Legit haven't posted on Sup Forums since 2011

Legit haven't posted on Sup Forums since 2011

Whats some shit that i've missed?

What are some of the big jokes these days?


Alright you know how far Sup Forums went downhill in the years leading up to 2011? Multiply that several fold and you have Sup Forums 2016. That's what you missed.

Ralph pls go

Kill me, Pete

Kill me pete

i honestly can't even imagine that

Are you the guy who posted the 4am threads?

you motherfucker are the big joke

Like clockwork. No, but i hope that its still going.

threads discussing eceleb tweets are popular now. no joke.

>what are some of the big jokes
No Man's Sky.

Why the fuck do we not have those anymore?

Pete I ask you must wait, I still have Persona 5, Nier Automata, Dragon Quest 11 and Resident Evil 7 to look forward to
I will be ready then

He's dead.

Need to make room for garbage threads

2011 was the year Sup Forums stopped being Sup Forums, now get out.

best joke is that console wars didn't exist in '07

Kill me, Pete.


moot is kill

There are no jokes
At least jokes that you haven't seen before

please kill me pete

i'm so fucking tired

Kill me, Pete.

But its 2017, hows 2017 Sup Forums been?

You missed gamergate

What is this autistic bullshit?

arrow in the knee

Sup Forums got more and more enraged by feminists which Sup Forums then took advantage of to turn the board into their alt-right shitflinging proxy.

End my sufferings please, Pete.

Kill me, Pete.

Get cancer tool.

White women are flocking to blacl guys since white "men" are getting redpilled off of anime and pepe memes.

It's been at least 7 years since I last checked in on Sup Forums.

Are there still Junji Ito threads?

Junji Ito is LOL thread fodder, yes

Get deleted almost instantly because mods are spergs and video games are serious business.

Mad as fuck

Mods became more strict on enforcing vidya on Sup Forums, disallowing certain threads that were considered cultural at some point in the process, yet they constantly fail at deleting blatant shitpost threads and have been accepting e-celeb/tangential shit.

Also Sup Forums took over almost every board. Expect trolls to be trolls and retards to reply.

What's so hard about typing out "legitimately"?

They became more strict, but they also don't know what's allowed and not.

Too many letters

kill me pete

We've all agreed to stop ironically shitposting and falseflagging.

It's going to be wonderful.

Kill me pete

Kill me Pete.

4 am threads aren't a thing anymore? I didn't even realize that, when did we stop making those?

Lurk moar faggot! Actually getting faggots to lurk was already dead by then so just fuck off entirely.