I need a good fucking sword dueling game
recommend me a good fucking sword dueling game
DaS PvP is not designed around duels outside of 2 which is dead
Blade Symphony is decent but dead as fuck
Chivalry is a mess and quite dead
Exanima is SP only

I'd wait for For Honor but can't be sure that it'll be good because Ubisoft

Other urls found in this thread:


For honor is getting a beta soon, you will get to try it then


Mount fucking blade nigga

>implying I have friends
fuck I just realised I never tried the multiplayer

Seriously what the fuck

>tfw you will never have bro adventures with Skallagrim
Why even live

He is a hack


Oh, fucking come on, OP. There is a tonne of good sword dueling type games.
Mount and Blade
For Honor
To name some of the more popular ones.

What we really need is a good wizard game. With indepth magic, spell creation and spell work. Along with rituals and casting work.

God I hate that larper poser faggot and his ugly fat bitch dwarf wife.

Nidhogg has a single player mode

Fucking headbutt a redwood Skallagrim, get your womanlet to help.

Norwegian-Canadian, holy fuck proof the devil is real.

wish I had more skall pics just so that I could trigger you more

You suck dude. You're fat and that car accident was an act of God for your behavior.

Why do you hate him? He seems like a nice guy.

Fuck you loser.


Because Sup Forums needs to be contrarian about everything

They will now say "hurr he's a smartass" but if you ever watch his vids he always says he's not an expert by any means and is just sharing the little knowledge he has with the people.

Got too popular.

Just learn the high level meta in Chiv and duel in that. You're not gunna find a higher level skill ceiling and who cares if it's not realistic.

>recommend me a good



these threads are the closest you'll get to talking about video games on this board designed to talk about video games
fuck off

No one said he's a smartass.

Hey Skallagrim, test your new longsword on your faggot fanbase. Lucky viewer gets to witness firsthand proper edge alignment. End them rightly XDD

Lost Magic for Nintendo DS, there you go
also, you forgot Dark Messiah of Mgiht and Magic

I like that you're shitposting since you don't have a proper argument, kek.

For Honor is about as much of a sword dueling game as any fighting game is a accurate representation of any martial art.

>Sup Forums is senate :( pls act debate with argument :(

I want to rape you dude. In front of your professor and class.

sword dueling doesn't imply a high historical accuracy


I want a fun game, not a realistic one
a realistic sword dueling game would be boring as fuck

>Never tried mount and blade multiplayer


Then it's a melee brawling game with fighting game mechanics.

A proper sword fighting game would be more about thrusts, quick cuts targeting arteries and grappling moves.

whatever man, you can have your arbitrary definitions

I'm not gonna contest you on what you think "sword dueling" games are because frankly nobody should give a shit, but for honor is a game with swords in a 1v1 environment

You mean with one game mode, out of 5, that offers a 1v1 environment.

Launch chivalry again, find some french old-duelling servers (ffa) and try to kick their asses with your own style

you play what you want to play, obviously if you're after duels you're gonna play the duel gamemode

Speaking of For Honor, is there any word when the beta's starting?

I had lots of fun with alpha.

okay, since you faggots REALLY want me to play chivalry, one more question before I launch it
did they finally fix the character customization bugs? I'm extremely autistic about customizing my characters in online vidya


if you go how they did r6 beta, it'll be right before release, so late January

Holy shit, is that Peacemaker?! Are they female only?

yes and yes

please cease using exclamation marks you sound like you're shilling

>no suitable host found
>returning to lobby

I wasn't using exclamation marks you fucking autist.

Learn to read or stop replying, faggot.

Okay, one.

so the classes are genderlocked?
wanted to play as a qt armored knightfu

>Jedi outcast
>Jedi Academy
>phrase not found
>All these kids seriously thinking Ubisoft will deliver a decent game

Failed thread, throw it into the trash and set it on fire with all of you inside.

Only a couple of them are.

I wanted a male Peacekeeper but, now I just don't know what to play.

half of them

japs and vikings have a woman spear person, knights have a nimble counter class

What a fucking loser

fuck this sjw trash

I don't really understand the decision, but half of the half the classes are male gender locked too

There's nothing sjw about it, quite the contrary. It's pretty much bullshit in a fantasy world in any case.

If they did have male valkyries however, that would be a little weird.

beta soon

Get a dad.

I've been in 2 of the For Honor closed tests, and I can tell you it's fantastic

If you're fine with lightsaber duels, JK2 and JKA w/ mods. Can be dead, but I tebd to akways find people on when I play JK2.

Who /lindybeige/ here?

>I want to rape you dude. In front of your professor and class.
Man I don't know why I laughed so hard at this.

Lol those players are shit

>Who /lindybeige/ here?
Dorky as fuck Brit but more informative than Skallagrim. Slightly less horrid fanbase too.

t. katana autist

Of Kings and Men was dank as fuck

Low entry skill requirements but a fucking high skill ceiling like Mount&Blade

Shame it's currently dead


>muh sord

want to be my dad?

Jedi Academy

What are your three measurements?

a magical tale of a man and his Kriegsmesser

In the early trailers and interviews they said you could make your warrior any gender however you want. The first 6 available classes were interchangeable in the alpha, the rest weren't ready.

Most likely they just couldn't be bothered giving all classes bother genders in the end due to time constraints.



Lawbringer ( male ), Valkyrie ( female ) Shugoki ( male ) Nobushi ( female ), Warlord ( male ), Peacekeeper ( female ) are genderlocked

I seriously will never understand how someone can hate a person they have never met and has no impact in their life whatsoever.

It's the tutorial video, user

>a person they have never met and has no impact in their life whatsoever.
Feel the same way about Hitler dude. Why is everyone always taking the bank's side and vilifying some artist? Toxic brah. Just toxic. Just wow.

>M&B multiplayer
>people randomly flailing their weapon around like retards, while pretending it was all calculated when they finally manage to land a hit
Thanks, but no thanks.

My rage is eternal

Don't be dumb, he did affect a lot of people's lives, what a fucking stupid comparison to make, you probably wipe your ass with chunks of wood because "Hey that's where paper comes from"

I swear I meet the biggest retards in here.

>a person they have never met and has no impact in their life whatsoever.
Leave Trump alone, bully.

bushido braidu baka fucking gaijin

Pirates, Vikings & Knights 2, my dude.

You should get that learning disability checked.

DaS3's PvP is decent, although it's starting to devolve into the same crit-centric hornet ring bullcrap that ruined DaS1. You might like it if you play with an ultra, there's something cathartic about smacking someone with a bigass sword and watching them fail to learn that they can't parry it with their stupid caestus.

You should check on your womanlets son, Skallagrim.

What an insecure little bitch

>no Lawbringer (female)

you say that, but shitposters will jump on any opportunity to call someone they disagree with a shill

>caring about shitposters


Hell fucking yes

Be silent merchant.

Mr. Potato Head changed

Look at this projecting loser and laugh

ye boi

Not him but, that phrasing is actually a rallying call to fans/followers of x, not a question about x's identity.

A short woman?
A man tourned lady who was short?

Why are all three of them attacking from the front with overheads, is this the tutorial again?

we have no footage of the characters that isn't the tutorial or taunts, no

>People who want a realistic swordfighting game when we're still limited to mouse+keyboard or gamepads

new characters*

there's plenty of fights of the original 6 from the beta

Psychoanalyze me more.
I know man, just commenting. I like Lindy, he's a dork though and this stuff has annoying fanbases.
u retard?

if you so badly need your fix
why not just begin with like fencing or historical fencing? fencing is fun af m8