You do play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
You do play vidya with your significant other, right Sup Forums?
>that tv placement
What the fuck?
Yes, I do play vidya with my hands.
Delete this
>significant other
How do I get one of these? Is a gift for joining a club or do I need to go to the store and buy one?
I play vidya with my sister if that counts
Weird to have mouse and keyboard on a couch but okay
i really hope you sex her at night
Yes i do, although it's rather "next to eachother" nowadays.
>significant other
What am I fucking gay?
Yeah, we like to roleplay together.
My friends know I hate Dota 2 and sometimes I'll act like I want to play with them and then duck out after 5 minutes to have sex with her with the mic still on.
honestly what wrong with just saying gf??
Because there are loads of gay and bi people on Sup Forums and even a few straight women.
Maybe someone is already married.
I am. When in english, i like to say "missus".
Rarely, mostly because she sucks at vidya and it's really boring to play with her.
>implying girls play video-games
I can't fucking do it.
I jus can't get a fucking gf.
It's time to bring out the rope, duct tape, dishrag, and bottle of chloroform. Wish me luck guys.
then just say gf or bf. The term SO is the most retarded shit to come out of reddit in the past couple of years.
How low are you willing to drop your standards and what are you willing to do to get one?
I'll give you mine, I'm looking to upgrade.
>tfw new gf that actually plays vidja
>she likes games that i like
>not completely incompetent at them
>she shares other hobbies of mine too, and has good taste
>is actually attractive
>asked her if she had a dick because she seemed too good to be true
>she doesn't
something's fucking fishy here, Sup Forums said all girls are slutty bimbos that suck at everything and only do it for attention... when will she cheat on me with 32 black guys and a jew?
Why is hear breasts that low?
Is it because of the shirt being too tight or she really has saggy tits
I use to, now I'm alone
She's using you for a compartment of her relationship. The black dicks are the studs she uses purely for pleasure and the jew is bankrolling her. You're probably there for emotional support/general entertainment.
Women no longer stick to the antiquated notion of a monogamous relationship, no single man can fulfill all her needs.
stealthy triggering everyone with that tv stand and tv placement
but seriously what in the fuck were you thinking
My GF doesn't like action games but we play plenty of stuff like Civilization, Prison Architect, Europa Unviversalis, Cities Skylines and so on.
Also most arcadey co-op games where you don't have to shoot shit constantly like Overcooked
Sup Forums also said the Wii U was going to dominate this gen in sales and that the PS4 wasn't ever going to exist.
>tfw haven't had sex in literally 3 years and 4 days
your room is a fucking mess
>every time I read GF
that hard to go fuck a prostitute?
Heh, I haven't had any for twenty years. You are naught but a mere mortal in my eyes.
Its expensive man. Im not made of money.
>tfw no gf
Being a virgin is different. Never having had something is very very different to having something daily then going without for years at a time.
I play Dr Luigi and Kirby with my gf. Sometimes we also play other stuff together but she's not much into console or pc gaming.
Where is her mouse and keyboard? I main, she is playing a FPS.
I used to do that, but since my sister got a bf and now she follows his religion, I don't have anyone to play with.
I normally don't agree with reddit posters, but this guy is absolutely right.
No, almost never. I thought she played video games when we first started dating but it turns out she only plays Pokemon when a new one comes out and that's pretty much it. I can't get her to play a game with me for any length of time because she gets bored and she pretty much refuses to get good at any game.
We once played Mario Kart with a couple that played video games and it was embarrassing. Sure, I had played MK8 with Sup Forums a bit but I always placed in the bottom and my gf would only play with me in 15 minute bursts.
It was fucking weird because they would talk to each other about the tracks, unlocking stuff together,etc and I never experienced that. When I was playing MK8 I was doing it solo because my gf would rather scroll through twitter/tumblr then start crying about how her friends are doing x and she isn't.
The only game we ever play together is DST and that's rare because her oldass laptop overheats.
anyway anons, just because someone draws fanart of lots of vidya doesn't meant they actually play vidya.
What are good video games to play with your SO?
>Grand Theft Auto 5
>Super Mario 3D world
>Mario Kart
>Mortal Kombat X
>Portal 2
>start crying about how her friends are doing x and she isn't.
Either be a man and make your woman happy, or get a better girlfriend beta bits.
>just because someone draws fanart of lots of vidya doesn't meant they actually play vidya.
That's every female ever. They don't play games, they just like to look at drawings.
Yeah, I do play videogames with my hand.
No. My libido is dead. I'm only 24 but I think the depression fucked my sex drive over completely. Don't even masturbate.
I have a husband I pay video games with. It's only really for benefits though.
Overcooked, best local co-op in a while
Ive never been in a relationship. What does this mean?
I only go to reddit for the porn though, never post. The upvote system actually helps identify sauces unlike /gif/ which is a total crapshoot.
No, she's shit at playing vidya games and doesn't like it when I watch her play.
She loves watching me play though and talk shit when I fuck something up.
Having had sex, I miss it now less than before I had it the first time.
Really isn't all its cracked up to be.
A man with ample water supplies won't love water as much as the one dying of thirst.
It's a human need.
Rare is the vagina that can outmatch my iron grip
Age of Mythology/AoE2
Company of Heroes
Souls series
Unreal Tournament
Guilty Gear
Guild Wars
Silent Hill 1-4
Resident Evil 5
Those are some of the first that come to mind when I think of games I've enjoyed over the years with my girlfriend.
I'm saying I haven't had it in a pretty long time. Not saying "I had it last week and don't miss it"
Probably low test, depression is a result of this. Not the other way around
How do I boost my test? I do work out regularly, lift weights and shit. Is it the food? I've eaten a lot of unhealthy shit the past year.
I don't know you but if I had to guess I'd say you either had a shitty experience or you are a closeted faggot/pedophile.
By marrying him, I got in state tuition for his state and we get tax breaks, in addition to minor things like being able to visit one another in the hospital if one of us is seriously injured. It's probably more trouble than it's worth, it's gonna be a pain when I find a guy I actually want to marry for real.
Not quite.
Well, I lose the game with a hooker and I have never had a regular girl in my life.
Before that, I was almost crazy. Sometimes I went to a place and thought "Well, I think I am the only virgin here... wait, I am the only virgin here" or "Oh, look, this girl/boy is 10 years younger than me and she alread have sex".
Now, every time I have money and free time I go see my "friends". Last time was two days ago.
> I'd say you either had a shitty experience
2 long term girlfriends on the regular and a few one night stands. Don't like the dick.
It just isn't worth the effort if you like a solitary life.
Yes. We play a lot of shit together, and she gifts me tons of games on steam. Also board games and D&D if that counts. She's petite, pale and hot too.
This isn't about actual video games and is just a meta thread. Delete this thread now or I'll ban you.
-Sup Forums Admin
Listen to
Get your bloodwork done (google private labs or blood tests), costs about $100 to get your test checked and compare it to what a normal male of your age is.
If low or bottom percentile you can either
A) Talk to your doctor about it and see if the perscribe you TRT and hope they know what they're doing. Some docs give a doseage that's high enough to shut down your test production but low enough/infrequent enough to do little more than just shut you down.
B) Research and decide if you want to start pinning yourself. Google _______ source talk
OP's haven't been able to delete their own threads for over 5 years now you underage fuck.
>-Sup Forums Admin
Lick my balls, admin.
came here just to say how retarded that setup is
I've never dated a girl that seemed like she wanted to.
Girls don't really care for vidya even when they say they do. It's like they all say they love Star Wars, but most of them watched it one time and then just buy shit to wear that has logos on it and quirky jewelry or a phone case.
Women like other shit, and that's how I prefer it. I don't want to help her sew clothes or put on make up or go dress shopping.
seriously though
>now she follows his religion
Women don't play video games.
What does it take for people to finally realize that females just aren't interested in video games at all?
Cute snake bro
>I don't want to help her sew clothes or put on make up or go dress shopping.
0/10 would not bang
I bet you can't even hem your own pants
Sadly, my bf is a turbo-normie and thinks video games are nerdy shit.
How do I get my bf into gaming, Sup Forums?
>bro how are your abs so tight?
I put my tv behind the fucking couch
Take trenbelone boosters, then lift and eat right.
>had gf once
>Played Castle Crashers
>hooked up controllers and everything
>Had pink knight as my main
>Leveled to max
>She chose him
>I picked grey Knight because I like grey
>Had a blast
>She left me 5 years ago
>Haven't dated since
>Have almost given up on ass pussy and dick
>Haven't given up on tits yet
>like flat it's so it's hard to come by
>saw how she changed in 5 years
>She wouldn't recognize me
>She got fat and became a feminist
>My assumption is because the guy after me was way worse than me
>He was worse
I had a perfect person, i fucked up, the guy after me sealed the deal on how she grows over time, and I still can't let go of the past and good times no matter how much I'm smothered with women and men
at least I'm not pic related
I don't have a father figure around either
Life sucks
Yeah, we do when we see eachother. I was pretty proud of her when she beat Iudex Gundyr on her first try, and was also her first time playing Dark Souls. To be fair, she was playing as a knight and spammed light attacks at Gundyr until he died.
Had to bully her when she got repeatedly rekt by the swordmaster to the point of tears. I think that bit put her off the game for a long while.
Me and my fiancé have been playing a lot of Overwatch, Dark Souls 3, Portal 2, and The Forest.
Yes. Me and my right hand. I can't think a day without him. He's the greatest. He makes me food. He makes me money. He's great at pleasuring me. When I come home from work he either gives me dinner, a bath, or some ****. Man truly the best waifu.