Hi guys

> Hi guys.

> Did I tell you I am gay?

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I just bought Handsome Collection on Xbone. Wanted to have long-term loot-based shooter.

This writing is killing me.
I liked Borderlands1 and Tales... holy crap, both Borderlands2 and Presequel are cringy as fuck.
Sarcasm and shitty snarkiness is not a sense of humor.

Not really, not that it matters anyway.
Only missin I remeber it coming up was when your ex stole your research and even then it didn't really matter because you only wanted the research.

>Sarcasm and shitty snarkiness is not a sense of humor.
But they can get you far in a society where nobody has one either.
They are a great prosthetic.

>I liked Borderlands1
It's heartbreaking. All the characters are now annoying, and the weapons do not have any chance of being randomly overpowered early on.

to be honest, it's not really that forced and his character isn't based on his homosexuality, you wouldn't even know about it if you skip that one quest

>saying his gay olny once in the base game

i see nothing wrong with it

>spent the entire of his own dlc saying how gay he is.


That felt so fucking forced

Hi guys, this is Pandora. It's such a crappy place to live, look at how blasé we are about killing people and being invaded, that's how crappy living on Pandora is! Isn't that hilarious?

It's a big dumb manly guy obsessed with EXPLOSIONS! XD except he occasionally says something smart or sensitive which is really funny because youw weren't expecting him to do that, LOL


He fucking supports that dino truck boss

You wouldn't?

Fucking really? The only British character and they make him gay?

That's just playing into the lowest brow of expectation at this point because it's been done a massive amount of times already.

That's one of the most terrible bosses in the game


He spends his entire DLC talking about it.

Wasn't it written by a 14 year old girl who just found out what sarcasm is and thinks it's the height of humor? all the dialogue is dripping with what it thinks is clever, carefully tailored interactions that prove how SMART and COOL everybody is
i'm not asking for mozart, i'm asking for regular people. each joke almost feels like an actual slap in the face, there's nothing good about the writing in this game, i'm getting mad just thinking about it

>Like Jakob weapon designs
>BL2 makes them useless because slag

user, it's about apprechiating the concept of it. The very essence of a dinomech monstertruck.

I wonder what Civ-like game taking place in Borderlands universe would be like. Playing as some big corporation and trying to take over Pandora etc. Or I guess playing as 'Vault Hunter' faction and trying to liberate Pandora of corporations


This entire sequence is why Gearbox deserves to fail, and all people involved with creating the gmaes need to never work in the industry again

Pre sequel was made by the australians. Main office had nothing todo with it

slag was the worst thing in entire borderlands 2
you can't prove me wrong

to be fair if you've ever spent time with the homosexuals then you'd know talking about it constantly is an accurate interpretation

Not really, slag is fairy okay before level 50 and you don't necessary need it to kill everyone. One worse thing than slag is the fucked up level scaling because fuck I want to keep my cool guns instead of having to swap them for white/green guns a few level later.

>2K Australia performed the majority of development on The Pre-Sequel, but worked in collaboration with Gearbox on certain aspects of the game. The studio also provided its writing staff—including Anthony Burch, lead writer of Borderlands 2—as a complement to 2K Australia's own writers.

Most writers would seek recognition for their work through awards and prestige.

The writer who wrote this printed and framed a tweet from an internet celebrity because she said he was cool.

Let that sink in.

you just prove my point

>Loved Borderlands 1
>Loved the post apocalyptic setting
>Loot boxes were everywhere and I was always finding cool new weapons
>Humor is pretty dark, but can be pretty funny
>You're out and about in the first 30 or so minutes
>You're just some random fuck with a gun that's basically using everyone to get closer and closer to the vault
>Best part is that no one is screaming in your ear constantly

>Borderlands 2
>Stuck in a frozen shithole for like 2 hours
>Everyone's cracking sarcastic, unfunny jokes
>Pushing diversity and crap like that
>Writing is simply awful
>Mordecai, my main from 1, is treated like a drunken joke
>Kill off Bloodwing nonchalantly
>Balance is all over the fucking place, and the scaling is abysmal
>Don't even really feel like a vault hunter, the term means nothing now, and it means even less in Pre-Sequel

You can blame the aussies for prequel writing, but damn was it a good game.

No, level scaling is far more worse than slag, if they use the same level scaling in BL1 you will be fine as long as your gears have good stats unlike BL2 where you can't deal any damage unless you slag them first at level 50+.

Joss Whedon ruining writing. Ever since that first Avengers movie, everyone has been doing this snark shit and it's gotten tired real quick.

gunzerking was dope though

Didn't bother me. Then again, I mostly played siren.

No, because I don't play shit games.

yes you do

Underrated post.

Haha yeah you'd really have to be crazy to enjoy shooting people like this. I mean what type of total madman would you've have to be to actually do this for fun? So crazy.

One could almost say it's badass.

really? that's a shame, i thought he was handled well in the base game

Well that's just inappropriate timing. I got tired of waiting and was hoping to be dead before you got here – I can't stand this place.

Make you a deal, if you best me in this fight – which seems likely – maybe you can blow up this planet entirely? Kill all of'em. That's the fairest thing to do

>tfw you can't recruit him and have to kill him again in the last DLC

>All the dialogue is dripping with that it thinks it clever, carefully tailored interactions that prove how SMART and COOL everybody is

This. Forget the shoehorned diversity, the real crime in the writing is that every character has at least two traits in common with every other character, making the entire cast bland down to their core.

Tales From the Borderlands is the best TellTale game, and the best Borderlands game.
Somehow Anthony Burch was a part of the writing team

>Playing Borderlands

>is the best TellTale game

Excuse me nigger

>The BL1 Vault Hunters are assholes that betrayed Jack and turned him into a villain in the first place when his plan was literally "set up weapon that hunts down raiders and bandits" by literally trying to blow him up for doing absolutely nothing, on the off chance that he might become a villain someday

I mean, they are "technically" right that future Jack is evil, but it's flimsy reasoning at best.

If anything, Pre-Sequel painted Handsome Jack as the most symphatetic person in the entire series.

He became an asshole who strapped his daughter into a machine though

>Shown to be rather extreme and cold-hearted in his actions but determined to bring peace and prosperity to the planet
>Is judged a villain by legitimate criminals and murderers and the universe's biggest whore

A Siren literally tortured him and disfigured his face after destroying a weapon he made that was meant to wipe out rebels and bandits.

You're excused brah

Given that he was capable of abusing his innocent daughter they made the right choice.
A terrorist punched and stabbed you doesn't mean you can do the same to the local cop.

I like Borderlands

Blow me Sup Forums

Hello Anthony.

Jack was a cool villain. He started to measure his success by the piles of destruction, and that's pretty neat. I like how he does whatever he has to to fix shit. Like with Felicity, when she begged to be copied, he was like,"Nah, we don't have time."

>randomly overpowered
Fucking this. Remember I had a smg at level 20-30 that lasted me till level cap of the final dlc it was that strong.

Probably made everything else a HELL of a lot easier, but I loved it.

The issue is that most of his evil actions are post-betrayal, torture, disfiguration and attempted-murder.

So, Gaige or Athena.

Which one is the top tier Borderlands waifu?
>Implying you wouldn't fuck the lesbian out of Athena

Jack did nothing wrong until Lilith made him nuts

Lilith is the biggest c u n t in video games. Holy fuck do I hate her in 2 and ESPECIALLY in the Presequel. Sucks because she felt like one of the boiis in the first game.
Now she's Eric Sparrow tier.

It'd be fine if he did that to other murderous psycho bastards but chaining your daughter to a machine does not make your action right.

>get a two-shot explosive revolver before the first boss
>continues to be useful until level 30 or so

Revolvers were best gun, no matter who you played as. Why the fuck did Borderlands 2 have to homogenize the guns so much and make gimmicks the only reason to use certain types?

Did you forget about him doing that because her daughter killed his wife because of her powers?

Also, if you played the Pre-sequel quest, Angel's calls him Jack instead of "Sir" and he says that he loves her a lot of the time. He went full crazy at the end of that game, and that's when all bad stuff started.

He'll be playable in BL3, right?

>best girl or best girl
user pls, this is too much for me.

The only thing BL2 did right was explosive shotguns.

>Fire gun
>Hit enemy
>Damage and explosions everywhere
>Game lags like mad for a second

So satisfying.

According to the leaks, no.

>Literally, LITERALLY everyone on Pandora is some degree of irredeemable criminal, no matter how chill they may seem initially
>The 4 vault hunters J O B is to MURDER people for their GUNS so that they can sell them on the BLACK MARKET.
>They spend every waking moment blowing people up, setting them on fire, corroding their still living bodies with acid
>Often make offhanded remarks joking about people as they kill them
>Attacked and terrorized Hyperion's new city on Pandora, which presumably had innocent bystanders in it

>Jack shoots like 4 employees out of an air duct in space in order to guarantee the safety of his ship so that they can all proceed to save the entire planet and it's inhabited moon.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah jack is ebil and hes mean and he only thinks about himself and he must be stopd and we are a forward thinking interracial couple and I'm also a strong female character who is integral to the plot, only 6 sirens in the universe all powerful beings hehehe
I know you just literally saved me and all my friends but take this Jack girl power ;)

Fuck off.

>Skag Rider didn't make it to the character roster

>caring about story in a loot-based game

what about all those innocent people Jack tortured and killed for no reason

Tough choice, but Gaige

Your OP, so it's a given.

That was post-Presequel though.

So... did Moxxi actually get fucked by a skag?

and? Doesn't mean he's a good guy, can't blame Lillith for everything

When you read it out simplified it makes me even more mad.

They shouldn't have tried to make the vault hunters heroes. Whenever they try to make it out like they're fighting the bad guys you can cite a million different sources that prove that they're all huge hypocrites.

Fuck Gearbox I swear to god.

Yeah but
>gibs are toned down massively from the first game

Except you absolutely can.
She fucked him over for no reason at all and it made him fucking crazy.

This so much, and Marcus actually sold good stuff. I remember once near the second hub I saw a Jakobs revolver I sold all my equipment for but it lasted me to the end.


This. Hammerlock is actally a gay character done right. Only mentioned in one side quest half way into the game. Completelying worthless to make him gay but it's not shoved down your throat like Janey Springs in the pre sequal

if he was that much of a sensitive little bitch maybe he should have been killed sooner, a good person would not go completely of the deep end of evil like that, no matter how traumatised they were

>really good guns are in vending machines all the time
>weapon chests actually have things worth a damn in them
>Atlas and S&S guns in general

Borderlands had such fucking potential, what the hell happened?

>people like the literal ponyfag

[Barney Intensifies]

>Save millions of people
>Get your entire face ruined by a ruthless criminal because you killed 4 people to do so
>They go back to their home planet, that you just saved by the way
>Find out that the entire planet is 100℅ exclusively inhabited by monstrous criminals and bandits
>You're the new CEO of your weapons manufacturing company because of your legitimate heroism
>Take measures to clear out the entire planet full of worthless cunts so that it could be turned into an actual civilization
>The bad guy

Yeah, no. Fuck you and fuck your poor grasp of competent writing Burchposter


>Take measures to clear out the entire planet


sooooo heroic

and don't be all 'oh he's just being pragmatic' because jack seemed to fucking enjoy slaughtering and torturing people

It's not even just him, there's a shitload of awful, awful game design choices in the second game.

>Get bitch-slapped for stupid reasons by stupid people
>Become afflicted with a special case of infinite butthurt

The whole writing is retarded starting from 2.
All of it.

>Not enjoying killing murderers and psychos

Just like the vault hunters.

>tfw know this is bullshit, but still want to believe

>yfw you aren't

and innocent people

except they didn't kill innocent people

I remember the first Borderlands being a flawed but pretty fun game.

Had a lonely, slightly surrealist atmosphere. You were on some bumfuck planet in a cynical galaxy, and the people around you were nuts. It almost felt like a Western at times. Some of the humour was flat, but it was mostly pretty chill.

Then it became acidic vomit in 2 onwards.

B1 Lilith best Lilith

Hi I'm Janey Springs. I'm also a lesbian!
>Hey I Athena, I think you're totally sexy because I'm a lesbian.
>Boys? No thanks, I'm a lesbian!
>Did I mention that I'm a lesbian because that's certainly a thing that didn't stop happening.

The whole thing about Jack was "idealistic to a fault". He had the potential to become dangerous.

And then the Vault hunters dedicated their time to spend a whole game fucking around with him and destroying his hopes and dreams until he actually did snap.