Info we got so far. Anything to add/correct?

>will launch (first) on PS4
>in development before PS4 PC port announcement (December 2014)
>battle system is action-oriented. different from Crisis Core but not as action-heavy as Kingdom Hearts
>it is Active Time Battle. ATB gauge does not indicate order of attacks. turns red when full.
>limit breaks included. & another system that will depend on the player's fighting style
>battle tempo like Dissidia FF Arcade. Dissidia/KH people are helping with the battle system
>from the gameplay trailer Attack/Magic/Summon/Items/Defend were options
>no new characters. popular FFVII:Compilation characters might appear
>uses visual references from Advent Children
>will use Unreal Engine 4. getting help from KHIII team
>Nobuo Uematsu won't work on FFVII:R
>has character switching, a party consists of 3 characters
>Nomura wants to redesign every character (see: Barret's new shades)
>Roberto Ferrari (XV/Type-0) is sub-character designer
>will be episodic, with each part being equal to a full-sized game (a XIII game)
>FF7:R project will be as big, or even bigger, than XIII series. at least 3 parts?
>scenario for part I is complete
>explore different new areas of Midgar
>CyberConnect2 is an external partner because of their action know-how
>except for the first teaser trailer everything shown is in-game
>white-ish/skinny Cloud is because of the lighting but it's an unintended welcome effect
>Cloud cross-dressing scene included
>Biggs/Wedge/Jessie will get more characterization
>currently not thinking about online aspect
>more emphasis on Cloud's hallucination scenes
>will be fully voiced
>Advent Children voice cast will likely all be used
>haven't decided the voices for non-AC characters
>dating events will be reproduced carefully. hint: HoneyBee Inn
>wants to add the popular mini-games
>they want to do something for FFVII's 20th anniversary (2017)
>Nomura will appear publicly next time FFVII:R info is revealed (after KH2.8?)

Other urls found in this thread:


I assume this year we'll get a batch of new information considering it's VII's 20th anniversary (after KH2.8 gets released this month). Any significant gaming event coming up? Or maybe they'll reveal it on the site.

>People want a remake of a perfectly playable game they can play right now

>FFVII:Compilation characters might appear

welp that's strike fucking 3 after it being an episodic arpg

Word on the street is we'll get Part 1 very late this year but it will only be Midgar.

The remake isnt bad, its people wanting it to be 1:1 like the original

>>Nomura wants to redesign every character (see: Barret's new shades)

Here it comes a Tifa jacket to shut up all the SJWs

>Ever care about SJW
Well, maybe you should take a look at his past work.

>only midgar
Really? damn that sucks. I had the episodes planned out in my head, and it made much more sense to me to have episode 1 end after the first Jenova fight. It just makes sense to me. It's the first time you meet sephiroth outside of a flashback, Jenova is a fitting "final" boss fight, and you get a fully explorable Midgar, Kalm, and Junon, as well as two (if not more) areas of the overworld. You also get access to chocobos, Fort Condor, and the Midgar Zolom (superboss?)

gamed aged like milk tho, its terrible. wish it had snes era graphics like Chrono trigger

I'm playing through it now, halfway into disc2