What went wrong?

What went wrong?

From the cutscenes I saw (and that's an issue with modern games in general) it looked bland as fuck.

I mean, pretty much as soon as the game starts, there's a guy antagonizing you for no reason like a shitty sports movie, bragging about being safer.

And it just came off as uninspired. I had no motivation to even look up a longplay.

EA thought Mirrors Edge was a Triple A franchise instead of a niche gimmick game that only a handful of people asked a sequel for.

Watered everything down to appeal more ppl no one ended up buying it, sad really I loved the first.

I didn't even know it came out

This also.

I hate what triple A games try to be. This 'check all the boxes' style of storytelling.

nothing, she's perfect and I want to fill her up with hot cum

yeah what happened to this?
the first one is one of my favorite games but i didn't give a single shit about this for some reason

Open world
Forced "diversity"
Skill unlocks

And instead of a sequel they release a prequel

There's only warm cum, user. The testicles are outside of the body so that they can cook the semen to be a lower temperature than the rest of us, which is 98.6, which decidedly isn't all that hot.

>Skill unlocks
Wait seriously?

What the fuck.

In this kind of game, seriously: What the fuck.

the cock gets hot due to friction and cum heats up as it passes through

Disgusting manface.

Faith cant roll from a fall at the start of a game or turn 180 degrees while climbing a wall. You feel like a huge retard at the start of the game.

It's a shame because the controls are way smoother in this one otherwise compared to the first game.

typical power fantasy about crashing the system and sticking it to the man.

also open world garbage. not all games need to be open world.

Open world was a fucking mistake

fun fact: things you could do in the first game now must be unlock with skill points.

i think you even open some skill points automatically if you progress the story. meaning, you can spent point on skills you could have gotten for free.

That's what you people get for complaining about linearity in the first game. People were actually asking for open world, and look how that turned out. The open world meme needs to die, it never makes a game more fun, it only ruins gameplay and level design.

>freerunning feels too fast, literally sticking to everything like a magnet, no actual speed buildup
>graphics were gorgeous but the pop-in was really noticeable
>story is "white man is living a comfortable life so we, the opressed niggers must save it from the evil white krugerman, oh and your sister is being mindcontrolled"
>combat is fucking horrendous, instead of well timed counters it feels like you're hitting ragdolls with your feet with no actual planning involved, just mashing buttons until the enemy dies
>original design of the city completely forgotten in place for a generic sci fi setting
>retarded physics breaking grappling hook
>music a lot more forgettable
>even though its open world, the map feels incredibly small and it felt like I ran through the same place at least 40 times
>the death screen totally removed in place of a fade to white screen so people who are easily offended don't get vertigo from falling in a video game
>all characters literally look like they've just stepped out of a fashion event
>cliche as fuck characters: mentor nigger, hacker girl(nigger), rebel leader girl(nigger), whiny white boy, dogen was OK
>cooler characters Mercury and Celeste gone
>collectibles up the ass
>skill tree
I liked it, but it's definately a step in the wrong direction with a lot of things they did, hell, the only thing they did correctly were the graphics

the last few years devs forced open world on their games for no good reason

they're probably gonna stop now with people being sick of it and games like Doom 4 and Dishonored 2 being good

>People were actually asking for open world, and look how that turned out
And those people got what they wanted.
The game flopped because only 10 people wanted a Mirrors Edge sequel, or even remembered Mirrors Edge existed.

i could see open world work for mirrors edge but it fails in this game.

>story is "white man is living a comfortable life so we, the opressed niggers must save it from the evil white krugerman, oh and your sister is being mindcontrolled"
So, it's exactly like the first one?

>180 turn is an unlockable skill and not available from the start

>shit game that didn't sell shit gets a sequel
>sequel is a shit game that didn't sell shit

you're retarded

Prove me wrong.
The first ME was nothing but the gimmick of first person parkour that got old after the first two levels.

not him but i thought it was alright. could see people who are into running get into this. i just hate that it forces you into combat because how awful it was.

At least faith is thicc af

has this released yet?


>What went wrong?

>she will never wrestle you to the ground and sit on your face

Not much,
- Mechanics are improved, they try something with the combat it just need to be refined.
- Story mission and important sidequest have a good level design.
- Finding the bags/audio logs/docs was challenging and fun but the others collectibles are tedious and shit.
- The last runner deliveries missions required a good understanding of what you can do with faith.
- Solar Fields
- Can't tell shit about the story I skiped all the cutscenes.

I love it as much as the first

>you can spent point on skills you could have gotten for free.
False, you can't spend point on skill that will be unlock by progressing the story.
Also you unlock every move in 1 hours, the others skill are passive like climbing pipe faster.
This is even more proof that they had to put a skill system in-game but didn't want to.

It was a reboot actually. I fucking hate reboots.

It was boring as fuck. The reviews put me off when it came out, but I had time during Christmas to play some games that I missed during the year and finally decided to play it, by I ended up watching the ending on youtube (which wasn't worth it either).

It can't be overstated how much of a bad idea that open world was for the game. After playing for an hour I was already sick of running through the same places. There are dumb collectables everywhere each giving you like 10 XP and you have to stop running to get them, but the worst part is that the majority are not even hidden in any way, which is the only good use of collectibles in a game ever: to encourage you to explore the environment doing tricky platforming or finding interesting vistas or details that you'd miss otherwise.

The side quests look more phoned in than usual in open world games, with a bunch of NPCs standing awkwardly on the rooftops all day and night until you talk to them, and when you it turns out they absolutely need some package delivered in a matter of seconds or they'll fail you.

This is part of another flaw of the game that came with the open world structure: Mirror's Edge is a game about running, but there has to be some reason to be running all the time, some sense of urgency. In the first game you were almost always running away or trying to get somewhere as fast as possible for story reasons. Here you can just loiter on someone's rooftop and it doesn't matter until you manually activate a story mission. By showing you the more mundane lives of the runners when they are not being chased down by security forces it makes them look like freaks who live in holes or attics and have the need to jump between rooftops to get anywhere.

This is a game that does only one thing, and that's platforming in 3D. It needed tight stages and challenges meant to be replayed. Making it open world is like making Sonic open world.

i think the whole game would be great if all the missions would be like the construction site, and was linear without openworld shit with collectibles, skill tree

sadly the game is boring shit

>like climbing pipe faster
Doesn't this completely fuck time trials?

The challenge of getting 3 starts depends on how far along in the story you are?
And there's no point trying to compete online until you have everything?

>Doesn't this completely fuck time trials?

No like the first it's glitch abuse that fuck time trial.

nothing really
the story was shit, but of course it was
the skill tree was silly, but not really hindering considering how fast you get upgrades

the gameplay was still fun, and that's all that matters

>open world
>skills have to be unlocked
>city somehow looks worse


-The devs still aren't totally sure what to do with the mechanics or how to handle combat.

-Open world was a bad mistake.

-Despite investing more resources in the story and world-building, they made it as generic as possible to seemingly fit with the clean, simple artstyle.

I like what they try to do with the different districts but the futuristic aesthetic is hit and miss.

The first game had amazing controls that took hours to fully master. Trying to beat the best times in the time trials was tons of fun because you needed to apply every single inch of knowledge about the game mechanics to a real situation, and most maps left you enough freedom to experiment different strategies until you found the optimum one. You calling this a "gimmick" makes me think you didn't even beat the main game.

The story was bland and short, but the controls and the visuals alone make it a decent experience.

The open world, open enough for dead ends everywhere but not open enough to feel large.