>decide to go back to Runescape >haven't yet done Defender of Varrock >mfw the demon at Family Crest just fucking dissappears and wont come back >mfw filling my inventory with fucking 20 limpwurt roots and then banking it later because of the fucking bridge >mfw getting jumping at wildy for trying to talk to the Abyss wizard to start the miniquest >mfw 2 HOURS MINIMUM OF GROWING for Tranquil Garden >mfw reading all the required items It was no wonder I fucking quit this shit game. Runescape has tons of content but half of it is poorly done quests. For instance, if I wasn't reading a guide how could I have known all the items I was getting for quests when I was in Karamja and this was back before Lodestones? How was I supposed to know I had to keep starting conversations with the Zamorakian Mage after they ended, and ended, and ended with no prompts to further continue to access the abyss? How was I supposed to know I needed to talk to certain NPC's who weren't named in the quest? How was I supposed to know I needed to find a Desert Phoenix to get a quil and then use an empty vial, or better yet grind a black mushroom into an empty vial for The Golem?
I honestly could go on forever, but this is going to make me quit Runescape again. Can anyone on this thread convince me otherwise?
Runescape is a singleplayer mmo, a singleplayer mmo infamous for an unhelpful Jagex and a less helpful playerbase
Easton Turner
osrs obv
Thomas Green
Runescape quests are still by far exceedingly better than any other MMOs to date. If you actually treat them like a real game instead of like mmo quests, as in reading and thinking shit through for yourself, they are so fucking fun.
Joseph Foster
Don't fall for the oldschool meme. Runescape 3 is literally better in every single way. Throw on revolution when you don't feel like using abilities.
Owen Miller
Yeah it is. I would play 2 again, but fuck starting over from scratch.
Christian Cox
I just quit 07 for rs3 no joke, once you get used to the combat system you kind of forget it's any different because it becomes natural. The new quests are really great, new music is actually nice at low volume, THERE'S NO FUCKING BOTS LIKE THEY SWARM IN 07 HOLY SHIT, and I didnt realize the community was actually not a toxic pile of shit on it, figured it was exactly the same as 07. Graphics are actually really nice at max settings in the new areas where they actually made new graphics, they can look wonky in outdated areas but again you get used to it
Jayden Thomas
OP here, I'm inclined to agree with you. A lot of the older quests that tie in with the new ones did receive a graphical nip and tuck, but that was it. I've been stuck in this Intermediate Questing purgatory for years with no end in sight. I just gave up Morytania so I can focus on Jagex's new content (more endgame than anything else).
It's all so, so disheartening.
Angel Young
The only thing I miss about old Runescape is the challenge that quests (and the game in some regards) had. But this isn't exclusive to OSRS, it's about the game before the combat rework at all. Quest bosses like Nomad and Vanstrom were super fun. Desert Treasure brothers back in the day were legit too.
I also fucking miss when people would die and drop all their shit immediately. Made you really fucking plan and not be a dumb fuck when doing dangerous activities and now it's like whatever. Finding someone dying was the best too.
What pisses me the fuck off is that OSRS actually had people drop items when it first came out but those fucking candyasses voted for gravestones. At the point OSRS is in now I'd just play the new game honestly.
Jacob Garcia
yeah I wish more people gave rs3 a chance, it's mostly bashed by autismos that have never actually tried it at all/gave it a real try of more than 5 minutes. They just sperg out and think they are somehow more hardcore by playing the game where the developers literally bend over for every whim of the playerbase. Exactly what the guy above said about gravestones
Joseph Brown
Guy that actually played during 06' 07 here that plays rs3 reporting in.
if EOC weren't a thing, the hardest bosses would still have mechanics like pray flicking (jad) and dodging fire wall (qbd) everyone would be able to do the endgame content and the best gear would be dirt cheap... not to mention the lack of content for high levels on osrs...
I grind all the fucking game.. and for what??? to buy a elysain spirit shield??? nice endgame content. As I like to say, "safespotting the monsters, the game" aka osrs.
Christian Gonzalez
I kind of hated how stream lined the grind became if you became a member.
Like, if you want to level mining and smithing (which leveled at different rates to make things more annoying), you would mine at varrock, walk south to lumbridge to the forge to smelt the ore and then walk back to varrock to use the anvils.
But then you subscribed and you would immediately have the ore, forge and anvils all in one place.
Ayden Martin
I get insanely triggered when people call RS3 "easyscape" because oldschool is so much fucking easier lol. I started in 2004 and maxed my account in 2008 basically at the same level where OSRS is now and they are gonna say I have it easy? I went through that shit and still say RS3 is harder. Just because some grindy skills aren't as grindy anymore doesn't make the game easy.
James Sullivan
endgame pvp is a sham in OSRS, it's Ice Barage, then dbow spec, then dclaw spec and everything else. The exact same order by exactly everyone. I've got one(1) friend that still bothers with OSRS and that's just for GE.
Members still have worse, like doing a fucking quest just to avoid the bullshit to GWD, or any fucking shortcut to fucking anywhere, for that matter. >it's an overworld tick >it lowers all your stats >there are wolves everywhere >also you can't run lol >if you're not wearing saradomin gear the adds will aggro before you finish loading lol >the fucking quest by itself
nope, rs3 is really easy now, they made a lot of things afk, you could go cook dinner, come back and your character would still be skilling (unless the game auto logs you out for inactivity)
>for an unhelpful Jagex They interact pretty well with the playerbase on rebbit though.
David Miller
well, you can get 99 firemaking in less than a week now if you play 4 hours everyday doing a minigame in osrs at level 3, the only downside it's membership only
David Powell
>What pisses me the fuck off is that OSRS actually had people drop items when it first came out but those fucking candyasses voted for gravestones.
Servers were shitting themselves all the time along with DDOS so it was better this way desu.
Kayden Jones
While Dovydas only had 1 day played he had to use several promotions throughout the year to achieve that.
Getting shittons of bxp from prismania or meteor storm and then burning said bxp with smoldering lamps