Who would win in a fight? Dood or Moom?
> + Two shotguns
> - Low peripheral vision
> + Extreme strength
> - Slow due to stubby legs
Who would win in a fight? Dood or Moom?
> + Two shotguns
> - Low peripheral vision
> + Extreme strength
> - Slow due to stubby legs
Moom obviously, those shotguns are pretty damn useless with one eye.
Moom, if he can successfully sneak up on Dood and stay in his blind spots
>extreme strength
>slow due to stubby legs
so he's a tank, DOOD should just kite and win
MOOM has already taken damage though so he is even on lower health, also DOOD has that extra protection around his neck so he is safe from strangling and other jabs to the neck.
Dood, he'll just shoot the other poor misshapen bastard.
Dood easily
Mooms arms cut off at the elbow what use is his fuckin strength
Neither, they will both team up against the hellspawn. This is because they both retain half of Doomguy's hatred for demons. However, this hatred is infinite, and infinity * 0.5 = infinity. Therefore both Dood and Moom will recognize each other's infinite hatred for hellspawn and form an alliance of doom.
Moom has his arms intact, they are just behind the imps' arms. He can lift an imp in each arm at the same time. You can see his hands wrapped around their throats. He is heavily into choke play.