Do people still think invasion is adds to the game or has that meme died

do people still think invasion is adds to the game or has that meme died

It adds frustration

It did before offline babby mode became a thing.

Sometimes frustration, sometimes legitimate excitement. It's a pain in the dick when the invader is an overpowered griefer.

It ruined co-op, which was already pretty fucking horrible.

>It ruined co-op
That's pretty funny you say that, considering co-op ruined invasions in the end

Nah, they're a failure of the game designer and cause artificial frustration for the invaded. I hope to see them removed in DS4.

Depends completely on the invader. It's great when it's 1on1 against someone who's in it just for the fun. 95% of the time it's either a twink with a cookie cutter build doing the invading, the invader getting fucked up by 3 people ganging up on them or both at the same time.

tl,dr: Invasions were ever good when the game was new and nobody knew what the fuck they were doing.

With the constant over-pampering to hosts, it's become un-fun for both the invader and host.

You only really get invaded when you're engaging in co-op, so the dumb as fuck AI these games all have falls apart when there's 2 players, as it's so easy to take advantage of, which means the threat of having an invader on top of mobs is diminished entirely.

Then for the invader it's not exactly fun fighting 3 or 4v1 so nobody invades anymore.

They should get the guy who did the AI for the red phantoms in DaS2's DLC to design every AI, whatever he did was so fucking hilarious and brilliant. That's the only way making invasions focus on co-op groups will work, otherwise the host and his 3 buttbuddies just stomp on the mobs and shit all over the invader with complete ease.

Invasions are at their best when you're either doing them as a low-level min-max build to spank a group of scrubs, or getting invaded while leveling a character solo as a nice bit of added challenge. Other than that they're mediocre or just garbage.

>invading someone ends with you getting yanked by shitters
>getting invaded ends with you tediously dealing with a cheesing twink shitter

Low level DeS was where it was at for the entire series.

I genuinely enjoy the thrill of being under constant threat of invasion while unhollowed or emberedcrucifixion woods

It was great in das1+das2 during the times before their metas were established.

Garry invasions were last xpac user...

>doing them as a low-level min-max build to spank a group of scrubs

This is exactly the reason why invaders get gangbanged. Ultimately that mentality leads to PvP meta where the only things matter is which one can be a bigger asshole.

I sort of agree. Even then there was the occasional scraping spear faggot though.

>doing co-op on your first playthrough

Whoever did this is subhuman and they're only ruining it for themselves.

It was funny as hell.
Easily the best part about DaS1, too bad the sequels totally fucked everything up.

I have over a hundred sunlight medals from invading on my level 20 twink in High Wall.

On my 125 main the most fun thing is solo arena honor duels, the brawl modes are garbage (especially the 1v1 brawls which result in constant cheese attempts and you have to wait the full round time even if you stomp the opponent)

Actually invading at meta SL invariably results in a 1v3 fight against a host and his infinitely respawning phantom army.

Way of Blue and Darkmoons should only come to the aid of individuals without phantoms summoned, hosts shouldn't get estus advantage and health advantage and seeds, once your phantoms have died you should have to rest at a bonfire before being able to summon more again (or at least not the same fuckers over and over again)

Every encounter in the entire game is balanced and designed around one player, having even a single phantom trivializes the game to a hilarious degree even if they do nothing but act as a meat shield. Maybe they should get boosted poise and damage when there's multiple summons ton encourage dodging and actually playing the encounter, idk.

Elfriede, for examplex has no poise and gets staggered from any hit. With a fast weapon a solo player can block her first hit and swing to immediately prevent her combo then stun lock her, you can prevent her going invisible a single time in her first phase this way. With one phantom she never gets to attack ever, with two it's a fucking gangbang that a jury would lock you up for committing.

Adding poise to stagger-sensitive bosses if you have phantoms would make things a whole lot less casual, and by forcing people to improve at the game in order to progress there would be less entitlement when they got invaded and died.

The PVE in dark souls 3 is very good, the PVP is a fucking shit show. Dks1 still has the most fun invasions where both host and invader appreciate the stakes and are motivated to win

Invasion was a fun and unique experience that lets you bully people.
It's a shame DaS 3 ruined this concept.

When i got invaded by a twink i mostly just saw it as a challenge and tried to win anyways. I still enjoyed it. the only thing that ever bothered me were the blatant hackers. btu i still managed to kill 1 of them by kicking them off a ledge.

People who hate the invasion system are just babies.

It added in demons souls where you could seriously fuck their games up

Unfortunately this isn't the case in the sequels. In das1/2 they will just ignore you and run to the boss since you're not blocked off anymore plus the invader can't heal unless they use humanity

You can't even invade freely in BB, except for the first half of frontier/mensis

The real garbage is DaS 3 where you get summoned into a world of 4 people and get seeded with half estus, it's absolutely garbage

>First time playing DeS
>20 Str
>Grinding souls in 4-2 so I could use the Dragon Bone Smasher in 1 hand
>Invaded for the first time
>Run behind a pillar at the end of the hallway
>Dude in Dorans 1handing the DBS
>Shit myself
>Let him run right past me, go for the start thinking I could leave
>Seeing the fogwall, think about using an archstone shard
>"No, fuck it, he came for a fight."
>Turn around
>He's looking over the balcony
>Would have landed a plunge if DeS had those
>Nasty DBS dance/battle of attrition follows, eating grass everytime we can
>He's near the cliff when he munches
>Send him reeling
>Slowly slides off the cliff during his standing animation
Invasions are more integral to the game than Coop.

The games are easy enough as is. I'll welcome an challenge
Not once across the whole series, Demon's and Bloodborne included, did I EVER summon help to get through an area. Co-op was restricted to bosses, and that was only after I beat them solo once before. Never more than one phantom either.
I don't understand how anyone finds ganking fun in the slightest outside of cosplay builds

>This is exactly the reason why invaders get gangbanged.

And if you don't want to get gangbanged to death, since the VAST majority of invasions will be against a group, you have to min-max a bit. This is as much a natural result of the game's summoning/invasion mechanics as it is any kind of meta. You don't have to go all out and do a low-level run to get end-game gear, but if you're going to be fighting groups, your starting gear won't cut it.

Well, actually, starting gear for several classes is some of the best in the game for endgame.

Even after its nerfs the Estoc is a phenomenal weapon, the longsword has the absurdly powerful straight sword moveset, higher AR than gotthards, can be buffed/resined, and has the Stance weapon art with its guard break (useful vs PVE shitters and their phantoms with shields) and it's heavy attack with hyper armor and damage reduction to win trades

Armor is essentially worthless but the Knight set has good poise if you use a greatsword post-patch and is only like 5% less effective than havels at damage reduction

>Sup Forums is offline mode, plug pulling, ganking, overlevelshits
>always bitching about darksouls being easy

Invasions throughout a playthrough are the only reason the games are worth getting for full price at launch. Hell, they turned DS3 into possibly my favorite game of the year, despite it being fairly shit a few months after.

I pity those who missed the launch of dark souls 1 and 3, and I pity myself for missing the launch of Demons. Though I've heard that games pvp was shit anyway.

Das 2 need not apply, and bloodborne pvp is a joke.

I did level 5 scraping spear invasions with baby nail to get them to not only lose all their souls, weapons, and armor, but healing items too. I also camped as the old monk boss with a scraping spear. Rarely if ever did i lose.

I did level 10 lightning katana invasions at the Parrish in DS1. murdered hundreds of hosts and phantoms.

Ever since those 2 games, invasions went to shit. Thanks, crybabies.

Those are all great weapons - for using against a single opponent. For fighting a gank you generally want something with hyper armor, a long, sweeping range, and enough damage to send someone running off to heal with one or two hits. Since you're going to be taking damage regardless of how well you play it, you'll need extra estus shards and bone dust, and some rings to fill out the gaps in your build, since you're staying at low level.

Like I said, you don't have to go crazy with it, even just making a run to Farron swamp can set you up for a good low-level build, but the game just doesn't give you enough to make invading early on viable at all without specifically gearing yourself up for it.

Seriously try invading at high wall with a heavy great club +2 and as much strength and hp as you can get before level 20, it's a blast. A 3v1 goes from unwinnable to almost fair

i only buy the games to fight people, its all i care about