Why do people shit all over Halo 4 but praise Reach when Halo 4 is literally just a less shit version of Halo Reach?

Why do people shit all over Halo 4 but praise Reach when Halo 4 is literally just a less shit version of Halo Reach?

It's not.

Reach has a better campaign, a much better story, a better forge and custom tools, firefight, campaign matchmaking, and doesn't have shitty ordiance.

Literally the only good thing about Reach is the space level and that fact that when you hear about someone saying they like it you can immediately filter them and their retarded opinions.

>I'm going to ignore all the stuff the post i'm replying to says

>I'm going to ignore the image and filename in the post I'm replying to on this imageboard

The OP post didn't give any reasons why 4 is better.

I gave reasons why reach is better. You didn't refute any of those reasons or offer any of your own.

>Halo 4 has less lore rape in the story
>Halo 4 has better vehicle levels
>Midnight >>>>>> Long Night of Solace
>Halo 4 has level emphasis on fucking armor abilities
>Halo 4 doesn't have armor lock
>Halo 4 actually runs at it's target frame rate

All Reach has over 4 is the forge mode. Everything else is shit.

>Less lore rape
Reach rewrote one book, 4 rewrote fundamental parts of the entire game universe

Like I would ever praise a piece of shit contract game, as far I'm concerned the Halo games Bungie made after Halo 3 don't exist.


>I've never played Halo CE

343GS literally says "You ARE Forerunner"

>less lore rape
how could you possibly believe that

>armor lock was hard to deal with
it was almost always a free kill on someone that used it unless you're retarded

also, halo 4 has loadouts and kill streaks that ruin the pacing of matches.

>>Halo 4 has level emphasis on fucking armor abilities
How is that a good thing?

I meant "less" sorry, I'm a bit drunk.

You're also full of shit.

Nah nigger. Halo 4 is better than Reach. They're both still fucking shit though. But I'd much rather play 4 than Reach.


>343 fanfictions
>better than anything

Everything gamewise from 4 onwards can be disregarded, and lorewise from Cryptum onwards. Not worth engaging any more than any other fanfic.

>not disregarding shitty contract games

Some kind of attachment to Bungie, but Bungie's last Halo game was Halo 3. Bungie only like working on game series for two to three games. They were only under contract to make ODST and Reach and the results are they both were shit. I act like both games never happened. Bungie didn't go downhilll with ODST and Reach since they didn't want to make either to begin with. They were ready to move on to Destiny since they already told Halo's story with Halo 1, 2 , and 3.

>Halo 4 has less lore rape in the story

As a lorefag This is somewhat debatable depending on how you define "retcon", but I disagree. All of the canon inconsistencies in reach are mostly negligible. It's true it's incossitent with TfoR, but none them are narratively important, and with 1 exception, all of them were explained in satisfactory ways without retcons.

By contrast, the way 4 has lore issues actually matter: Rampancy is protrayed poorly and results in the emotional depth the story tries to pull off failing, ditto for the personality chnages in Cortana and MC.

Except even in Halo 3 the forerunners and humans were established to be seperate, read the terminals.

>They were ready to move on to Destiny

Yeah that worked out well, I bet they're glad they finally don't have to make Halo anymore so they can focus on their magnum opus cash register boredom simulator.

>and lorewise from Cryptum onwards.

Bullshit, the rest of the forerunner trilogy, Broken Circle, Last Light, and Shadow of Intent are all Ghosts of Onyx tier or better.

They told their story with Halo 1, 2, and 3, what you want more piles of garbage like ODST and Reach? If they didn't join Activision, Destiny could have been good.

>forerunner trilogy, Broken Circle, Last Light, and Shadow of Intent

Are excellent examples of shit writing, boring scifi, and lore gangrape. Best just to ignore them and regard them like anything you'd find on FanFiction.net.


fuck you desu senpai

>2 hour campaign
>terrible character development
>plot starts when Dare calls
>empty over world
>still plays like a Spartan
>washed out color palette
>film grain
>firefight in campaign
>the start of squad based shit in Halo
>$60 price tag
>every map that I already had in Halo 3
>Beta for a shit game

It was shit

>and lore gangrape

I've read every single halo novel, there's no retcons or even thematic inconsistencies in any of those 5.

>there's no retcons or even thematic inconsistencies in any of those 5

Well I guess it's sort of relieving you're just going to try going with blatant lies rather than arguments, takes the pressure off me if I don't need to bother addressing anything.

Reach's campaign was fun/well written and the guns didn't feel like shit like they did in 4. It's literally that simple.

>Reach's campaign was fun/well written
That piece of shit contract game writing was so poor it makes Halo 4's campaign look good. You could tell Bungie's passion was gone because the plot doesn't start until Cortana was shoehorned in. fuck Microsoft for making the contract, they should have just put Halo on a 5 year break no one was asking for that shit.

Both Halo 4 and Reach were absolute shit.

Hell Halo 3 was only OKAY at best.

>Hell Halo 3 was only OKAY at best.
Kill yourself faggot

>the plot doesn't start until Cortana was shoehorned in.
Did you play the game at all?


After being forced to go through it for the 50th time with my kid nephew I simply started analyzing and taking the thing apart in my head(the thing I hate doing to something I enjoy because it just kills the enjoyment) and you could easily see how mediocre it was.
And all offline content is absolute shit.

ODST did it much better. Except for that completely out of nowhere and boring trudge that was the fucking city level. Goddamn, it should have been a war zone we had to shoot our way through not just a dead zone with fuck all going on.

I regret purchasing the pile of shit, all you fucking do is fight the Covenant who are now just generic enemies with no goals like they had in Halo 1, 2 , and 3, you really weren't doing shit until Halsey gives you Cortana.

That piece of shit contract garbage didn't do jack shit better. See if Bungie at the time gave a shit, then maybe it would have been good, but they are not to blame Microsoft is for being greedy shit heads and not giving Halo a break.

Man cortana doesn't even come into the game until super late. I remember most of the missions were cool as fuck, slowly uncovering the extent of the covenant forces and realising the planet was doomed was awesome.

But hey you're going to continue having your shit opinion regardless so that's cool

It was shit from beginning to end, There was no fucking invasion, the game teases your ass every fucking second it gets and drops you off in small battles while all the massive battles take place in the fucking back ground. every level was mediocre pile of shit. Halo 1, 2, and 3 shit on that garbage. It would have been better if ODST and Reach didn't exist but Mattrick was just one greedy ass son of a bitch.

Lol have fun with your british accent spacefaggot hope your shit opinion keeps him company.

You must be some Australian cunt if you really think I'm British. Have fun being scammed out of your money like a bitch. I bet you buy REQ packs with real money you fucking cunt.

I loved how they went through so much just to destroy one ship, to basically get fucked over when a whole fleet jump out of slipspace. It puts into perspective how fucked they were

Halo was good when it was about being a badass kicking ass and taking names alone, this is why Halo 1, 2, and 3 were good and why 4 was decent. That squad based shit where everyone was the same abilities and traits as used killed that because you were no longer special in other words this is one of the reasons Halo ODST, Reach, and 5 are shit.


Lol your impotent rage must be affecting your ability to read

This is why Reach>

Reach wasn't good faggot. 4 is automatically better then Reach on the fact it returned to Halo 1, 2 , and 3's you're a loner who is better than everyone else thing. You seem to be the only one pissing because I treat two piece of shit contract games like they don't exist.


desu fanfic.net has better stories than anything 343 could ever put out.

>For me it's Master chief: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

It Master Chief, even though I love playing him. In Halo 2 as the Arbiter I felt like the alien version of Chief, Covenant kissed my ass, I was better than everyone still and enemies still feared me. Where the fuck was the in Halo ODST and Reach, oh right they wanted me to be an average joe shithead who needs a squad and not someone special like in games like Doom or Quake like Halo 1, 2, and 3.

One problem i had with 4 was its new art style. Sure, not many people were on bored with Reach's style, but it still looked like a Halo game in a majority of aspects, with classic armour pieces and Halo-like designs like the Falcon and Revenant. 4 and 5 have a completely different style, from armour design to enemies. Sure its Halo, but it doesn't feel like Halo

True I still don't like Reach's art but I dislike 4 & 5's art more.

Is your life that lacking that you NEED to feel special in a video game to have a good opinion of it?

I feel bad for your carer.

Also in Reach you're literally the most skilled member in an elite special forces team which is the strongest humanity has on the planet. Stop comparing Reach and ODST like they're even remotely similar.

>this thread
>11 posters

Why do i get the feel it's just one or two zealous faggots defending 4.
Reach had it's problems, but the music, artstyle, campaign and overal execution was really fun. It's still one of the campaigns i replay every year. I agree the multiplayer, aside from firefight (which was amazing) was lacking. 4 on thenother hand was a chore to get through. The spartans look like overdesigned robots made out of platic and the campaign was incredibly boring. Those glowy bastards weren't fun at all to fight.

>Blatent lies

Name a single retcon in any of those novels then, i'll wait.

Go play Doom if you want a power fantasy. That's not what Halo is.

4s campaign is the worst.

Controversial opinion:
I think 4's campaign is better then CE's and CE's is the worst. CE's campaign has a mulitude of problems with copy pasted cooirodors and tedious level design and lacking variety. 4's campaign also has those issues (as do the arbiter missions in 2), but they aren't as severe in 4 as they are in CE.

If you include the story as part of it though then yes, 4 has the worst, because 4's story is just that bad.