>He skips cutscenes during his first playthrough
He skips cutscenes during his first playthrough
Here, me. I really don't give a shit about stories often. Last game I did it with was RE6.
I'll give them a chance, but as soon as I realise I'm zoning out or otherwise not paying attention or am just plain not interested, I am skipping that shit to get to the video game.
Fucking end yourself
I skipped most of the carriage rides in Red Dead Redemption on my first playthrough.
I play games to play them. If you're anime waifu rambles on about crap I don't give a fuck about imma skip it and go back to killing things
Because I didn't fully care about the story of RE6?
I really don't think I missed a masterpiece there.
>skipped most of the carriage rides
You can do that?
Youre the worst kind of person.
Why do you even play games.
For the game part clearly. Is it really that odd?
To play them.
This may be a shocker to you. For the GAMEPLAY.
I truly feel pity for people who are incapable of getting immersed in an atmosphere.
>You skip cutscenes? Why even play the game?!
Take a guess.
But yeah, only pieces of shit skip cutscenes.
I hope for your sake you don't talk about how good or bad the game is then.
Skipping cutscenes = skipping parts of the game.
You lose the right to speak of the game as a whole.
Newsflash, the story of most games are fucking garbage
They lack a virtue called patience.
I enjoy the story more than gameplay, user, I just don't think it's strange that someone might play a game for the game part.
im immerseed in the atmosphere of hitting buttons
How would you know if you skip the cutscenes?
Do you just regurgitate Sup Forums's "opinions" ?
I don't skip the cutscenes
You do know what games were meant for, right?
i skipped all the cutscenes ins MGR because i wanted to play a platinum game not to play a kojima game
Mirror's edge.
Story bored me, i gave it a chance but i just couldn't.
Game was good, the inside crawl areas and the verticle pipes slowed down the momentum though. Wish the game allowed you to be faster most of the time. Still enjoyed.
I usually skip dialogue if its the common fantasy troupe garbage
If a game makes me want to skip the cutscenes on the very first playthrough I might aswell drop it right there
The cutscenes arent really part of the game, just like the pictures of army guys on the Risk box aren't part of the game.
You should have just skipped that game entirely imo.
Shadow Warrior 2 I'm skipping some cut sciences as script is shit and the VA is fucking atrocious
>Story isn't part of the game
I wish I skipped the cutscenes from MGS4
jesus christ, so much time wasted, so much backstory ruined forever
>I truly feel pity for people who are incapable of getting immersed in an atmosphere.
When being immersed means "getting rambled at for 5 - 10 minutes at a time, interrupting actual gameplay", people lose interest.
>he reads the wiki on his first playthrough
>Freedom Planet
I think the only time I did this was when I was playing Star Ocean 2 and trying to find a save point.
"They're still fucking talking holy shit"
Mashing circle.
This can be forgiven of course because Star Ocean is horrendously boring.
ITT: a bunch of 12 year olds who cant sit still long enough to enjoy a game.
Go back to looking at your phone for hours you little cunts.
Depends entirely on the game. i skip cutscenes on god eater cos i literally don't care about the story.
>skipping the pre-monsoon cutscene
>skipping Armstrong's MAGA speech
Shit son
Found the movie enthusiast
Go see a doctor and get some ritaling you underage fucks.
>he didn't skip cutscenes in mmos
its not that extreme
like saying the music is not part of the game, or the graphics
of course the gameplay is the main ingredient but everything else gives it more flavor and after a certain point I doubt there can be such a big quality difference between cutscenes and gameplay in any game
>spend an amount of money on a video game
>skip parts of that game/rush through the story to get the gameplay
Why not enjoy the full package? You spent money on it.
>playing games with cutscenes
>cutscenes are unskippable
>skips through the cutscenes
>then complains the story didn't make sense or was bad
I got books and movies for that
You must truly have a sad life if you actually play games for story, considering how dogshit they are
>can't skip the credits
>even if it's NG+
Everyday I wonder how Sup Forums can be so misguided...
>skip cutscenes
>lose an integral part of the experience
>complain about the game
It's ok to play a game for the gameplay, but you lose the right to complain about it when you purposefully skip parts of it 'cause "muh gameplay"
>skip cutscene
>it's another cutscene
>then another cutscene
>then another cutscene
Oh good lord why do lazy devs do that? Make your fucking game more engaging instead of relying on over-dramatic exposition.
>have option to skip shitty part of the game
>"you only have the right to say it's shitty if you didn't skip it"
I do sometimes if I really don't care for the story usually in crappy games.
>skip something
>somehow knows if it's good or not
JRPGs come to mind
ADHD isn't real
>Accidently skip a cutscene
>Haven't saved in a few hours
>Do I keep playing or do I reset so I know what I missed?
>Want to pause during a cutscene
>Have no idea whether or not pressing Start will pause or skip the cutscene
Why isn't there an industry standard for this yet?
Or maybe because the problem was the gameplay and not the story itself, retard.
>user, why did you skip the exposition scene?
>because I'm here for the MOVIE! GOD!
I'm sorry to tell you this OP, but there are people like this in the hobby.
These are the people who want mindless fun, skinner boxes. These are the people who play candy crush on their phone on their lunch break.
These are the people who refuse to play dwarf fortress because 'lol its text based'
These people are not gamers. These people believe games are and can only be mindless stupid entertainment. They just want to kill things or get points because they don't really care.
These are the people who didn't buy a game at the video store and greedily read every last word of the manual on the ride home.
They are not like us. Do not concern yourself with them.
muh satire
> spends 60 dollarydoos on gamu
> skips a fourth of the game
Sup Forums defends this
It sounded a lot less fedora in my head then when I typed it but I'm 100% fucking serious.
It's like the mindless people who will go watch an action movie in the theater and not care about anything but mindless violence because they want entertainment. It's like the most soulless form of playing a game simply just to play it because it's there. That's the kind of person I'm talking about
>you lose the right to complain about it when you purposefully skip parts of it 'cause "muh gameplay"
if a foruth of the game is just cut scenes then you pissed away your money.
>These are the people who refuse to play dwarf fortress
A game with no cutscenes
If anything older people are more into arcade style games that is light on story and can be played in short bursts
While underage teenagers and 20 year olds try to validate their hobby and feel more mature by sitting through story heavy games with lots of cutscenes like Heavy Rain or Uncharted
You'd have to be 12 to actually enjoy the average video game story
Well then you're being silly
A game doesn't need cutscenes to be a good game
Many of the best games don't have any stories, or have them in campaigns while the longevity comes from the sandbox or whatever mode, you even mentioned DF here, or something loike AoE2, or Civ, or Doom, or wehatever good game you can think of
Most stories in games are fucking dogshit compared to even b-tier books
Cutscenes are meh, I don't think I've ever skipped them because my tism won't let me, it's nice when they are skippable like spyro though.
But fuck me do NOT give me that "I'm half playing the game I'm half not" shit where you "cinematically" explore a place, or it takes away my ability to run or do anything, or I push the stick to keep playing the animation of the person climbing through things (think new tomb raider) etc.
just give me a cutscene where I can put the controller down and drink my tea or let me play the fucking game don't give me some inbetween bullshit where I feel like I'm involved for no reason.
Most video game stories are absolute garbage when compared to even a C tier film or book.
>He puts the controller down and pulls out his phone during the cutscenes
>You already played the game so you have to sit there and watch them again while he asks "What happened?" every 5 seconds
get a new BF
>having more than one playthrough
>the game doesn't let you skip cutscenes
You missed absolutely nothing
>muh atmosphere
That game had no atmosphere fuck off
what this weeb said
>playing singleplayer games that have stories you should pay attention to with other people
>He thinks any video game is comparable to 8 1/2, Red Desert, The Apartment, The 400 Blows, etc, etc
Fuck off. Video game cutscenes are superfluous and god hand and MGS aren't the standard.
name one video game with good cutscenes
you can't
twin snakes
The same thing books and movies are meant for
>he play Telltale games
>he skip every dialogue
>he plays Telltale """games"""
I've skipped all of KH:Birth By Sleep cutscenes
I really didn't care about the few interactions that the main characters have with each other/side characters, and I already knew the plot since I only emulated the game way after I played Dream Drop Distance and read about the plot on wikis and shit
>skipped 95% of the cutscenes in FF14
>still has a grasp of the story
I get immersed if the game tries hard to get me immersed, if it's just boring shit with shit characters then I'm not gonna get into it much but I can still enjoy the gameplay maybe
If game has boring dialog and cutscenes it has shit gameplay 99% of the time.
only thing worth watching was the boss cut-scenes, god damn I sometimes hate MGS V when you get shit cut-scene or boring ramble in top of mission that is hard in a bad asshole way
>skips cutscenes on first playthrough
>complains that the story is shit
>complains that he has no idea what he has to do next
Of course. You like video games. These other fools like escapism.
>He needs a story to play his games
fucking kill yourselves
game makers should learn to cut the bullshit out of cut scenes and make them more quick, almost all game cut-scenes go slow af because they don't have the pressure to entertain and cut content than in for example a movie
>Most stories in games are fucking dogshit compared to even b-tier books
No, they aren't. This is one of those things people keep parroting after reading some post and then going "Yeah, sounds 'bout right". If you trully believe that go ahead and explain your reasoning.
I want to play, not watch some garbage half assed shit flick