>more moves
>more depth in combat
>more physics
>more hilarious spells

Shame the Steam version has a memory leak bug.

and i wuld walk 500 miles

Anyone want to play the multiplayer?

Only with certain hardware configs

A single player action-adventure with light RPG mechanics will do just fine, thanks.

Arkane is busy ripping off bioshock and thief.

>yeah, lets NOT make it more fun

kickan orcs into spikes simulator

yeah it would be awesome. cant wait for it to be improved so it can be enjoyed by a wider audience and made with controller in mind.

Dont forget the exclusive kick button preorder DLC

Ubisoft had wanted to make a sequel since like 2011 but Arkane got bought out by Bethesda.

so basically if they did make a sequel, it'd be shit

>more spiders

Bethesda are only the publisher, Arkane is still Arkane.

>Let's ignore what made Dark Messiah good in the first place by doing what all AAA devs do.

Let me guess, it should be open-world and have a parkour system too?

>face off against a necromancer
>he summons a skeleton
>I kick the skeleton in the chest
>its ribs fly backwards, killing the necromancer

Is there any reason to choose Leana over Xana other than "muh good side"?

yes but Ubisoft own the M&M license, they're not going to get a dev team owned by another publisher.

>Let's ignore what made Dark Messiah good
>not the parts that made Dark Messiah good


As you wish. Final boss will be giant spider that spawns small ones.

>rope bows come back, you can freely swing on ropes to kick people in combat
>do some just cause shit and tether dudes with ropes, and then kick them off ledges
>new equippable boots to augment your kicking abilities
>more abilities for different classes (fighter gets a boomerang shield throw, dagger fighters can pin dudes to the floor by throwing a knife into their foot, mages can cast greater foot)
>monk class

If Dark Messiah did not have the kick it would not have be half the game it was.

OK Sup Forums list em
Favorite weapon
Favorite spell
Favorite area
Favorite waifu

Dark Messiah was a shit game with literally zero challenge. The unbreakable guard made the game a fucking joke. It was a nice tech demo, but a shit game that does not deserve a sequel.

>new equip system
>4 pieces: body, boots, gloves, helmet
>boots improve your kick ability
>heaviest boots make enemies fly the farest

>Knockback from foot
>Areas where I can kick shit
>There is literally no reason to not choose Xana

>The unbreakable guard made the game a fucking joke

Enemies can kick through your guard.

>i didn't play the game.txt

Euphoria physics, but with lowered gravity

>sword and board
>necromancer's stronghold
not the blonde bitch

Your image is dumb and unfunny. Weapon: Kicks. Spell: Slip and slide because what else is there. Area: The cliffside with the orcs and the bridge you could cut down. Waifu: Both

>literally zero challenge
This buster didn't play on hardcore

Yeah, and you can put it back up before they can land another swing. I've played the game from start to finish, it's an unbalanced mess.

But what would the sequel even be about?

Since you're presumably going for Sareth as the protagonist once again, what the hell would this game be about?

I can only think of Sareth and Xana, having imprisoned Sareth's father, trying to conquer the world on their own.

I don't know if I was doing something wrong but when playing on hardcore the orcs would damage me in the first 0.1s of the attack animation before I could even block. If I did block they destroyed my shield in 2 hits and if I didn't they took 70% of my hp with 1 hit. Did I mention the ridiculous range of their melee attacks even for goblins? This combat was a fucking mess.

>different MC
>different time
Not that hard.

>game is literally titled DARK MESSIAH
>as in Sareth

Why bother keeping the name then?

You get to use those sick dragon weapons, which is way better than some thot.

>same universe
>same aesthetics
Are you trolling?

Just call it something else of Might and Magic.

Although I don't care much for the Ubisoft M&M universe, I prefer the older one, even with all its flaws.

>Yeah, and you can put it back up before they can land another swing.

Yes but the kick does damage. On hardcore it does about a third of your life.

I loved this game so fucking much. Why can't there be more level based rpg games anymore? The orc island is one of my favourite game levels ever.
>dat view from the wooden buildings on the cliffside
>dat adventuring feel when climbing around with the rope bow
>dem spooky crypts
>dat inner area of the orc island after you finally leave the crypts and see daylight again
Fuck open world. I want something like this again.

Lighting daggers
Slip'n Slide
The cliff-faces with all the orks and the shanty huts
dad just wanted to let you in on the family business, he did nothing wrong

>betraying the woman who has always been at your side
>betraying Best Dad
>not becoming supreme ruler of the world or supreme prince of the world

Hey, Sir Kicks-a-lot conquering the world through the power of kicks sounds like a game I'd play.

It's fucking stupid to keep the name when it has nothing to do with the game itself.

You're just EA at that point, keeping the title and fucking over everything else that was relevant to the title.

They should Ledroit design Ashan from the bottom to the top, everything about it, not just the artwork.

I could try.
Why did multiplayer die out anyway?
Was it not as fun as singleplayer?

>not becoming supreme ruler of the world or supreme prince of the world
I dunno man, going by the other M&M games, Inferno never does well.

Would you let yourself be possessed by a succubus?

The combat wasn't good. FPV spam garbage. You sound like the retards that say M&B is good.

Maybe but I'd need to summon one first. Does anyone know how to summon a succubus?

The kicking didn't do physics stuff.
The rest is obvious.

>literally only wants your dick cause you got demon prince dick
no ty

Probably not. I mean, not IRL.

If it was someone like Xana, intent on making me powerful, who would stay loyal to me, then yeah, sure. But that'd never happen.

I don't think the multiplayer has player ragdolling. Now I'm not sure how to implement that without fights seeming boring, but that was the whole draw of the singleplayer so whoops. It had skill trees, which was whatever, and multi-stage maps which probably no one cared about

>You sound like the retards that say M&B is good

M&B horseback combat is the best in the medium.

Needs more spikes.

What a retardedly narrow sub-genre of combat.

So you want open world RPG multiplatform consolelite with quest markers and invasion mechanic, yeah?

You didn't expect Skyrim, unless you're an underaged fag.

No no no, wait

Not him, but I played HC. Finished it in a couple sittings without issue

>The promised Dark Messiah 2 arrives.
>Whole skill leveling tree with physical moves and different power attacks and combos.
>Improved spells that allow you to set up more creative traps and cc enemies in other ways.
>Kicking isn't in the game.

>I can only think of Sareth and Xana, having imprisoned Sareth's father, trying to conquer the world on their own.
That's not bad at all. Go for the Overlord kind of feel ya know?
Besides that, like the other annon said, different time and person.

>that area where you're on a ship and enemies are rushing across the dock to board
>kick every single one into the water to drown
I never laughed so hard at a game.

You do realise it will be a sequal so all those mores will be lesses or gone entirely, right?

No fuck you, invasion was never been good.

Holy shit yes. Open world is cancer

This. Game devs don't believe in improving games anymore, just simplifying for a wider playerbase.

if skyrim had the exact same gameplay as dark messiah it would, no joke, be game of all time for me
the combat is so addicting in this game

I remember hearing that Ubisoft buried the M&M IP completely after 7's low sales.

>dad walks in

why the FUCK didn't doom have a kick button?

more games need a kick button.

>dad walks in

It has been a thousand years, Sareth, since the Seventh Dragon has banished our kind from the face of Ashan. For ten centuries we have waited for our vengence. We have waited, for you. You are the one foretold by the wizard Sar-Shazzar, the Dark Messiah of ancient prophecy. You are my son, and my heir, the herald of fire and of blood. The creature that accompanies you is yours, use her as you see fit. Now, take up the skull of my ancient enemy and shatter the prison that holds me. This, my son, I command you. And, once I am free, this world and every soul in it, will be ours.

>Sauron will never be your dad and tell you to that his hot employee wants your dick

There is literally zero reason to betray him.


>tfw you can't make pinkies slip over on ice

He was too easy

Order ain't free. The web of Asha gotta be spun with the souls of the dead. Urgash aka the creator of demons is not my god. He is chaos incarnate and probably madness as well :DD. SKELETONS and vampires not imps and SUCCUBI ok . Asha uses all.



>Arx Fatalis had full body awareness
>Dark Messiah had full body awareness
>Dishonored didn't
>Prey probably won't either

A dirty gimmick, completely useless.


Are daggers viable as a main weapon?

Kha-Beleth has such a good design despite looking like a WoW raid boss


Everything is viable as a main weapon. If you thin otherwise you need to either get creative or git gud.

not seeing your feet is how you know it's shit

You sound SO silly right now

Sure, that's precisely what distinguishes good game from bad.


Dishonored has good movement though.

>The creature that accompanies you is yours, use her as you see fit
Really makes you think

they oneshot everything aside from cyclops and the final boss


I always felt sorry for those goblins(?) that run in fear of you when they witness you kicking their friends into spikes

Don't be, they expect you to chase them down while hiding behind one of the walls for an ambush attack.
God damn, that really threw me off the first time that happened to me, this game is great.

orks could also pick you up by the throat and throw you a fair distance if you turtle too hard.
throw you onto spikes or off mountains = insta kill
wood floors also broke when they threw you on it.
hardcore mode was a different game altogether fighting blackguards and ghouls.
and the worst spiders in anygame i have played so far, would take any other games spiders over those things anyday.


you know what it is