How you holding up Sup Forums?
How you holding up Sup Forums?
Failed my 2nd course in Uni. They won't give me loans for a year now. I don't know how I'm going to pay this shit off.
what happened? Which course?
Pretty hungry right now 2bh
Lying down in the dark surrounded by nothing but my own thoughts. Definitely not playing video games either
been jerking off for 6 hours now and my foreskin is starting to flake
My eyelid is swollen and I've done shit all on my weekend.
About to eat some cereal, with luck that will cheer me
>tfw no gf
Failed the final so I failed the whole course (You need to pass with a 40% on the final to pass the course). Course was Computational theory II.
probably get off at 2 or 3. Haven't gone to sleep before 4 in weeks. stupid night shift job
If you couldn't get 40% on your final exam it's safe to say they made the right decision. I certainly wouldn't hire somebody who knew less than 40% of the subject matter.
I'm not.
Pretty sure I have herpes, last time I had sex was 10 years ago.
>Work got randomly shut down out of nowhere
>Was supposed to be for just a couple days but I haven't been back for almost a month
>No money
>Bills piling up
>Car is a piece of shit constantly breaking down if you so much as sneeze on it
>My unemployment just got frozen because "you're not unemployed, just on a break :P"
>Filing a million job applications a week and nothing is biting
>College starts back up again next week and I have absolutely none of my supplies
>Just had to pay my rent on a credit card already dangerously close to max
>Pulled an all-nighter out of sheer stress due to my life falling apart out of fucking nowhere
Just unplug me. I want to die.
Gonna be a Christmas Cake in 6 days, need to buy myself another ipod touch to celebrate.
Time is the true enemy of us all.
You better try and find a job then
Eh, could be worse
That term only applies to women you retard
I'm a grill though
My car is having electrical issues. I'm scared.
Exactly, you fucking mug
I've just been thinking a lpt about why does life have to be so tough? I just want to quietly enjoy myself but every other week something bad happens and I have to deal with it. Why did God make it like this? It hurts honestly.
I have a 20 year old bonneville that wants to just fall the fuck to pieces every week over something or other
First there was a total fucking blowout of the transmission, then the brake lines, then the gas line, then a tire popped, then the brake pad, all in the span of like a fucking month... Hence why the credit card is almost fully maxed.
Can't afford to get a new car either. If this piece of shit dies I'm just done.
Hope it gets better for you bro. Been having a rough time myself. I can't remember the last time I sat down and genuinely enjoyed a game even.
>no job
>no uni for another month
>living with family
On the bright side...
>plenty of vidya to play
>usually home alone
>can work on my novel
I mean, pretty bad, but could be worse.
I'm more scared about what happens once we die. I'm not very religious, but I do believe something grand exists. Will it be be better than my current life? Will I be sent to hell. I don't know, but it scares me.
bad, worst christmas since my father died, a lot of shit going on right now, too much stuff to focus on the real stuff, im kinda lost.
I know but it hurts still. I wasn't expecting a fail on the final.
Hang in there, anons
My aunt, whom I'm close to, was stabbed and thrown out of a moving vehicle two days ago.
They pulled the plug today. No vidya can mask the pain.
Did the find the shithead who did it?
He's awaiting trial.
Good year so far. Good last couple months really. Hope it keeps up.
I hope he gets put away for good, user.
My worst december I ever had, my brotehr went apeshit like harambe and punched me repeteadly on the face until he broke one of my front tooth and I'll have to pay a LOT to get it fixed
Why did he do it
My OCD is getting worse. I fucking hate how I react to certain things now but I just can't suck it up. It's starting to be noticed at my job, a very anti-personality and mental illness job.
I'm trying to make a videogame and my head is spinning trying to budget things. Probably not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but this is my once chance to make something creative and I'm already giving myself anxiety as to not fuck it up.
He's a tweaked out drug addict so probably something relating to that.
Birthday was yesterday.
Now only 3 years from ascending to Wizardry and probably suicide.
I can't sleep anymore because whenever I'm alone with my thoughts I feel soul crushing loneliness.
but serious, not the end of the world. are you worried that your gonna be left on the shelf cause you dont have a bf?
Pretty good. Just got back from two weeks vacation, got work for at least the next month. More projects on the horizon. Plenty of vidya time.
This. An uneventful good life is too much to ask for, apperantly.
Had a great christmas, got to see loads of people I haven't seen in a while, made €6,000 betting on Amanda Nunes, back in work but it's an easy week. I wish was in a relationship, but I'm too much of a coward to talk to women.