Bayonetta looks better with LONG hair!

Bayonetta looks better with LONG hair!

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Fuck you. You'd look better with your head off

Outfit in 1 > outfit in 2
Hair in 2 > hair in 1

Sure. Almost every woman does.


you can easily remove that 'almost'



>muh le feminity is boring pls lets have more dykes in games

Bayonetta is literally unironically the Gianna Michaels of videogames

Dante is prettier

>thinking long hair is just "long and boring" and that cutting your hair short is some type of "style"


objectively wrong.

>short hair means dyke
an hero

I used to have hair that long
such a bitch to maintain desu, but i guess women are more willing to devote time to shit like that


How? There are a lot more different ways to wear long hair than there are if your hair is short.

Every girl has short hair these days. I hope long hair comes back. I love long haired women. Short hair is cute, but not sexy at all.

>unironically linking to instagram as a valid source for your claims
i love long hair but I still think you need to kill yourself you bottom feeding trash

both these


Her haircut in 2 is pretty cool, I prfer that one.

>unfeminine trash is not dykish at all I swear

She's so cute I just want to bully her and comfort her over and over until she's fully dependent on me for self esteem

what the fuck has a hair style to do with sexuality?
go be retarded somewhere else

she looks like every other daddy issues lesbo who pretends she's never had a dick until she's drunk and takes yet another one that I've seen my entire life

dyke is more of a mindset that only sexuality
a mindset that makes women remove any feminine quality she has

Shame she's probably a dyke most likely.

Long hair means something to pull on while you fuck your GF doggystyle.

Short hair means I am fucking a dude.

Bayonetta is offensive!

She looks like shit no matter what her hairstyle is t.b.h

I'm out. too many 19 year olds

How the FUCK do think this unless you only pay attention to short hair? Long hair still dominates media and fashion. Fucking what?

Fuck no she doesn't, especially with that ugly as shit tower on top of her head.
Jeanne on the other hand looks so goddamn better with long hair.
And I'm a short hair fag.

And we've seen damn near all of them.
Whatever force out there stopped being creative with long hair long time ago.


>worse girl looks even worse
>better girl looks even better
I'm fine