What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

To make Leon cry

And give him blue balls

Idk but I have to say, playing cat and mouse is far less romantic when you're both pushing 40
Just fuck already

and a broken heart;_;

We don't know.
She has her own goal but we only know that it involves taking and moving different viruses around and that Leon makes her feel tingly.

She could be working for Chinese Umbrella (their competeor, something chinese pharmasitucals).
It'd make sense as to why she steals the viruses and destorys research into them on such a regular basis.
But if she is she's doing it entirely for her own reasons and will probably betray them when they no longer suit her needs.

>as if she's not using him for her own ends

They had dinner together after Damnation, apparently.

Would Claire have gone for Leon?

Being the best girl.

Strange she keeps playing that game since she already won.

No way fag

Chris would murder him for it anyway


>Hey, I know you halped my sister survive and even helped rescue and protect a kid and Claire gave you some "glad to be alive/hero" sex.
>But that's my little sister, man.
>You know what else?
>I train by punching bolders!

My assumption was always that she was after viral non-proliferation. Whenever she steals a virus, it tends not to pop back up, or at least not because of her.
Had she, say, let Leon take the plaga sample back to the US, it could've ended up in the wrong hands again. Better to just keep it locked up somewhere.

She obviously wants to bone Leon but probably keeps the goal of disappearing dangerous viruses as top priority and needs to keep him at arm's length so she can keep manipulating him into helping her.

Never have I seen a more fitting title to a picture.

But the Plagia can still be harvested form Salazar's castle, they're sealed underneath it.

Remeber that she stole the Plagia for Wesker and he used it to increase the ability that Uroburos has, replicating the soundwave communication to put Africa under his control.

She has her own goal but it requires her to do some shady to despicable shit.
Sure, the viruses she disappears tend to stay gone but fuck me is that shady in itself.

>not trusting Ada Wong

be enigmatic spy lady

>Trusting somebody that tells you nothing, allows you to know nothing and gives only the vaguest hints of what's really going on.
>Trusting somebody that plays every side at once.
>Trusting somebody that gladly abandons your ass at the drop of a hat.

Only time she's been on Leon's side entirely was Damnation.

God fucking dammit, I can't even see a woman in a red split leg dress anymore without my mind seeing a bulge. Fuck whoever made that edit.

Honestly if we're talking about me I'd probably go full Simmons if Ada showed the slightest interest in my stuff.

They didn't mention a single reason behind her motives in RE2 that I can recall. She was meant to get close to one of the scientists, he died, and so she went on trying to get a sample.

God, I'm so glad they gave her a stupid cocktail dress for RE4. Everything about that game was stupid in the best way possible.

>Would make your won Ada from a scientist that wants the D, dump her she goes full cunt and makes a new virys.
>Calls it the C-Virus, assume that C means cunt.

I mean, I figure many people would go full Simmons for Ada.
She's 40 and hot as fuck still.
But she has "property of Leon... someday" on her ass.

No way, fag

Being featured in like 3 games and still not knowing who the fuck she is is her thing.

You'd make a nippleless pseudoclone of her?

>she has "property of Leon... someday" on her ass.
You don't need to remind me m8
I am reminded of that enough

No that's not what I meant.

The fucking Wolf Pack members are better characters than her.

She's basically a female HUNK, only she gets special treatment.

I think she's pretty good.

Leon, please.


I wish I was

>I wish I was a 40-year-old virgin with a teenager's haircut
Have you not noticed that Leon is depressed? He's been a total bore ever since Ada denied him a victory fuck in Spain.

He's depressed because he has to be in another CGI film that will probably take away his personality again.
Also that he has to co-star with Chris and Rebecca.

Maybe Chris will make it all better for him while Rebecca waits in the car.

What If he is fucking Rebecca instead

What're you, gay?

>Chris doing anything but punching shit, looking for Jill, killing anybody with the name Wesker or going on revenge quests.
>Making anything better for anybody but Rebecca, who is gonna get kidnapped.

>and Rebecca.

There's nothing wrong with Rebecca.

And Chris is alright.

Rebecca is 35 years old now

That's just young enough to still be fuckable but old enough to be getting desperate.

Did you not play Revelations or RE6?

Chris is a big ol' homo. I don't mind it, either.

No, I just don't want to drag Rebecca into another CGI film.
She had it bad enough in the musical.

to tease leon so badly that he gives in all civility and brutally rapes her within an inch of her life.

Chris isn't gay, he's missionsexual.
Only reason he's not fucked Jill.

That's pretty funny, but he has a really gay sailor costume in Revelations.

>"Chris's PTSD is leaking again"
>"I left my Ada picture in the other jacket"
>"I wish Umbrella would make normal zombies again"

So long as she's been maintaining her health she'll still look good, add to that that she's past the cutoff point where women stop behaving like they're still in highschool.

>add to that that she's past the cutoff point where women stop behaving like they're still in highschool
You think the writers give a shit about that?

I know and it's fantastic.
Played as it all the time.

>Guy behind all this is small time.
>Why am I in venace.

I wonder if Kamiya or Mikami had a plan for her and she just kind of ended up in limbo when they left.

I hope she dies in the most horrible way while Leon watches and goes full suicidal after but can't an hero since he is immortal because of virus

The sample Ada gave Wesker was intentionally defective or fake or whatever. The sample Wesker ultimately used came from Krauser's body. This is stated somewhere but I can't remember where. Probably one of the files in RE6.

This simply begs the question as to what the fuck is Ada doing?

This will forever be a mystery.

It was in one of the files of the umbrella chronicles games i think

A thought occours.
Ada was infected with an imperfect sample of the G-Virus that didn't mutate her as she had access to a kind of vaccine.
As a result she's massively infected without being able to change and wants the virus flushed from her system.

All these viruses she's getting and disappering are to try to find a way to cure her infection so she can live without having to worry about maybe mutating into another Berkin monstrosity.

Best I have at a guess.


i hope leon eats poopoo and drinks peepee hahahaha

For whatever reason, they hardly ever bring viruses back, just introduce new ones with each game.

RE2=T and G
CVX=T and T-Veronica
4=Las Plagas
5=Las Plagas and Uroboros
6=C-Virus (aka, the "Do whatever the game needs it to do at any particular time" Virus)
Rev2=Some new virus that I can't remember

T-Phobos and Uroboros for Rev2.

t-Veronica in The Darkside Chronicles

>it could've ended up in the wrong hands again

She should have done a better job of killing Sauerkrauser then.

so is re7 virus a new one or a mix of one of the old ones

Say that to my cousins gf. I've never seen such as waste of human space in my life. She only has a 8th grade education and it shows horribly.

The virus is called inbreeding.

Who cares? It looks like a bad spin-off.

It seems like something new, with all the molded business going on, but it also seems really similar to Sherry's healing factor brought on by her mutated G-Virus.

I know this won't be the case, but I've got a headcanon theory that Jack was an Umbrella researcher who was working on an immortality virus for Spencer. He found one that works, but the side effect is that it makes you crazy, and he injected his family with it too.

So did RE4 when that came out.

Bakers were missing three years prior to the start of the game.
If Jack was an Umbrella Researcher, he continued his research at home.

I said a BAD spin-off, user.

>cheesy/humorous writing
>creepy enemy designs
>The Mercenaries, as well as Separate Ways and Assignment Ada
>third-person camera
>unlockable costumes
>"I need to hide! I need to hide!"
>human enemies and a goopy "zombie"
>VCR tapes (dlc)

From what we've seen so far, it's absolute garbage.

Oh please, everyone was clamoring about RE4 not being a REAL Resident Evil game right up until it came out and redefined the franchise for over a decade.

>tfw Leon rejects your advance but you stick around and save him anyway
Are we sure Leon is the one who suffers the most?

Way to ignore my points.

RE4 didn't totally rely on jumpscares and the VR meme.

Ada looks like a tranny in that movie.

I don't think you know what a tranny is.

>RE4 didn't totally rely on jumpscares

Because it was barely trying to be a horror game.

>VR meme

If you have an opportunity to try the demo in VR, I suggest you give it a shot. It's pretty awesome.

No, but it DID have a lot of people passing judgement on it before it even came out.

An Asian tranny.

>a horror game

So fucking what?

if only real life ones actually looked like the pic youre talking about

then maybe they'd be taken seriously and they wouldnt be considered mental degenerates

Oh, you're one of those, huh? Kudos for getting me to bite more than once, I guess.

>barely trying to be a horror game
You're so full of shit. RE4 is a nearly perfect action-horror game.

Meanwhile, RE7 is just trying to coast off the VR meme. Go search "resident evil vii" on jewtube and witness the cancer.

I'm so glad you RE4 faggots are getting a taste of your own medicine. It sure goes down bitter, doesn't it?

If anything, REVII is trying to be an interactive horror movie. One of those dime-a-dozen found footage ones.

Fuck off, retard. RE4 isn't even my favorite of the series.

There are some pretty good looking ones out there, if you know where to look. Check out Beni Sasaki.

Resident Evil Characters are getting too old.
in RE6 everyone is a veteran just beating up zombies like it's an average sunday morning.
and in Revelations 2, with claire it's basically "oh this happened again, but claire done this before so whatevs"

so yea, unless they find some small niche in a characters life where that character isn't the ultimate anti BOW machine, it just feels shitty now.

Please step on my dick and spit on my face.

At least she didn't constantly bring up Raccoon City like Leon did in 6.

You know what's fucking unbelievable? Humans standing a chance against absolute monster machine BOWs. BOWs are fucking undead, a few magazines of rifle ammo should be nothing to them.

Put your fat cocks where I can see them

user please I'm trying to swear off of masturbation and you're reminding me that Ada is literally my perfect fantasy

Good luck.

we need the pre RE6 Sherry game.

>a few magazines of rifle ammo
There are often explosives involved in fighting them. Whether it's red barrels or rockets.

I'm playing through RE6 with my brother, how do I make it less awkward when Sherry gives me an erection?

Ask your brother to play pretend

He's buff and a few years older than me, I can't.

So? You'll be Sherry

Well he can be Jake then

Just because all of YOU want to get fucked in the ass doesn't mean I do.

Unless it's Ada.

>not wanting to get fuck in the ass
>being this gay

Are you a gay?