>American game
>school level
>children have to pledge their allegiance to -a piece of clothe-
gets me every time.
American game
Other urls found in this thread:
>american game
>school level
>this starts playing
gets me everytime
>American game
>school level
>get shot by madman with a gun
>get shot by the "good guy with a gun" trying to stop the madman
>get shot by the police
>shoot myself after seeing the hospital bill
>American game
>be fat
>mother of character makes him tendies anyway
>American level
>Get shot before the music starts playing
Why is America and Finland the only countries left where national pride is still a thing?
>American level
>have to pay a microtransaction in order to continue the level because tipping is the norm there
is it true that american public schools are required to have the flag in every classroom?
>Japanese level
>Jump in front of a moving train
>American game
>movie theatre level
>constant clapping noise
Because it takes actually accomplishing something noteworthy for a nation to be considered respectable to its citizens.
Finland kicked commie ass despite the odds.
Americans won sovereignty from an empire that should've easily crushed them in moments. The empire in question lost relevancy shortly after World War 2.
North Korea
South Korea
Finland mentioned.
russians aren't proud to be russian.
>Anthro platform game
>The love interest shows up
>American game
>school level
>children have to walk through metal detectors surrounded by security guards so they don't all shoot each other
The fact that this is a real thing that happens still blows me away
do americans actually pledge allegiance to a flag in class?
i also read american universities use movies/TV shows to teach as well??
I forgot about Israel.
Totally false.
I went to a school where this was an actual thing. Though in fairness, it was a terrible school in around Chicago where incidents happened practically every day.It got so bad in high school I actually ended up dropping out just to get my GED instead.
Your first question is true.
Your second question is false
>Totally false.
Except it's not
Maybe when you force your children to pray to your flag every morning you start to develop nationalistic tendencies
>do americans actually pledge allegiance to a flag in class?
>British game
>Take a knife to school
>No metal detectors
>Start my rampage
>Everyone is running, screaming scared
>Police show up
>Take them out with my knife
>They call for back up
>Finally taken down when Police bring out the bigger knives
>My name is Abdul Badee
>Media hails me as a trouble child
>mfw I did it for my religion of peace
Yeah, it started during the Red Scare just like a whole bunch of dumb brainwashing bullshit.
Burning a flag is a crime in burgerland? Or is this image bait?
do you do it with the 1st class of each week or something
Uh, yeah it is. If you understand the history of China you'll understand the huge majority of the population do not like the government at all and local governments at all, especially in the rural areas where the provincial governments regularly ass fuck the rural population
Setting fires is a crime in a lot of places.
>stovetop kettles aren't practically extinct in America
Weird place. Electric kettles are considered a trendy thing for young people, what the h*ck man.
I've been living here for over a year.
They might not be crazy about their government but they're incredibly patriotic about being Chinese.
1st amendment protects flag burning as a form of speech
but burning anything may be a crime depending on where you do it
You need a permit to burn garbage outside in the US.
Used to be the case when I was in elementary school. Then some atheist cuck sued our school district for making his daughter do the pledge of allegiance and it went to the supreme court I think so they stopped doing it.
Flags were still there IIRC but no more pledge in the morning.
Flag burning is not a crime in the US. there was actually a Supreme Court case over flag burning and its constitutional.
It depends where you start the fire though
We only did in primary school every day, every class
Any other country and they'd just ask the school to exempt their kid lmao
Good on him. He did a service for the students.
And it'll keep getting your grandchildren when your country is an Islamic Caliphate in fifty years. Of course, by that point the mongrel offspring of your daughter and a bunch of Tunisian men will have an average IQ of 80, so they probably won't understand what a flag, or an anthem, or a pledge or what the concept of allegiance actually are.
As an Elderly user, you have no idea how awful it was being forced to stand and salute that piece of trash every morning.
>non american game
>school level
>children have to burn their nations flag
ex dee
>every day, every class
jesus christ
disgrace to elderly people desu
You belong in a noose with the rest of the Leftists. Thankfully you're on Sup Forums, which means that you must endure worse than death before your disgusting ancient frame rots away.
Oh nice. Why are you living in China? Do you like it?
And you maybe right. They may be proud of being Chinese but they're certainly not proud of their country as of late
Nationalism goes hand in hand with xenophobia and bigotry. It's a worldwide epidemic.
>Currently, flag burning is not illegal in the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States in its decision from 1969 has ruled that the burning of the flag is protected by the First Amendment. However, the person who burnt the flag can be found guilty of a misdemeanor for starting a fire without a permit.
It's very much a crime, and Trump wants to make it a felony.
Dude chill out it's just a flag
t. europoor with no patriotism and nothing to be proud for
I guess you're too busy pledging allegiance to Ahmed's cock
Didn't Funland just start a program where they pay people regardless of whether or not they're employed? NEET country, yo.
They never even forced you to stand up for it. That cuck was just a faggot attention whore who wanted to flaunt muh superior atheism cause the pledge contained the word god.
Better burn the flag on your property then
Excuse me lads but aren't those some broad strokes for a country with over a billion people in it.
Burning the flag, in certain cases, is a political statement, and is therefore protected by free speech. When I say certain cases I mean that 99% of the time you can just claim political freedom of speech by symbolic action, and get away with it. In high school I thought of applying the same concept to underage drinking, and observing the results. I'm pretty sure I could've gotten away with it by claiming free speech.
"My boobs will be tremendous someday"
I like to travel, I bounce around schools a few days a week for teaching and then in my free time train around to other cities.
What a shame
Or maybe he felt strongly that public institutions should remain secular, as established by the Constitution?
Forcing tired kids to associate America with God is fucking disgusting. Maybe if America wasn't built on greed and murder, I'd have more respect for the flag.
proud of what? Did you choose to live in America? What have you done to be proud? Not saying it's bad being proud of your country, it's just a bit stupid
Good riddance
I think she looks fine like that
Not really.
The old fucks in the country are still salty over the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and the younger generation over the Tianamen Square Massacre.
Not to mention the rural population continually gets fucked over by corrupt as fuck local governments and the overall broad censoreship.
The frequent Muslim terrorist attacks
The smog that covers cities
Lack of social security
List goes on and on
Reminded me of pic related.
you would have as much as respect for anything as you do to the flag, zero.
little by little, like droplets carving out a mountain, that's what you are.
Sounds fun as hell. I'm jealous
Come again?
It's currently on a test phase, some +2000 unemployed people were selected to it randomly.
>american game
>school level
>this starts playing
If you have a Bachelor's in any field you can do it, too.
Wrong. Nobody forces you to say the pledge. Heavily pressured to? Yeah.
>try to burn a flag in Europe
>can't, because EU law says that flags have to be made from non-flammable materials
Lesser beings can't even get banned for good reason.