moving parts, etc.). FFS if the handheld supported Thunderbolt 3, they could stick a literal off the shelf GPU in a case and call it a dock (see link). Don't mind the price, they are overpricing the fuck out of it due to no competitors.


There are no excuses for this kind of fuckup. All the tech is available, and all the hardware can be sourced cheaply + offer a better experience than what they have lined up.


Donkey Kong 3 was so good. It was Crossfire before Crossfire.




who said I like sony

>who said I like sony

There it is


What's with all the switch hate threads tonight?

>What's with all the switch hate threads tonight?
all mine ;^)

It's eurofag raid hour. Notice all the frogpost threads and feels guy threads as well? It's no coincidence.

Wait a moment this shit doesnt include the controller?

What is it with Nintendo and unergonomic designs?

I can't even use the 3DS for more than a couple of hours without getting boneitis in my hands. This controller looks even worse.