Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One and yet they are charging $400 for a GIMMICK
Do they really think they can pull this shit AGAIN?
Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One and yet they are charging $400 for a GIMMICK
Do they really think they can pull this shit AGAIN?
>Do they really think they can pull this shit AGAIN?
They do and they will, because nintendrones are retarded and will lap any shit up.
400 dollars is a reasonable price.
>preorder price
If I bought a ps4 pro and xbox scorpio, I can buy the switch
>has to compete with not-pro ps4, which will be half that price in march
Wew lad
It's not.
300$ is the absolute maximum they can go, and if they want 3DS like sales, they should price it 200$
If that's the actual price then this thing is DOA.
>Link is to foreign market
400 in Brazil sounds about right, but it clearly a placeholder regardless
No, it really, really isn't. It's a glorified tablet, and not even a high-end one.
This will not be the price. Unless of course you think Italian Gamestop has the exclusive information.
Use your fucking heads.
Nigga it's italian, those are euros
Do you Europeans have nothing better to do than make console war threads all day?
>If the actual price is less than the preorder, you will get refunded of the difference
>GameStop Italy
Still the difference won't be 1:1
It's a thousand fuckin bucks, pack it up cunts Nintendo is gone
is this some kind of joke? who would want to pay $400 for this pos when the alternatives have more features and most importantly, GAMES
I think it's a placeholder price.
Jesus Christ, $400 is too much. I foresee an ambassador program in a year, once this thing tanks.
I can't wait for the Sup Forums threads. People sad about no players online.
i hope it's $400 and nintendo sells it at a lose so hopefully they'll be done making shitty consoles and go third party
is this some kind of joke? who would think this price is real and most importantly, REPLY
I'm so glad I'm not tainted with brain cancer like beta orbiter fucking cuck nintenfucks ...
400 euro = 416 usd
they're dead this time
No, it's not. Even IF it turns out to be shit, you know fanboys will buy it. It will sell well anyway.
This just proves how fucking incompetent Sony and Microsoft are. Nintendo fucks up for a second generation in a row and they still can't wipe them out.
suppose to cost 330.00 canada monies.
eh. i wish it was closer to 200 but ill probably get it eventually.
The same fanboys that got burned with the Wii U?
>399.98 calzones
>It's another pretend that a placeholder price by some unimportant country's stores is real thread
yup, I know someone who said the wiiu was a flop but he's getting the switch because he a fanboy of nintendo
yeah after all the wii u had such great games like super mario world u, xenoblade, and.....uhhh.....
No one is going to buy this at 400 when they can get a PS4 pro for the same price
They are, ever since the wii. Whatever is left is just a rotting corpse.
This can cost $250 tops.
More, and it's dead on arrival.
Games you'll never get sonycuck
Inb4 deflection to other platform
If it's $400, I'll buy a PS4 Pro instead.
Well, some people did buy it. As for me, Switch looks 10 times better than WiiU, even if that's still not good enough.
And WiiU didn't kill Nintendo.
bayonetta 2, mario kart 8 for now, sm4sh to a degree, mh3u to a degree, pikmin 3, wonderful 101, splatoon for now, super mario maker and woolly world until they gave up on the wii u
We did it Sonybros!
Wii U got them down on their knees, though.
Sega didn't die because of the Dreamcast, it died because of the Saturn and the 32X.
mh is boring, grindy and repetitive as fuck
They can get a ps4pro for half of that right now, and yet they are sitting on the shelves.
The switch coming out will not automagically make the ps4 or ps4pro more attractive to a nonexistant audience.
They don't even have a way to put themselves as the opposite of nintendo to have a pseudo duel/battle where they can try to prove they are a better deal.
in 2018..
Im a huge Nintendrone but if they are really doing >$300 this time I will not be buying it on launch.
There is no valid justification for making it any higher and i will never defend this if it is true.
Listen, all they have to do is put mainstream Pokemon and Monster Hunter on it and it will sell no matter what.
pft 400 is nothing, get a job kid, id gladly pay that and even more since it'll be the best sytem ever
>Less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One
Inb4 shitty unconfirmed rumors
>400 US burgerbonds
How did they think they could get away with this.
I can buy a ps4 for less than that.
What kind of a drone are you, then? Do you join every Nintendo thread repeating this same shit?
that's just like, your opinion man, mh is the sole reason the psp wasn't a complete flop and its gaining traction in the us. its alright if you don't like fun though.
You could aslo buy a Xbox One for less than a Ps4
sometimes I wonder if you people really are retarded or just got really fucking good at pretending to be
If you honestly think the switch is equal in value to a scorpio or ps4 pro you are deluded
How? They eventually profited from it
Euros are worth more than burger money.
They could have made this a normal console without the portability gimmick and made it affordable + stronger than wii u + launched with all of the good wii u games revamped without need for the garbage wii u gamepad
they could have made a good wii u
instead we just got Wii U Tuu
>mh is the sole reason the psp wasn't a complete flop
Actually it was the hacking.
It being what cheap 20 dollar android phones are now back then was it's main selling point.
Barely anyone played psp games.
They died because of terribly company infighting between the US and JP. 32x and CD hemorrhaged money and Saturn releasing early pissed off a ton of devs, not to mention it was retarded to develop for with the dual cpus.
nintendo know they can charge whatever they want cos pedos will buy it for splatoon
Although I would say 250 dollaroos for the 3DS like sales.
Are you talking about the Wii U or the Sega consoles?
Because Sega was definitely in financial straights after the Saturn. They would have needed to sell twice as many Dreamcasts as the PS2 to justify staying in the console business.
It's a fucking tablet. There is only so much power you can get out of it before it will melt in your hands.
Both 32x and Saturn burned money away rather than Wii U which lost it for a bit then basically caused no harm. Considering how Nintendo keeps going with the cheap production options this is something that'd take more than one bad generation.
No, they're definintely retarded
it died because of a lot of reasons you niggers have no idea about anything and just parrot shit you've read on Sup Forums
you can buy a ps4 AND, like, a 30 inch tv for as much as itt would cost to get this fucking dog tablet
>It's not stronger than Wii U meme
>It runs BOTW better in handheld mode than Wii U
Yeah, and the Wii U pissed off third party devs and the Switch is looking like Wii U 2 at this point, judgding by the specs and functionality.
Devs were also """"""excited"""""" to work on the Wii U. Video related. Now watch this video and replace "Wii U" with "Switch". It's what you'll see January 12.
So, no source.
As usual.
DOA means dead or alive you retarded shit.
The problem is not 400$.
The problem is 400$ when you have to compete against ps5 and scorpio. The next gen consoles will pulverize every inch of the switch.
>you niggers have no idea about anything
Why don't you educate us then instead of posturing like a know it all
Yes. Yes.
yo where are you getting calzones for a buck?
my calzone guy charges me 6 but theyre the good shit so its ok
> They could have made this a normal console without the portability gimmick and made it affordable
because that worked so well last time
A better value in what way?
Because the people who don't have a ps4/xb1 or the slight upgrades and are interested in the switch are not going to all of a sudden decide to compare and contrast or even consider buying the ps4/xb1.
If this thing takes off, it will get popular and popular fast. But not with the core the "gaming industry" and it's shills.
If they make this a consumer and casual and budget dev friendly device and tell the AAA guys to eat a dick if they try to steer things in a way that will make the console less attractive to the common jack and jill offs they could concievably make a nice little niche for themselves.
They take care of the handheld and smaller devs, push titles that look good but on a budget, and keep the costs for everyone from the devs to the end consumer down.
If they were just parroting shit they read on Sup Forums they would have blamed piracy for why the Dreamcast died
ps4 pros are not selling.
people just dont see the value in it, pretty much only the normies ps4s sold this holiday
The Wii U. Between 2014 and 2015 Nintendo stopped selling at a loss
Is that a meme or do you really not know it stands for Dead On Arrival?
You do know the biggest problem with Saturn was that SEGA announced it was coming out a month after the reveal, and also built it with a mishmash of garbage parts (think of it like the Cell but a million times worse). Switch uses two easy to program hardware platforms, a Nvidia GPU and an ARM processor (Power PC hadn't been a thing in over a decade and yet they still insisted with it in Wii U). Though, it's not really a power thing when Wii got support despite being Gamecube 1.5. It's a sales thing.
That's because they stopped selling it.
The ps4 is barely three years old. Do you seriously expect the ps5 to be around the corner?
Scorpio is just a boosted Xbone as well, not a next gen console.
I'm not going to bother parsing through your rant, the switch is not worth $400 when there are more powerful systems with better multiplat support that cost less and you are delusional if you think otherwise.
a what?
Nigga, that shit ain't coming for years. Sony specifically slapped the Pro together because they don't have enough money to make a PS5.
scorpio is not a boosted xbone. It have a full rx480 inside. Is basically a totally beast from ps4 and xbone.
It isn't stop of being the truth.
GC would have succeeded if it didn't look like a purple lunchbox.