GOG or Steam, which do you prefer and why?
GOG or Steam, which do you prefer and why?
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I haven't paid for a game in twenty years and I don't intend to start now.
GOG for obvious reasons. Steam for multiplayer games. Piracy for single player games then send developers the money you think the game was worth in a letter.
I don't play video games, so whatever drives your boat should be just fine.
I use steam, but everytime I can get a good deal on Gog, i prefer it
This was badly written so let me try again. If I can buy a game on GOG then I buy it there, if it's not on GOG and only on Steam then I buy on Steam but only if it's a game that has multiplayer or known for it's multiplayer and not available elsewhere. If a single player game is not on GOG and only on Steam then I pirate it.
i really want to prefer GoG but Steam just gets most of the games i like, while GoG doesn't besides some old games
>Buying games from GOG
holy shit you are fucking retarded
>paying money for fucking video-games as an adult
>I can't hold an objective debate with a neutral person, I better call it strawman
If its some old singleplayer game that has no seeders i will use gog, if its a multiplayer game ill buy the cheapest steam code from some site
Except when it IS a logical fallacy.
Half-measures are not full solutions for anything, you fucking retard.
>being centrist is inherently a logical fallacy
It doesn't say that you fucking dumbass.
>centrism is neutrality
Wrong. Centrism is its own camp, it's not some fence sitting meme like people on Sup Forums would have you believe. You can be just as passionate about and dedicated to your views as a centrist than as a far lefty or righty.
I will purchase on GoG for DRM free games. During a sale the Steam version is cheaper just about 100 percent of the time but I am on Linux so just having the option to download my games not specifically for Linux is worth it (Steam Linux won't let you download games for platforms other than your own, even if they will run just fine in WINE like STALKER and Quake Live, to play those you need to install a second Steam client, the Windows version, within WINE). But for games that commonly update like Terraria I will want to use Steam because autoupdating is great and GoG galaxy isn't on Linux yet nor have I tried it in WINE
so what's your main board then
The weakness of centrism in a public forum is that it that it often seeks to bring opposing sides together through an arguement to moderation (having both sides meet in the middle). A simple example of why this doesn't work is because of the existence of extremism on one side. An extremist group can call themselves moderate left/right, and these people will often argue that the moderates on the other side are the actual extremist. Now you have moderates positions on one side viewed by the public as extremist and extremists are seen as the moderates. If left extremist and right moderates are brought to middle, then the new middle is much further left than it should be. That middle area is often referred to as the Overton window.
Ex: Muslim group wants all Jews executed (extreme). Jewish group just wants peace (moderate). It could be argued by some centrist that some Jews will have to die in order for peace to materialize (moderation, or meeting in the middle). (This is an everyday debate on news networks the world over, and the Muslim Jewish argument can go both ways depending on the pundits)
Depends on how old the game is.
If it was released in the last 10 years, go Steam.
Older than that, GOG.
I feel the same way. They're both good services either way.
Steam for newer games
GoG for games steam doesn't sell like Battle Realms or Alpha Centauri or KKND
GOG because they don't force me to load up a bloated client every time I want to start a game
>I have a very strong opinion on this thing
>Do I know anything about it? Of course not. "Knowledge" is a jewish trick.
GOG. Steam still has roughly 98% of my games as hostage, tho.
Reddit or facebook judging by his pic.
I literally know nobody who uses GOG but retarded hipsters from Sup Forums.
LE Sup Forums MEMES
I'm neutral because fedora.jpg hurt my feelings so I prefer not to have an opinion now.
I don't pretend to be above people who hold opinions.
>tfw to smart to radicalize into any polarized spectrum
you actually ask your friends whether they use an alternate game distribution service? do you ask if they use uplay or origin too?
I prefer the lagoon of corsairs
I know several who use Ubishit, thats for sure and a few wanna be normie frends who use origin.
Both, of course, inferior to steam.
Steam or nothing.
GOG and Steam are both fine, though the former edges it out a little bit by being DRM free.
Origin and UPlay are the true cancer, and I will not buy games on principal if they require them.
Not that I'm missing much anyway, save for Seige, as EA and Ubisoft put out nothing but shit 99% of the time.
as a client steam is the best, as a distribution service gog is better
I usually go for the cheaper one or who has available. If multiplayer is a core feature then always steam.
While I understand that Steam could retroactively take away all your games I actually dont care since i dont replay games once finished. Plus if you care about DRM so much you could play offline steam.
I am glad theres a competitor though, a monopoly is always bad for the consumer
I don't make a big deal of it but gog lost my business when they took that bullshit stance against hatred. I didn't even buy or pirate that game but I don't want the store I buy shit from to be taking stances on anything unless it puts money in my pocket. I want them to take my money, and let me play my video game, and that is it.
This movie was fun. Korean girl was CUTE
If you want to play old games GoG is absolutely the way to go. They give a shit about most things working with minimal messing around.
>I don't make a big deal of it but gog lost my business when they took that bullshit stance against hatred
But would you want some level of quality control for what gets on the platform?
Steam has way too many shit games on it already
>paying to rent games that must be played through a DRM client
>buy game and own it
Gee, I wonder...
>buy game and own it
>steam is drm
GOG if it's a primarily single-player title, Steam if multiplayer is a fairly important part of it
I like GOG for its lack of DRM but thanks to Steam converting 1USD to 10 MX pesos (1USD is 20 pesos right now) games are way cheaper on Steam for me and it also has a way bigger catalog.
>He hates actual quality control on what gets on storefronts
Hatred was edgy garbage
I buy all of my games on Steam and pirate GOG repacks for those games which I don't want to buy.
Buying GOG games is literally paying for torrents. You have to be a special kind of cuck to be so pathetic, since GOG offers literally zero service.
>You can only be too extremes and everything is black and white
Underage aut right babby detected. Sageruuu~
>politics is a spectrum with an identifiable left, right, and center
This is totally a fallacy senpai
Steam games for when you're short on disk space and you want quick access to multiplayer with friends.
GOG for everything else
this would be a good argument if early access games and other shit weren't in gog's store now
>Steam has way too many shit games on it already
This is the most retarded fucking argument ever. "People" who throw such shit around probably don't even use Steam and just use it to justify their retarded habits of paying for literal air when buying from GOG.
Seriously, if you're so autistic that the presence of shitty games on Steam somehow detracts you from enjoying the good games, you need to consider dropping out of the gene pool.
how are gog packs more like torrents than steam's? you even say you prefer their packs then say something stupid like "you aren't paying for a service"? steam has games that don't even run in windows 7+ in their store like half the star wars games and don't even include music in older games like quake. at least gog makes sure they run before throwing them up on the store and even perform patches on games like master of magic to take away the manual nagscreen drm. and again you cant even download your games on different platforms and they don't care. you don't either and i know this but in my experience gog gives a better service than steam
there is literally no difference between the risk of rain port on gog and steam. both are drm free, you can just download the game without a client on gog. tell me more about this magical "service" steam provides that gives its digital games more worth
>buying games during the sale may award you with 4 games
>there is literally no difference between the risk of rain port on gog and steam
There is. Steam has actually functioning cloudshare service. That alone sets it head and shoulders above any other bottom feeders like GOG.
>Le old games don't work on my OS bogeyman
If you're too retarded to set up the game properly by getting compatibility patches or install DOSbox, you shouldn't even be using a computer. GOG doesn't update the DOSbox version used in their packages and I don't want to install outdated shit on my PC, I'd rather set it up myself properly.
Technically gog is better since you could backup all of your installation files onto your hard drive. Yet i got so many steam games already, that i only youse steam-gog connect to get installers of what had been already added to that dunction.
Isthereanydeal is the best alternative to find game deals? Or there are something less cluttered?
>call someone a retard for doing x
>don't explain why they're a retard doing x
Why is GoG retarded? If you say they sell torrented games I will laugh.
I always prefer DRM-free but I also have hundreds of steam games.
Anyone who avoids GOG because they only buy from steam is a retard.
Anyone who avoids steam is a retard and they don't exist anyway
I was surprised that movie was basically Korean. Korean shekels, korean director, korean story.
>If you say they sell torrented games
This is objective fact, they still sell that Arcanum version that got busted for being a literal repack with a cracked .exe.
But this isn't the only reason GOG is dogshit, the real reason why buying from GOG is retarded is that there's no reason to do so whatever. A torrent of a game with a GOG installer offers the same function as a game legitimately bought on GOG, which basically means you're literally paying for air.
At least in the case of Steam you pay for the Steam service as well.
Basically this. I like GOG for the DRM free but their library is nowhere near as big as Steam. I just go wherever the games are cheapest.
I use both, and Origin.
I prefer steam because it has integrated chat and it's easy to compare multiplayer libraries and what people are playing as well as adding people and managing updates. Steam games tend to be more likely to work in general, especially multiplayer.
GoG has some serious upsides but a lot of its library is flaky and obviously it doesn't have nearly as many games and most of what it has is very easy to pirate.
Origin is okay but limited and the deals tend to be mediocre besides the occasional awesome free games. EA is kinda cancer but I think the same coukd be said of valve.
Being a centrist is great, feels good not getting caught in the stupidest parts of arguments
Mostly Steam but I bought Witcher 3 on GOG to be nice to CJ Polish Red
op's epic pic implies that
Half measures prevent the problem from getting worse quickly while you actually determine what the hell is going wrong
Centrism isn't typically about fence sitting, it's about examination and rigour.
There's nothing wrong with early access games as a concept. The only issue is that Valve lets any fucking game that makes it through Greenlight onto the storefront, quality be damned. GOG actually has quality control on what they let on their store
The only quality control you should use is your own money and how you spend them, no matter, steam, early access, AAA yoba BEZ DUSHI or something else.
>functioning cloudshare service
what the fuck is cloudshare?
>wow game doesn't work? fix it yourself
that is the opposite of a service. you are malicious, i can tell you are disagreeing just to disagree
your logic is stupid, it is just as easy to pirate a steam game. the whole point of buying games is just because its legal. is steam shit just because it sells system shock portable as an "enhanced" edition?
i thought at one point they took a stand specifically against early access which is my problem with it. they seem to be making a lot of changes to make it more like steam, adding new games (good OLD games) and then now adding unfinished games. im afraid soon they will start allowing games with drm, or worse force users to use gog galaxy to grab their games. at least they allow ""no questions asked"" refunds for 14 days so it isn't that bad but i still think early access is inherent a negative thing to support
I prefer gog, but if the game is multiplayer I'll probably use steam
My GoG library is almost as big as my steam library now, I've bought a lot of games on it in the past year
That fallacy doesn't prove centrism wrong. It simply means the middle ground isn't always right purely on the merit of being the middle ground.
Here, let me do you: