Game crashes when I change the resolution

>game crashes when I change the resolution
>google looking for a solution
>"turn off the xbox game dvr meme panel"
>turn it off
>game now runs in 40 fps and not 60 fps as before


>falling for the windows 10 meme

>not using powershell to remove all the apps first thing after installing 10

>not running win7 SP1 or 8.1

How much they paid you to use win10?

>b-but all the games nee dx12
>y-you guys cant even emulate xbawx360 on anything else

>using windows 10
>most likely shitty build

What you expect

Yes i'm pretty sure games look damn amazing with dx12 at 20fps

what game? i turned off xbox DVR and had no problems
4690k/16gb/r9 390

diablo 3, amd gpu, I don't know what the fuck is going on, I had solid 60 before I turned the panel off

what gpu and driver version. have you been using wattman? check what your vram speed is with msi afterburner or gpu-z. theres a bug with relive drivers 16.12.2 that lock your vram to 150mhz if you use wattman to overclock or touch it at all. clean up drivers using display driver uninstaller (latest version) and reinstall drivers without touching wattman
may not be the case for you but id check just in case. when my vram was locked to 150mhz games wouldnt go past 150MHz. problem starts once you use wattman and reboot pc or something resets wattman to default settings

wouldnt go past 25fps. nothing seemed to fix the problem except wiping drivers

it's a discrete gpu in a laptop. r7 m445. tried using the newest crimson but meme anniversary edition of w10 keeps rolling my drivers back to the last wqhl ones, so I'm stuck at a mix of 16.6 crimson with, I assume, 16.9. the thing is the game ran fine before I disabled the panel, holding at around 50-60 fps. now it runs around 40 almost as if it's capped. I literally changed nothing beside that dvr thing.



It doesn't remove that. It's built-in.

>windows 10
>diablo 3

I like the apps though. Lightweight and comfy

youre using an amd apu not a discrete gpu

it's a discrete gpu. this laptop has a i5 7200u with a hd 620 + r7 m445.

Oh dear.

What is wrong with that company? Are they a company that only produces failures now?

>linux mint

fucking kek, "w-works for me, except no game works at all so..."

Well it stopped crashing, didn't it?
You sound like an ungrateful little fuck to me.

>playing games on PC


Except all of them which were made for Ubuntu in Steam.

sooo... "indie" games from 2012?

and some from 2013, dumb ass!

>AMD ripped off Microsoft's DVR overlay except it's actually good and doesn't crash games

>it's a consolekid voices his worthless fucking opinion episode


Linux DEs are uniformly garbage, what the fuck are you doing?

not an argument

>receding still not supporting 60fps

Literally why

Not installing Gentoo lol :^)

wasn't responding to one

The CEO is indian now.

It all makes sense now

>Windows 10
This is what happens when you fall for free shit meme.