Hows your Channel going Sup Forums?

Hows your Channel going Sup Forums?

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My video got 2000 views and then I couldn't think of any more ideas. Was thinking of just doing mock reviews but it seems like something that is already overdone.

Not very good.

Zero interest in retro games. Plus do I need to buy views or something.

Oh well it's fun to do. Even though some retro games are insanely hard


Pretty good actually, I have a house mix channel, almost 5k subs now.

I do not run a channel

>tfw want to make more videos but dont feel good about doing someone thats overdone and cant think of anything thats both new and entertaining

god damn im a pleb

i am literally pewdiepie, AMA

Slightly better :D

Some nice user from the last one of these threads recommended i get a face cam, and it has made it magnitudes more fun to create :)

Seems like a fun game desu.

doesn't matter if its overdone just do it if thats what you want to do

holy shit i cant hold my CRINGe

instead of choosing topics to talk about, just script the whole thing. then read it out loud and change what doesn't sound good when spoken. also so many bad words wow so cool haha.

sounds like i'm listening to the dialogue in the star wars prequels mixed with an angry teenager yelling at his mom

lol move on to twitch gramps. 0 money to be made from youtube. CTR is less than 6% and what you do get is cut by like 60% from youtube and whatever partner team you sign up with to get views bought for you.

>Slightly better
>10~ views per video

Why do you keep shilling your shit on here by pretending that your videos are redpilled and much better than your old ones

>*smacks lips*
As soon as I clicked play i smelt poo and body odor

delete your channel already

>167 subs
It's going alright.

Here's what I uploaded today -
>Let's Play 100% Orange Juice part 3
>Let's Play Dwarf Fortress - Moisttunnels part 4

Here is my most viewed video -
>Let's Play Morrowind Modded - Dark Elf Mage part 1

Here is my current channel trailer -
>Let's Play &&

Here is my original upload
>Let's Play DEADBOLT part 1

Channel art is present in the post. Yes that is a gray in the background, hiding there behind the stained glass madness.

The rebranding is in full swing.

Working on a new review for PS4 dead rising and a companion beginners guide

Just passed 2000 subscribers over the winter holidays and I've lost motivation to upload anymore. My last video was 6 months ago and right now I just want to play games without recording anything. Answering video comments was fun though.

>tfw I know this feel
Recording I couldn't give less of a shit about since it's incredibly low stress, but streaming is fucking awful man.

There's something about streaming that I just fucking hate. It destroys any enjoyment I have while playing knowing someone is watching my every move. Even if I'm playing well, people come in and watch and it makes me uncomfortable.

>uploaded an old video of a show I downloaded from some other site in 2008
>said video has nearly 3 million views now for whatever reason
>have nearly 200 subs even though I haven't uploaded anything since then

I consistently get messages about shady companies asking me if I want to be a YT partners with them.

Just got done with another yearly screenshot collection. At the moment i have done this for 4.5 years, will probably put them all together into something truly autistic when i reach 5 years.

i'm litreally rich my man, i do whatever i want.
ok, i'm definitely doing it this week.

There is literally zero reason for a youtube network anymore, anyone who tells you otherwise is a fucking idiot.

get a better microphone my man, it sounds like shit

I've ignored all those messages.

Okay, nearly reached 1,500 subscribers and I get about $120-$150 a month

Oh no, I'd never gonna join any of that shit.
I was just saying that it's fucking bizarre since my account is basically dead yet I still get those messages all the time.

Im super proud of this, i got soapstone messaging from darksouls working in unity :D

Just working on invasions now :D

My dream is to make a similar game but set in a dynamic universe for people to explore together :D


WHY are you HERE?

NIGGA the real new FRONTIER is My buddy that moderates /baphomet/ wants me to set up a channel there. I might do that when I get my new computer. Have two workstations that make videos and upload to separate sites each. SHOULD BE OKAY.

I'm paycheck level Autistic. Any upgrade I get I have to save up months or years to do. Been saving to get a new PC since January 2016 and now my mom/representative payee says I can finally get one in February.


Either way I'm WORKING ON IT. Least you didn't complain about something I can't change, like my voice. Having AUTISM and almost LOSING MY TONGUE WHEN I WAS 2 and BRAIN DAMAGE FROM ALMOST DROWNING TWICE make me sound GAY

i've got 133 subs from uploading a samurai jack video half a year before the announcement of the reboot, i have also uploaded 1 gaming video but no views


don't do that

post it here NIGGA
might want to PEEP THAT SHIT yo

am i being a naughty boy? :P

if i continue are you going to spank me to teach me a lesson? ;)

i thought your voice was ok.
but come on man, my microphone cost like 15 dollars 10 years ago and it sounds better than this, doesn't have to be studio quality with spit shield and all.

i feel you my man, im not autistic but i have ADD and schizoid personality disorder.

oh daddy, i cant stop :D

Fuck off

The most recent video we've done the channel is going ok so far.
here you go nigga, it's shit because i don't know how to record properly, and also only gameplay video i have

>Do not buy views
Uh, you can buy views from Youtube, it's just under the guise of advertising.

If I was serious about it I'd probably pay for ads on youtube. It's like investing in the future. You shill on youtube to get followers so you can get more exposure, so you can make ad revenue yourself. Makes sense.

Sure makes me want to check out your channel desu.

5 subs

I just can't get views. I probably should cave in and play something popular a little bit to gather some autists.

Get an adjective. Swearing is base son and you've done it like 4x in 30 seconds.

Wanna do a collab with me user?

I have less subs than you

mine cost $15 in 2015 and is a Chinese brand usually used in paranormal investigations. Can pick up when I pass gas. I did make a pop filter out of two socks but it's the best I can do for right now. I live on a little under $900 USD a month thanks to being paycheck level Autistic and other kinds of disabled. Can't work so I play video games. Can't go outside because of anxiety. Youtube helps with my anxiety. So does 1,200mg gabapentin. It's a hell of a drug. Still, I'm WORKING ON IT.

Might be better with a more relevant thumbnail. Other than that, it's alright for a beginning attempt. Make more of these and make things you like. It's not fun if you don't make what you like. Make the videos you want to make and go from there.

Also your elf is a qt 3.14. I want to cum inside her. 10/10 would breed.

Sorry, I didn't know I could buy advertising on Youtube. Thanks for clarifying that. Also cool, thanks for that.

Nah sorry man. Not really interested.

whats a good recording software i can use to get better quality content? my video looks like it was recorded using a fucking toaster

then rot

OBStudio is pretty much the baseline. Though it depends on what you're using.

Honestly, I used FRAPs back in the day for PC. I don't capture much PC these days because I'm a console peasant.

sause of that pic

Do you know if some youtube networks give you a quota to upload x amount of videos per week or else they'll drop you? I didn't want youtube to be like a second job in terms of rushing out videos for the sake of meeting deadlines so I didn't join any.

I use Action myself, nice UI and great quality. Bandicam is good too. On console I use the Elgato HD60 Pro, couldn't recommend it enough.

thanks user, i think i'll get it today and try to record some more stuff, probably wont get any more views than my other stuff but i like to do it

It looks like pornography

Been a while since my last upload, but i'm at least getting subs almost every day.

yeah but it's for academic purpose, you know

Shadowplay if Nvidia, OBS if AMD

Disregard every single statement saying otherwise.

Yeah it's terrible it's a bad crutch but I'm working on it


Personally I use Bandicam, second choice would be OBS, third is Shadowplay if you have an nvidia card and your editing software supports variable frame rates. For huge lossless files, probably Fraps but I hardly use that anymore.

Don't bother joining a network.

Join one when you're at like the 30k mark or higher. You probably will never need to worry about it.

Networks were basically a way to essentially have mafia protection on youtube because people could flag your videos falsely and get away with it. The network basically acted as a deterrent and would fight for you, all for a cut of your revenue, which youtube has already had its slice of.

Theres no reason for it anymore since youtube has gotten better about copyright claims in the past few months. It used to be "mandatory" for gaming content, but thats not true anymore.

I get discouraged because I've basically stagnated. I'm lucky if my videos break 50 views and I've been at the same sub count for about 5 months now.

Granted, I've only really been at it for 5 months.

I'm going to do the thing I've always hated and put the like/comment/subscribe shit at the end of my videos because that shit works for some reason. It feels dirty but I'm going to do it.

Going decently well desu, I think I will try to get away from current game reviews and get more into talk about broader concepts or older games. Anything where I feel I don't have to hit a specific time window for my scripts to still be "relevant".

That said I also did a 2016 goty thing cause I like recapping.

It's going well, I do game reviews, countdowns and more.

Recently got into streaming and have had a few people donate to me.

I also do a Bloodborne series with Fungo (from TwinPerfect) in which I'm a noob and he mentors me.

Furthermore, I do freelance video editing for game companies such as Nintendo, 2K, Bethesda and more.

Got any questions regarding what editing software you should use, equipment and so on?

Hit me up on Twitter

>Do one video on Tree of Savior when I was in icb2 since I was the first necromancer on the server
>Showcased its skills and synergy with the Linker Class
>I put basically no effort into it, the sound was very low and wasn't very well done. Not even a custom thumbnail
>Get 24k views
Probably the most I'll have. I always wanted to do no commentary long plays and short guides since I'm a lazy fuck and don't wanna talk when I'm focusing on a game. But I know those never get to the front page when people look for them and since no commentary, people get bored easily if there isn't a personality behind the game.

Oh well.

>auto-playing video on the home screen

urgh I hate when channels do this

Dead since I just fucked up and bricked a bunch of my followers 3DS

Yeah it sucks because when you're doing reviews and you're not in a privileged game reviewer position who gets early access and can pump out a review day 1.

Really sucks for the numbers, but then again, its hard to tell since the larger channels get the exposure anyways and the smaller ones get left in the dust.

I run a podcast with one of my friends that has spilled over into a youtube channel

we are virtually microscopic, but its fun to make shit so we keep doing it

>third worlder
>makes a video that bricks other 3rd worlders 3DS
>3DS' that were probably christmas gifts
>3rd worlders that will never be able to afford another

You are a bad person.

>797 subs

Your website looks like it's made by a housewife in 1996 who wants to sell her handmade soaps online.

Can't complain very much, pretty good month for us, 25k views in total from December, new thumbnail template we whipped up for future reviews, yay or nay?

Example of our videos and current thumbnails.

My best advice to give is honestly just keep at it and improving as you go or looking for improvement

The moment it stops being fun, take a break, don't ever force yourself.

The moment you "force" out videos, you'll just burn yourself out even worse.

Yeah id say that's about as accurate an analogy for what we do as one could come up with

Not great

My friend hardly ever has free time, so getting any videos done ever isn't easy.

Honestly, theres no reason not to have a patreon desu.

Just get your friends to put in a 1$ or so a month, since nothing is more pathetic than a 0 dollar patreon.

I mean you look at guys like LGR who are fairly big and they have 3k a month patreons + youtube ad revenue, so thats obviously a pretty good income.

I see you like to keep an eye on each side of your head to watch out for approaching predators.

A few of my subscribers from Fungo asked me to make a Patreon and I did.
Now I have a few people helping me, I don't complain.

That said I think you can get some mileage out of reviewing smaller titles if they look enticing. You can play up the "you should really check out this gem" angle and also smaller developers will be more likely to give you a shout out or a retweet or whatever.

For anything mildly known you're fucked tho unless I guess you have a themed channel and a fanbase that is actually waiting for your thoughts on a game (which most likely isn't the case for anyone here).

Really whoring for that free cash huh? I don't mind patreon but at least wait a few years until you're established, right now it just looks a little sad considering only 8 of your videos have even broke 1 thousand views.

I'm sorry.

I let them die every time. I get 5-10k subs and then get bored and quit. Making a new persona is a lot of fun though.

The whole point of patreon is literally for guys who are small but dedicated/talent to be able to continue to make their content through direct compensation as opposed to ad revenue (at least as Patreon relates to youtube)

If you think its for people who are big to supplement your income you're brainwashed by the masses.

Guys like Boogie2988, and Angry Joe, and really anyone with 500k+ subs with a patreon is being a money grubbing jew. Period.

A few of my viewers asked for it and I provided, I don't see a problem.

I just monitized. Hoping for at least 30 cents a month

Unless you're animators on Youtube. I could see that as respectable as they fucked the algorithm and screwed them over in cpm.

How is it some porn stuff can make it on youtube? I follow a twitch guy who dumps his broadcasts on youtube, and one of his videos has a couple thousand views where he just looks at the porn mags he collected during his mafia 3 run. There's quite a few videos on that, so I guess there's something fine with showy titties so long as it's from vidya?

Stagnating, as always

wanted to get 2 more videos out last year (I wanted to do Parasite Eve for a Christmas Special) but obviously holidays with family always complicate things.

Working on new and better stuff. Better structure, better editing, better production values via section headers and such. Working on a companion website for a new channel I want to make since I always felt this one was more of an experiment. But I'm really not thrilled with the idea of throwing away a 428 sub channel that gets consistently 30 views a video for a new one that will have zero traction.

Teach me your secrets wizard.

Do grils watch your videos? I'm surprised I have any views since I just spit out some low effort crap once every year or so for fun.

PVP in popular games where it can often be hard to do so. 1vX is a good way to make people sub. Shill your shit in the respective forums that talk about the game. Eventually you won't need to shill and people will come to your channel through reference.

Just don't shill on Sup Forums.

I have funny Deus Ex video prepared, all I need is to add audio commentary

It involves beating half of the stage without legs

I want to start one, what is the minimum I need to start a streaming channel?

Good computer, good intetnet connection, OBS, microphone and possibly webcam.

Subbed. I want to be your friend user.

Videogames are shit

Kinda boring to be honest user. 20 min reviews are wayyyyy to much. Cut that shit down to ten.

Also try to sound interested or at least be funny. no one cares about serious reviews get something that makes you stand out from the other 17-20 year old faggots in there mothers basement to afraid to enter the work force so instead waste there lifes trying to become famous.

Thanks chief. A lot of my opinions are pretty shit tho desu.

Yeah I need to cut the length down. Length has always been an issue for me.

>Good Computer
Check (could use an update, tho)
>Good internet connection
Fug, the ISP I want doesn't reach my home yet (I live in the outskirts of a big city)
>Possibly Webcam
Not check, can get one, I'm just lazy

So, my biggest gripe is the internet conection. I'll hold unitl I get that sorted out then. I'll stick to capture games with commentary for the time being.

My audience is trapfags and tranny chasers because I sound like a tranny, so my scope is narrow.
I also only play shooters and some odd game every now and then.

I don't have many viewers, but I don't mind.

im making one in about a month. its going to be a creepypasta channel where i post my own creppypasta. here is a sneak peck

It was a fresh summer morning when me and my family went to the annual
flee market.I'm a hardcore nintendo fan, so I immediately started
looking for stands that sold nintendo games. After

a while of looking I found a stand that sold N64 games.

got Zelda Majoras Mask?" I asked. It was one of my favourite games as a
child, but I traded it for a version of SuperMan 64 and never got it

The man looked at me weirdly and answered.

-"I have this copy here, but it's pretty dusty and might not work."

-"Well how much do you want for it?"

-"5.99, and it comes with an expansion pack."

-"Sounds like a deal" I said and bought the game.

When I got home I turned on my custom N64 and loaded the game it had two save files "gond.dnapxe" and ".dk.6.4.", I chose the empty slot but the screen went black and showed an

error message:"[(8m)wol2.sot13.era{uO5y}]"

I haven't seen error messages in N64 games before I decided to take the
game out of the N64 and clean it. After about half an hour of intense
cleaning I loaded the game again. This

there were only two save file slots left "gond.dnaxpe" and ".dk.6.4.".

the heck?" I thought "How the f***k could this happen!? HOW THE F**K

So I loaded ".dk.6.4." It
loaded on the 4th day with Link wearing a Donkey Kong mask?! At that
point I knew somebody hacked the game! Being a collage student in a
programming class I knew

it wasn't impossible to hack a cartridge but it sertanly wasn't easy and would take a lot of time to do! So I got excited.



Well tranny peeps actually have a huge following if they're pretty/cute. If you just sound like one then I guess you're sol.