




Nice thread, faggot.

Kill yourself.


I unironically think these are better than those other comics that always get posted,


I desire intercourse with White Korra

You will not receive

Thanks doc


now im getting horny again

Hell yeah *unzips dick*

why the fuck the cropping? source!

>bottom right corner
infinity chan get out


What did you do to the text


thanks doc







who told you to stop nigger


>dialogs in porn
When willl artist learn?



me on the top left


>not raping the friend
what a cuck

>friend looks much better than "class madonna"
Could've at least put effort at it

How did she know it was from him if she didn't read it?
Checkmate bitch.

source lad? I'd like to read this


Pls post all of them. I need to for my collection

You shouldn't be able to guess a story on the second page, but I guess it's cute.

Obviously means the friend likes the guy and found the letter then threw it away.


I need more white Korra

The artist name is RIGHT HERE.

>she's a stalker
I was partially right.



Thanks user, I didn't have my glasses on.



Henshin Ganbo


>how do I do that?
"By going out with me!"




hahaha nah mate, this is an 8




I fucking love this one

>It's almost as it
>as it

This better have some amazing plot twist


the boy and twintail blondie fall for eachother
twintail blondie is a boy

It's a good oneshot or atleast it seems like a oneshot. It being labeled as "ongoing" makes me hopeful.

He ends up fucking the blonde but only after he practices on his pet dog

Check this 2


The title page literally says one shot, family

name? taking too long


Oh fuck. Didn't see it. Thanks.

Henshin Ganbo





He was supposed to be our guy.



I literally just bing searched the filename and found it.

>you'll never have someone this cute burn you down so you can rebuild yourself and have her


He is

Trips literally do not lie.

But hes right. everyone who masturbates to lolis is a pedophile

>throws fish to distract her
>suddenly trail of gooey splooge between her crotch and the others ass
what did he mean by this?

>the weak should fear the strong

*neck snap*



This isn't my japanese animes

> nigger
> our guy
Reddit please.

>ywn be broken down by a girl so much that you build yourself up to dominate her and have her accept it



What's got me turned around is how the fuck that trap found the time to unzip her dick, fuck the fox, finish, pull out and put away.

To be continued..?

that was nice

thanks, user.