Looking back was it really THAT good?

Looking back was it really THAT good?

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I keep coming back to this game and I can never finish it. For a metroid-like game, its kinda boring.


I played it for the first time not too long ago (CS+ btw) and yeah I can see why people love it. Undertale I will never understand though.

Western indie game developers: beg for money, hype up your product, blog about very facet of development and your personal life, attract a cult of personality, release your game and become a rich internet celebrity.

Japanese indie game developers: spend years working on a project in silence or with occasional (technical) updates, release it, "This is my game. I hope you enjoy it."

Ever since Minecraft it seems like every indie dev is just trying to make games for a quick buck and that's a damn shame.
Good thing we have doujin games.

It was good but I feel like Axiom Verge captured the natural progression of Metroid-exploration better. I remember Cave Story being fairly linear but accomplished more with its at least memorable plot. Everything else is about the same.

The game itself is alright. Nothing amazing, but pretty solid
Cave Story is important because it practically started the whole indie scene in the 2000s. We hadn't had a huge game like that made by one before

Pretty much. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, I had a lot of fun with it ten years ago oh god where does the time go but a lot of the praise came from the mammoth impact it had. It was just so far above what most indies could offer, paid or free.

>a metroid-like game
The game is not like Metroid at all. it's Mega Man! MEGA MAN! Just because you get missile tanks doesn't mean the game is about backtracking to find secrets and upgrades. It's linear.

Generalizing helps no one. For every Tim Schafer there is an Infaune. Look at this chart. Most of these games are from Americans.

Cave Story legit has 10/10 level and weapon design. Look deeper.

Yes. Great boss fights, mostly fun levels, great soundtrack, doesn't look like total ass, and Hell is a 10/10 area.


>axiom verge
>natural progression
because yoyoing from one side of the world to the other every time you get a power feels natural

>dildo tank
>all links are dead

>tfw all those games would be shitty half assed cash grabs if they were made today.


its good, but kero blaster is better

It's not, it's a good balance of artsy, viral, pretentious, and decent gameplay, hence it attracts a shitton of people that doesn't know shit about videogames. Like Undertale.

On the other hand, finding that balance surely is a difficult thing to do, so it definitely has its merits, even if it's not a fucking timeless masterpiece like its fans believe.
Exactly like Undertale.

Holy shit i have to try this

You haven't explained why it's not.

Nah, Ori shits all over it.

And Undertale was good, what's your point?


At the time it was, but if you've kept up with modern indie games of the same genre Cave Story is actually pretty mediocre in comparison.

I'm surprised this thread is as hard on it as it is. I think every aspect of this game still holds up and has aged well and that if it released today it'd be loved.

If it was released today it would be forgotten under all the other indie sidescrollers of similar budget levels because Normies cannot discern quality and a game that looks as modest as Cave Story would have no guarantee of rising to the top. Also people would immediately and ceaselessly bitch about the secret ending not being obvious.

welcome to neo Sup Forums

most people in this thread probably didnt play through it

Kero Blaster is crazy underrated. Fantastic weapons, great level design, a system set up so that players struggling to beat levels will eventually be able to buy upgrades and be able to beat said levels with their new upgrades. Shit's great.

Also the hard mode bringing up a bunch of changes to the game made it worth playing through twice easily.

>Cave Story

Are you seriously this stupid? Do you think Cave Story had paid marketers talking about it on Sup Forums? Also what aspects of cave story are pretentious? The story does a good job of unfolding and you don't find out the core elements of the story unless you get the good ending but there's nothing trying to pose itself as deep in the entire game.

The biggest offense Cave Story has is that it's a bit bland and floaty. Pixel seems to like floaty games so that's probably more of a personal preference really. Beyond that it's a well made game with unique systems and a pretty interesting story with some great moments. Gameplay is a bit simple, but it does a lot with its style of play.

Why the hell is Jumper 3 instead of 2 there.

Also I'm surprised La-Mulana didn't make it into the top 5.

it aged bad

>Do you think Cave Story had paid marketers talking about it on Sup Forums?

that's not what viral means

you're thinking of viral marketing, that post is referring to viral as "gained popularity through the word of mouth on the internet", a concept that tends to make things even more popular, sometimes regardless of their merits.

Cave Story is THE indie game, only ones that come close in my book are La-Mulana and Shovel Knight.

ok what is an example of a game (indie or non indie) that aged well in your opinion

im serious what does this mean ;

all games are a product of their time
does having pic related be remade 10x imply it didnt age well and had to be remade?


>10/10 level design
>most of the game is huge empty hallways with a bunch of enemies thrown around with no rhyme or reason
Have you not played an actually good platformer in your life?

Super Metroid is so fucking good that modern Indie games try their best to try to match it, and they don't always succeed

oh and castlevania, the one with the guy with white hair

>Kero Blaster is crazy underrated
it's so damn good, i like it better than cave story

yes it was

unlike most trash produced these days, the game was legit fun and difficult, warranting it's place in videogame history

My fucking niggas. Kero Blaster deserves more praise.

What a cool and vague criticism. If only it had enough substance to actually deconstruct, I could leave you happy to enjoy a great game. Can you put a little more effort into your analysis, brother? Perhaps with specific examples or maybe some screenshots with mspaint doodles laid on top, like they do in pro sports.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Still one of the best games in the series

People talk about the things they enjoy, what a fucking shock. Trying to use its popularity on Sup Forums as an argument against the game is genuinley retarded.

>huge empty hallways

I can't even think of a single linear part of Cave Story that didn't have platforms to jump on or changes in slope that required you to think a bit about how you were advancing.

Really, what your saying is retarded.

It didn't.

There's not much to deconstruct because it's a very barebones, unremarkable game in terms of level design. I'd like to hear your justifications though besides the usual nonsense like "it teaches you the basics well!" or "the level design works when you're going both directions!"

Why would you think about how you're advancing? You can pretty much just run and shoot without putting any thought into it what so ever for most of the game until it starts putting spikes everywhere

Here you go soldierfromthesurface.com/games/cavestory/

Try to do that on Grasstown, you'd get fucked by the asshole bears that fly and butt-stomp you

SotN, Metroid Prime (fuck it, every Metroid except the first two and OM), Wind Waker, FFIX, Morrowind (if you don't like the gameplay now you wouldn't have liked it at the time either).

All these games are just as good if not better now that we have a better objective understanding of true merit and quality in the medium than they were at the time they came out.

boy, calm down

Nobody said that what you like is shit, it's just that I don't think Cave Story is a timeless masterpiece. The viral thing was to explain how it can be so popular even if it's not a timeless masterpiece, in my opinion.
I'm sorry you felt offended.

This article is absolute horseshit desu, I cannot believe you expect anyone to waste their time reading this nonsense. For example
>Because of the enemy placement and movement, what was once easy going left to right suddenly becomes difficult to manage when coming back from the other side.
Just gonna leave it at that? No details or anything? I don't see anything clever about this, it exists in every metroidvania game

No you cannot. There isn't a single area were you can just hold left or right and waltz through without issue, even if there wasn't enemies.

>I'm going to make a claim, but I'm going to be completely unable to back my claim up

Okay, interesting statements yo.

The coolest thing about Grasstown is how they use the slopes to make the polar star less useful and to make the fireball more useful. It's a neat little way to get the player to use a new tool.

>Just gonna leave it at that? No details or anything?
How dare they just trunc

You say I'm making a claim, yet you're the one making extreme claims like Cave Story having 10/10 level design without any real backup of your own besides some shitty article that spends an entire section fellating a basic tutorial as if it's the second coming of christ

>Those weapons
>That music
Yeah I'd say it's pretty good.

Yes, next question.

I wasn't the user making the 10/10 claim, nor am I the user linking that article, I'm just saying that making the statement

>Why would you think about how you're advancing? You can pretty much just run and shoot without putting any thought into it what so ever for most of the game until it starts putting spikes everywhere


>most of the game is huge empty hallways with a bunch of enemies thrown around with no rhyme or reason

is retarded and completely untrue. It isn't flawless level design but it's good and diverse all throughout the game. Grass town has nice slopes everyone that compliment the fire gun. Egg Corridor has multiple pits that require you to jump on boxes to get out of, with an insta kill hazard at the bottom of the stage that you are forced and rewarded for going through. Desert area circles around and forces you to explore before you can actually beat the game, you also need to jump onto the suspended platformers in order to reach the store room at the end. The outer wall is nothing but upward platforming and jumping. The plantation is similar to Mimga village but it has enemies and multiple areas to explore.

Really, the game has a lot of diversity in its level design, egg corridor is the closest thing to a hallway and it's still got stuff going on.

So is Treasure Adventure Island dank? I haven't played a free game in fucking forever.

Is the pay version of Bunny Must Die worth it?

Hero Core is fucking awesome!

Yes, but it could' ve used more levels.

>So is Treasure Adventure Island dank?
I wouldn't call it dank. I'd call Spelunky and AM2R dank.

I downloaded Herocore and it seemed dank, but I never got far in it.

Also Tower of Heaven is great and can easily be beaten in a single sitting, also the OST is really strong


AM2R is probably the best free game released honestly. As much as I love Cave Story AM2R is just better than it.

La mulana not in the top 5 that is a mighty shame
I liked it more than cave story

It does nothing that nes/snes era games havent done better.
But it is pretty good for something made by 1 person.

It has unique aspects not seen in other games, and its story is pretty damn great. Not saying it's better than those older games but it deserves some praise.

It' s missing the Gretel and Hansel games.

Are all these worth checking? Or should I focus on a particular one?

If you haven't played Barkley yet, check that out first as it's fucking amazing.

Axiom Verge would be a good game, if the "game loop" wasn't making 3 loops around the map.

I have only played like 20% of the list, and have heard about 50%, and it seems like a damn fine solid collection of great games. The genres are all over the place, so just pick one of a genre you like.

>no mention of Wuppo anywhere
better than Cave Story

That image is about freeware games... and it's four years old. Boy do you look silly!

Pretty good still, was amazing at the time when your other options were like Eternal Daughter

>Replay Cave Story
>tfw it's every bit as good as I remember
>tfw Hell still kicked my ass before I beat it again

Its simply a good game.
It also seem to lack anything bad.

I need an entire game that plays like Hell

Some of the harder shmups fit the bill.

I play every december.

How many (you)'s do you want? Cause I have only a few.

>The game is not like Metroid at all.
If you're completely fucking delusional, sure.

>There are people ITT who didnt get the Nikamuru Timer
>They didnt get a new title screen

pixelshit meme game


I don't think this list would look much different if it was made today.

Warning forever is really good, I remember playing it and enjoying a lot.

No, it is a dogshit game praised by underage daggots and wannabes, same for shovelknight and undertale.

The only 2 good indie games on Steam are Axiom Verge and Salt & Sanctuary.

No its easy and boring. Play La Mulana instead.

Lmfao, die from cancer casual shitters. You pussies can't handle real games like that. That design choise is what makes true metroid games so good, it reinforces the isolation and atmosphere. Die from aids casuals.

Axiom Verge is shit.

How do I beat this guy?

It is godtier, it copies the best game ever created, there is nothing you can do to change reality. Suck my dick casual.


yea, that list is a waste of time

Only played the 3ds version, was fun and challenging, I liked the art and music too.

Oh (you)
epic bait

>Axiom Verge

Its been a long time since I played but I remember 1st stage is easy, 2nd stage is about seeing ball-os' pattern and dodging while taking conservative eye shots, and stage 3 is about taking a hit on the floor spikes, standing on his face right next to the eye, and then unloading super missiles

? What you tryinh to say? AV is god tier, fuck off cancer casual.

No, it's actually even better.

>The only 2 good indie games on Steam are Axiom Verge and Salt & Sanctuary.
now this is what I call shit taste