>"PlayStation Plus is a complete rip off!"
"PlayStation Plus is a complete rip off!"
I'm glad you enjoy those movies.
You have to manually add them to your cart? Why not just automatically add them to your account?
>The Swindle
Shit games, stop trying to justify ps plus, not even real ps4 players like it so stop making the rest of us look dumb, we know it sucks and we dont try to justify it
>paying for a subscription monthly just to play shitty mobile tier games
cant make this shit up
I didn't even want to add the garbage vn that was given away a couple of months ago. Not everyone wants every game in their library.
shit games
>The Swindle
i'll say
Wow nice games bro!
>all those meme games
It is horseshit that it's required for online but the perks are alright sometimes. Played some great games I wouldn't have bothered with otherwise and gotten actual bargains compared to retail due to the sales.
>uneducated millenials claiming DOTT is shit
>The Swindle $̶1̶4̶.̶9̶9̶ Free
Free rental is still free
So if i pay for 1.month of psn can i download every free game on it then cut the subscription?
Its not free you fucking sony nigger
>Playing Titan Souls
>Beat the first section
>Hey this is a neat little game
>Get to the next section
>They make it a fucking maze just to find boss battles after that
What a way to fuck up a game
No, you still need plus on the same account you transfered those games to play them. Without plus they become obsolete and a waste of space.
I wouldn't pay for any of those.
Also enjoy having your movie games held hostage unless you pay their ransom every month you fucking faggot
>paying for multiplayer
>paying for games
pick one, other is free
Oh fuk
Does xbone have some free shit like psn?
I like how PS+'s offering in free games rapidly turned to shit as soon as the PS4 was out
No you lose the games after the subscription is over.
This is something people defending PS+ fail to mention.
Although to be fair most of PS+ games you get every month can be between whiting a few days and you rearly find a game you want to beat more than once.
You sure can, but the games you've download will become locked once your sub ends.
It's like complaining that you can't watch Netflix if your sub ends, makes no sense to me.
yeah, basically the same game. there's even an option to play with the original graphics.
PS+ used to have some really good stuff in it, back when it wasn't mandatory for online multiplayer, and Sony was trying to get more players into it. Hell, back when the service launched on Vita they added some really great stuff to it consistently, and I remember them having all of the Uncharted series on the PS3 service as it went on.
But these days PS4 is market leader, and everybody has to use PS+ anyway. There's no reason for them to have good games featured, why would they give quality products out for free to majority of customers who might be buying them?
half the game is running slowly to the actual gameplay, I hated it too
I heard that its the same, except xbox offers good games monthly... unlike psn which offers garbage indie games
The difference is nobody says Netflix gives you free movies.
Free as long as you keep paying your monthly shekels.
They had the RE remake during october which was pretty cool, but that's about it.
Orogon and humble bundle has free games sometimes and AC3 was frew in december on uplay, they dont dick around like consoles
ikr, back in the ps3 they gave you tons of cool shit and they still do but only for the ps3 system and maybe psvita.
>not wanting Otome VNs
look at this faggot
With playstation I'm just gonna stick with singleplayer exclusives and avoid the subscription,some of the rentals are nice but not $60 a year nice.
Nobody says sony gives you free games, it's quite obviously a rental service.
Of course it was good at first, they had a massive back catalogue and the point to begin with was to trick retards into paying for online.
$67.95 ~ $145.90
every month u get new games u retard..its 48 shitty indie games
>You pay a yearly fee for them and don't get to keep them if you stop paying
Every time I see shit like this it reminds me of an old Looney Toons cartoon where a snake oil salesman says something along the lines of "I'll give you a free sample for only $5."
>calling Day Of The Tentacle a indie game
i want underaged retards to leave Sup Forums
Monthly? Bought 3 years on ebay for 88 dollaritos. For 2.45$\m I got my money back with extra-discounts alone. Paying for multiplayer is still a scam anyway
I got This Meme of Mine for free through Prime and probably won't ever play that.
Literally everyone already played Day of the Tentacle and the other two games on that list look like garbage.
How would you call the ps+ 'free' games then? They are certainly free to download if you have the service.
There was DLC for this war of mine? Fucking I hate the tailored steam store front page. I just want to see new releases.
Still better than Nintendo jewshop
>It's like complaining that you can't watch Netflix if your sub ends, makes no sense to me.
How about complaining that PSN doesn't let you keep the games once you drop the subscription but XBL does? I'd say that's a much better parallel.
Yes, all those FREE™ games, just keep paying for our PREMIUM™ service and you will continue to get those FREE™ games you like so much, just think of all those FREE™ games you get by paying for our service. Don't forget, it's FREE™
I can still listen to my song once my Spotify Premium membership runs out. :^)
More like wanting to watch tv while you already pay for cable then get forced to pay for netflix because something somewhere might use a netflix server
>meanwhile on pc
>there has literally been nothing for 2 years but nba 2k16 and furi
best toast in this bread
>Literally notifies that it's free with PS+ not literally free
*without all premium features
Literally then literally it's literally not literally free literally.
>lose """free""" games if you stop paying subscription
>not a rip off
Everything from Nintendo is free retard.
Rocket League too
But that's about it
>having an ugly ass baby forever condemned to being near retarded because you have a nigger fetish
>actual bargains compared to retail due to the sales.
You paid money upfront to recieve a small discount later. Don't fall into that psychological trap.
PS+ basically only exists to punish players for the lawsuit Sony lost after the 2011 hack. I didn't do the math, but Sony might just have made all that money back already.
>Real games and not indie shit
>Not required to play online
Letting you waste your paid online time on shitty games isnt a positive attribute.
wouldn't humble monthly be a closer comparison? both give you indie shit every month, both are a waste of money
Xbox has the same shit but doesn't lock you out of games, they're yours permanently. Sony is just being petty with the "subscription" model.
I just paid $7 on psn for Demon Souls on ps3, took awhile to download (shitty internet) and taking ages to install. it keeps going to 49% and stopping. any anons know what to do?
Remember when they use to give out AAA games like Sleeping dogs, Tomb raider, Bioshock Infinite and games like Binary Domain? I do
Remember when they gave something other than mostly mediocre indie games on PS4? I don't.
There was a time where you actually had good games on ps+ but died when ps4 released.
Humble Monthly actually lets you keep the games unlike Origin or PS+
Besides there are chances that you get 1 or 2 good games among their 8
Still too expensive for me and likely I'd get a better deal out of their bi-weekly bundle
>subscribed to psplus for a month now
>literally have 14 free games to play with
>somehow people still complain
Gamers really are entitled.
>14 """games"""
I too love uninspired indie shit.
Sure but I needed PS+ anyways so it's a nice addition.
Its like 5 bucks a month you guys
Pays itself with discounts anyways
>playing indie trash
Dude I'm pretty sure most people don't even remember digital gameshare in its pre-fucked state. Every time I mention how Sony gimped it I get a million responses asking what I'm talking about.
More and more I get the feeling that this hobby is being taken over by newfags who are used to taking corporate dick in the ass and being thankful for it.
>don't have ps3
if I had a ps3 this might be worth. So glad I had an xbox to experience rdr, black ops 1, and burnout paradise multiplayer.
Make me a sandwich?
>They are certainly free*
>*If you pay money
Gran Turismo 6 took literally 8 hours just to install
Thats pretty garbage, a fucking remaster on a game from the early 90s another fucking indie game and a third shit indie game
>Nobody says sony gives you free games
Except sony, in almost every ad for ps+
Except when they're the only exclusive to pc. Then they get paraded around as goty.
Sony says they give you free games stupid ass
wow sounds almost as good as the yogscast humble bundle deal!
sign me up!
Is it true Transformers devestation is free on PSN?