Info we got so far. Anything to add/correct?
>will launch (first) on PS4
>in development before PS4 PC port announcement (December 2014)
>battle system is action-oriented. different from Crisis Core but not as action-heavy as Kingdom Hearts
>it is Active Time Battle. ATB gauge does not indicate order of attacks. turns red when full.
>limit breaks included. & another system that will depend on the player's fighting style
>battle tempo like Dissidia FF Arcade. Dissidia/KH people are helping with the battle system
>from the gameplay trailer Attack/Magic/Summon/Items/Defend were options
>no new characters. popular FFVII:Compilation characters might appear
>uses visual references from Advent Children
>will use Unreal Engine 4. getting help from KHIII team
>Nobuo Uematsu won't work on FFVII:R
>has character switching, a party consists of 3 characters
>Nomura wants to redesign every character (see: Barret's new shades)
>Roberto Ferrari (XV/Type-0) is sub-character designer
>will be episodic, with each part being equal to a full-sized game (a XIII game)
>FF7:R project will be as big, or even bigger, than XIII series. at least 3 parts?
>scenario for part I is complete
>explore different new areas of Midgar
>CyberConnect2 is an external partner because of their action know-how
>except for the first teaser trailer everything shown is in-game
>white-ish/skinny Cloud is because of the lighting but it's an unintended welcome effect
>Cloud cross-dressing scene included
>Biggs/Wedge/Jessie will get more characterization
>currently not thinking about online aspect
>more emphasis on Cloud's hallucination scenes
>will be fully voiced
>Advent Children voice cast will likely all be used
>haven't decided the voices for non-AC characters
>dating events will be reproduced carefully. hint: HoneyBee Inn
>wants to add the popular mini-games
>they want to do something for FFVII's 20th anniversary (2017)
>Nomura will appear publicly next time FFVII:R info is revealed (after KH2.8?)