Pick the ONE thing you value most from a video game
and if it's not gameplay, don't bother posting
Pick the ONE thing you value most from a video game
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The Garage
graphics, framerate and critic scores because i'm a retard on Sup Forums
I don't know why it's bad to have good graphics nowadays. Even a bad game that looks good will keep you playing, you just want to look at it
>me? i value art
>posts video games
that shit ain't art
A good soundtrack.
gameplay is for the redpilled who see things how they truly are
(((art))) is for communists
>tfw legitimately can't tell if this is ironic or not
It's gone too far. I want to say made for shitpost but I just can't be 100 percent.
Both? Why can't we have good gameplay and graphics?
>ME? i value ART
>literally has one-handed mode
I value good framerate, gameplay, set design, music, atmosphere, pacing and in certain games a sense of urgency enhances the experience ala Dead Rising 1 and 2. You cannot value one thing too much over another or it will become bland
the creator of the image is clearly implying that the story is the art
Gameplay is very important to me, and I don't give a shit about story. But besides that, the novelty of the concept is very important to me as well. Basically, the idea behind what you do in the game. I literally picked up Sim Ant just because you control ants.
okay I know for a FACT this is bait, targeted at Sup Forums.
It depends on the genre and what the game tries to accomplish. If it's something like Journey than obviously the aesthetic and the atmosphere are more important than gameplay.
easy: Plot
it's gameplay but if the rest is shit still I'm not touching it
>Gone Home
>ME? i value art
>has gone home as an example
>inb4 nintencuck
played all of this except gone home. And eventhough TLOU was amazing, Bioshock Infinite had a nice plottwist. All of this shit isnĀ“t art.
I actually loved the gameplay of The Last of Us' multiplayer with the resource/crafting and people not being bullet sponges.
Cute girls
>good gameplay
fuck off platinum fags it's repetitive as fuck
I value if it's on a Sony console
Some people are so autistic they can't like two different things at the same time. Hence, "muh X platform/genre/series/game a best, Y a shit".
It all boils down to autism, user, it always does.
Reminder that art is the expression of creativity. All video games are art.
>Implying you can't glean a message about finding inspiration in yourself, and to be confident in who you are from Bayonetta
What if a game has the ability to tackle certain obstacles in a variety of ways and playstyles, and you can build your own character and abilities
Would that mean something like Deus Ex and Dark Souls is art?
but that's the shittiest reason to keep playing a game
Schopenhauer believed that the essence of the universe is Being: a blind, irrational, unquenchable thirst to exist he called Wille zum Leben, and that everything we perceive is a representation of this Will to Live.
Because we ourselves are products of Will, we spend most of our lives trapped in a cycle of striving and boredom.
We're constantly willing ourselves to attain our goals, and when we do attain them, we're disappointed and move on to something else, again and again, until the ultimate disappointment of death.
To Schopenhauer, free will and real choice were cruel illusions, and desire a prison.
Schopenhauer does have a reputation for being pessimistic. But he really wasn't. Because he also believed that there's a way to leap off the wheel of desire.
That way is the contemplation - the contemplation - of sublime art.
Sublime art is the door to a perspective on reality that transcends Will.
It frees us from the agony of contingency and causality, and give us a brief, precious glimpse of what we really are, one thing, already complete, and perfectly ambiguous.
Bob Dylan echoed Schopenhauer when he said that the purpose of art is to stop time.
To Schopenhauer, the creation of sublime art was the noblest of human undertakings, and artists, especially musicians, were the high priests of civilization.
If you could go back and ask Schopenhauer whether or not a game, any game, could become a sublime work of art, how would he respond?
He'd probably just pat you on the shoulder, shake his head and chuckle. Why is this?
As you all know, games are about choices. Sid Meier famously defined games as "a series of interesting choices."
And choice is the most fundamental expression of Will.
How can an activity motivated by decisions, striving, goals and competition, a deliberate concentration of the force of Will, be used to transcend Will itself?
You might as well try to smother a flame with oxygen.
Like everyone else is saying...
>gone home
Top kek, nice bait
Video games are a medium, just like books, movies and paintings.
Media can serve different purposes, like entertainment, education, information or art.
Thus, video games aren't just art. Some of them are.
On the other hand it's not like something that is art is better than something made purely for entertainment. That would be like saying that chocolate is better than meat. You can't compare those things as they serve different purposes.
>implying art has to have a message
That's a weird statement to make. How is gameplay not art? Or do they mean to say they value art design? which is fair enough, Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite and Gone Home all have fairly strong art design but then, so does Bayonetta and so did Mario Bros for its time.
Why would appreciating one mean you couldn't appreciate the other? Surely a truly great game would excel at both.
The whole.
How would it not be art? If it is the result of human creativity then it is art. Art is an extremely broad term. I don't understand how it came about that art must be one specific thing.
>Me? I value ART
Then you must be one of those prepotent twats that only likes things because they make you look good. Okay, keep paying to stare a blank canvas.
mostly parroted by faggots who appeal to the authority of semantic fart sniffers from a time before the motion picture
Atmosphere, I just notice that all the games I consider my favourite excel in atmosphere.
Too bad most western devs dont understand art direction
Its a pretty old meme by pc retards that "grahiks dosnt mattr just gamply.ok??????"
Then they sperg out and screm "CONSOLES CNT 4K60DICKS/SEC ULTRA OMG XD"
>Pick the ONE thing you value most from a video game
da tunes
this nigga gets it
Why is it that the same people who want to view everything as art are always the quickest to attempt to commit the greatest crime you can against art; censorship?
The thrill of doing something totally whack.
Competent devs doing competent things.
Natural progression. Feeling like the only reason I can beat a boss is the knowledge and muscle memory that I've gained from playing the game rather than a stat.
The way I see it art has an impact that speaks to the consumer, which I think applies to video games. Also art can mean a craft like swordsmithing, which definitely applies to video games.
Video games are an art but it's sad most people don't recognize that. A work of art has the ability to electrify and astonish people, and I don't know about you but that's what it's been doing to me for years. Gameplay IS art.
>value art
>only upvotes """"""""art""""""""
Impact. I like both mechanically great games like DMC3 or Max Payne and objectively shitty games like Drakengard because they all had a significant impact on me.
Graphics. youtu.be
the last of us has fun gameplay, especially if you crank the difficulty up
>There are people who genuinely believe the bottom games are art
>Games that rip off as many mechanics from other popular games as possible and have a shallow in your face message that only serves as a marketing tool and has no significance to the overall gameplay or story
>A majority of the games on these list is shot that came out last gen
Plebs. All of them.
Ah, a gentleman of exquisite taste.
It was pretty fun
Imagine what TLOU single player would be like if it didn't have forced walking exposition dumps and dumb AI
High art generally tries to exploit the media it is in fully.
And making a game without interactivity is like doing a book without stories, or a movie without video, or a painting with no colors.
You can do it, but you will not be exploiting the media as much as you can and as such, you will not be making high art.
The Sims (and its now interesting clone Rim world) is a lot closer to art than any of those "cinematic experiences".
sneaking through a level was so much fun in that game, it's such a shame that follower AI broke the immersion once every 30 seconds
>it's such a shame that follower AI broke the immersion once every 30 seconds
The follower had no A.I. It was delayed inputs.
Literally git gud in the present and the past to proceed to your future
A bad OST doesn't usually make a game bad, but a great OST can add a lot to a game
I still remember the first time I got a dose of pure ATMOSPHERE.
>Get my first computer as a kid, a hand-me-down eMachines
>Came preinstalled with a bunch of random office shit
>Find a game called Atlantis II thinking it my be some budget action game
>Once you start it up you choose from several locations from the old world
>Get transported to a small island
>Spend several hours just exploring taking in the scenery
I never figured what the fuck I was supposed to do but goddamn that entire experience changed my life forever and now I a good atmosphere is one of the main things I look for in games.
>Atlantis II
I have never seen anyone mention this game here.
Same for me here, user. Favourite game of the childfood for me.
It depends on the games.
Fps solo : gameplay, story, sound
Fps multi : gameplay, sound, graphism
P&C : puzzle, story, voice-acting.
Platformer : gameplay, art style, story
RTS : settings, gameplay, campaign
Does anyone even give a fuck about Infinite? It had its five minutes of fame and now no one gives a shit.
It's such a shame that the original game can't be played on modern hardware without the engine shitting itself.
That and also the fact that the only way to get it now is a bad port of a botched remake on Steam.
Is this the original or the remake that removes all the puzzles?
>a movie without video
and what the fuck would that be?
Sorry, I have no idea. But I've bought the whole package after you reminded me about the game.
But judging by the reviews, the puzzles are still there.
An audio books or a radio storytime
I like games that engross me, either in great gameplay, progression or story.
The witcher 3 is one game I can think that has all 3, I enjoyed both times I have played it and got really engrossed into the game
I value Dragon Quest, other games do not need to apply.
>You will never live in a time we're serialized radio stories were a thing
Remember the star wars intro?
Make it two hours long.
The complete experience.
Fuck all you partisan shiposter cockmonglers.
There is no reason why a game cannot have good everything.
There is no reason to compromise.
Everytime I see it I'm still amazed.
Especially if they're asking for up to 70 bucks for a game now
I better get good everything, not a half assed attempt cause some morons value one aspect over others
What the fuck does texture artist #384 have to do with the game's coding or gameplay design?
>no undertale under art
I mean undertale isn't actually shitty, but it's definitely something people with OPs pics attitude would include.
Holy shit mate,
calm down
>by pc retards
actually it was spawned by console owners who got tired of pc users that said that they had the better graphics
bullshit gameplay that is just on the border of fair and unfair.
Depends on the game.
ur mum depends on my dick
I don't think that's true.
your dad depends on my dick in your mother
>spam and flash
Anyone have the one with the net?
Art is not about having a message, but about letting people find a message for themselves within, if they are so inclined.
I don't know how you can say video games are not art when they contain music, imagery, and (rarely) a compelling story.
(Incoming food simile.)
That's like saying that a hamburger isn't a pastry because there is stuff other than the bun there.
They're all important, but honestly:
Atmosphere/Presentation/Aesthetics (music, sound design, art style, character design, etc.) > Gameplay (game mechanics, level design, etc.) > Story (context, writing, etc.) > Technical graphics (resolution, etc.)
Obviously the gameplay needs to be good, otherwise you get a "style over substance" game, which is bad. But I still value good atmosphere far more than good gameplay. It's the first thing I look for in a game, because that's what will keep me invested. If your game's atmosphere is terrible or doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, you could have the best gameplay in the world and I still wouldn't care for it.
Why not both???
>shit gameplay for toddlers and stories with quota checklists
And done right?