Spider-Man PS4 Story Details Revealed

Spider-Man will face Green Goblin and is a married man with a daughter and has to deal with everyday life along with being a hero.

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So its like the current run.

Not nice at all

Least it will be better than the movie

>yet another dad game
>another daughter

Sounds shit.
>Insomniac Games
Oh man, I had hopes for this game. Now I'm already demotivated.

How it that not good?
The current run is pretty good.

gameplay and swinging mechanics senpai . where?!

Does anyone care about the story as long as the web slinging and open world is fun and we can tie up criminals with our web? The story is just and added bonus, kinda like with the just cause games

I want superior spiderman

>>Insomniac Games
>Oh man, I had hopes for this game. Now I'm already demotivated.

What's wrong with Insomniac? Sunset Overdrive and Ratchet & Clank were fun games from them this generation.

If the story messes with the gameplay, it definitely bothers me. I don't want to be forced through shit I don't want to do so I can get back to the actual gameplay.

Seriously why do devs do this? I don't want little girls in my video games

Their spectrum ranges from decent to boring. They don't make terrible games but also no really good ones.

might as well make him black as well at this point and still name him peter parker

Well at least you can say they're consistent. Maybe Spider-Man will be the game that goes above that for you possibly.

Because they wanted to copy the comic.

I still wonder why Sony didn't put Sucker Punch on this, considering they've got gobs of experience with the open world superhero thing.

Can you please explain what the fuck you're trying to say

If is written by Dan Slott?

what? This story comes from comics

>is a married man with a daughter and has to deal with everyday life along with being a hero.



Not you, too, Insomniac Games! Goddammit. I guess I’m done with Spider-Man, if you guys ever make another one, with his daughter. This fucking bullshit.

This. If it's anything like the current side comic this game will be a 10/10

Infamous games are literally all shit.

Spider-Man has never been interesting as an adult.

He only works as a teenager in school. Those have always and will always be the only good stories.

Are spider powers the new super sayain or something?

I am still over the moon Insomniac is developing this. I dont think there could have been a better match made in heaven.

I love you Sony and Insomniac, so fucking awesome.

The first one was, sure, but I found 2 and SS to be a lot of fun. To each their own, I suppose.

>I don't want little girls in my video games
t. literal homosexual

>Spider-Man has never been interesting as an adult.
Nigger those are the best ones.
Ultimate is shit.

the story it's an elseworld we got after years of mediocricy, and it will be cancelled after six /twelve issues and put the last nail into the coffin on married Peter if it was alone. This might be so big that it could make it into the canon universe. I'm so hyped right now.

So does Insomniac. I'd love to see a Sucker Punch Flash game though. The neon powers in SS and FL were fucking amazing.

Nah, they are great fun.

Well there was an event called "Spider-island" where everyone in NYC got spider powers but they were cured. In the image I posted MJ is using a suit that "borrows" Spider-Mans powers so she can join him in the fight and the other one is their daughter so naturally she inherited the powers.

>is married and has a daughter
Joe Quesadilla on suicide watch.

>R&C games are not good
baka mate

>those are the best ones

>Ultimate is shit.
That we can agree on.

light years better than naughty dog games.

So Spidey is a cuck now? Wtf first Kratos and now this...

don´t you mean shit?

Fuck right off

so I doubt we will get sexy Black Cat

fucking sjw ruin everything once again

because marvel always ruins adult Spidey to make him a teenager again.

Go away dumb lolicon/pedo


man how can you read that garbage?

no wonder everybody makes fun of Sup Forumsmblr

>Married Peter is back
OMD on suicide watch.

>first the last of us
>then dad of war
>now spider dad

I knew it, Sony's first party IPs are getting 'older', soon they'll make games where they get old and locked in a retirement home.

>MJ dead
>Trey Parker
the South Park guy?
>Unnamed clone
>Parker Industries
>daughter being protected by Cindy
yeah this sounds fake

>and is a married man with a daughter and has to deal with everyday life along with being a hero.

If it's anything like the comics they'll retcon all of his family/character development away and throw him back on square one of being single and broke.

mgs4 grandpa snake


I think the same thing when I see Sup Forums jerking off over Halo, Overwatch, and the Souls games. How people can play them without irony is beyond me.

I want to shoot my Web fluid inside her cobwebs.

I don´t like any of these games

as long as is not married to mj am cool.

anyone but mj please

That's nice?

Can we just get rid of Peter and play as Mayday instead?

it's a universe where Spidey and MJ marry, and their daughter has spider powers. Peter makes a device where MJ can tap into his powers sometimes and poof, all 3 of them have powers then.

>He only works as a teenager in school
>Implying only the first eight months of his 40+ years of publification were good
actually read comics

>I`m a cuck
that is what I suspected

It will be shit, dude's one of the reason Marvel comic went down hill.

they're playing fast and loose with the status quo, having (a) May Parker at the same time as Parker Industries, so there's a glimmer of hope

> a married man with a daughter and has to deal with everyday life along with being a hero
what the fuck is this shit? pre-order canceled

cheap-o easy way to draw emotion out of you

well he wrote shattered dimensions and that had terrible writing

>"With white power comes great responsibility to exterminate the niggers"
Did they really have to put that line in the trailer?

I said sexy Black Cat not new sjw/feminist power fantasy Black Cat

Your post lacked a frog so I can only give you half points for that meme user.

They want people to get married.

srsly u guiz

Hey, Souls is really good. Halo and Overaatch tho, you got me there

technically yes
when Sony asked Raimi to direct Spiderman he demanded that he would have total control over all of there other Spiderman related projects ever when it comes to story and dialogue

People still wonder about what made Sony do this but rumors have it that Raimi made some serious threads about kill them and all of their family if they dared to refuse him

Fuck Spider-Man, where's my Boomerang game?

You had hoped that Marvel won't push their social agenda? The company that gave us female Thor?

>not wanting a AAA Mayday videogame

>new sjw/feminist power fantasy Black Cat
>Marvel Knights: Spider-Man
>written by Miller
>in 2004

who said that I was referring to your picture?

There have been female Thors in the past.
Basically they're the GLs of Marvel.

nah I had feared that they would do it

and if this turns out to be true I just won´t buy the game

I have already stopped buying the comics a long time ago as well


why did you even say what you did if it had nothing to do with what I posted?

it was a different time

You know, looking at current post-character assassination Black Cat, I'd even agree to have STRUNG INDYPYNDYNT WYMYN Black Cat now.

It's fake you fucking idiots

think of Mass Effect 2. Good gameplay that gets broken up for an unreasonably long time with terrible conversations on a regular basis.

I didn't even mention them. It baffles me how Sup Forums of all places thinks so highly of Naughty Dog. They are to blame for all the cinematic garbage - no gameplay "games" that are shat out recently.


>AAA Mayday videogame
you'll get a two hour DLC campaign and you;ll like it

>Spider-Man will face Green Goblin and is a married man with a daughter


meh, it's something to talk about.

post costumes you want in

She's my daughter too, Webhead!

Oh cool, so same story as God of War 4, Uncharted 4, and basically every Sony game at this point

>Sony isn't SJW they said



>GoW, U4, LoU
that's three games

its not real

>Yet another game were you're playing a father role.

Yeah ok we got the memo Sony, The Last of Us was really successful for you.

>the duaghter is black
>it is his wifes daughter

what are the chances?