What does /v think of him?

What does /v think of him?

fat cuck

fat cuck

Opportunistic opinionated cuck pussy sjw pandering piece of shit with no value.

fat cuck

he has some good opinions about games but the moment he opens his mouth about virtually anything else he becomes an enormous sperg

This, in addition to hating him for getting DOA not released in America, but then he had the fucking balls to say he "was looking forward to reviewing it."

Is he an e-celeb youtube faggot? If so, when in god's name does school start back so we can be done with these threads?


Fucking this. I'm so tired of e-celeb and streamer threads.

His gimmick is that he feigns having a massive ego, while actually having one. Great, I get it. Fuck off.

A SJW cuck who married a hamplanet SJW.

An idiot who's only drive is to look up what the current social media buzz is, then take the comments and make a summary in video form.
Reddit loves him though.

Don't see cr1tikal there, his the real guy.

hes fat and bitches vr isnt for fat lazy people like him
also a literal gay cuckold

I'm sure there is proof to refute this, but ever since I saw a picture of him and a picture of his wife I've suspected his wife is just him in drag.

Critical is the worst of them all


fat cuck

I used to think he was insightful, but these days he's about a year ot two behind the industry.


>Game developers and publishers need to listen to their audience.
Mhm. Yeah and..
Whoa hey now, Jim...

He's dirty, unhealthy and ugly just like all people in the le'PC gaming community.

I thought he liked polygomy

>irredeemably horrible at video games
>shit taste
>no self-awareness
>blames everything but himself
>greedy jew

fuck, i guess dsp really is Sup Forums's guy, oh wait, at least dsp actually fucking plays games and isn't a closet fag

What in the ever living fuck are you talking about?

>4am threads bad
>e-celeb threads good

I like his videos. Probably wouldn't get on with him too well irl because of his over-the-top style.

His sexual preferences are his own. I don't see how its any reason to hate someone. He doesn't push an agenda or anything like that.

He makes like $10-15k per month for being shit.

Just goes to prove that being fat and ugly don't really matter anywhere near as much as people make out it does.

he defended SJWs by saying "they aren't taking your video games away", and then got btfo when DoA xtreme 3 didn't come out because of SJWs

It doesn't matter if you know how to market yourself and sound somewhat reasonable. Especially when his fanbase doesn't know how discourse and logical thinking works and when he has contradicted himself and his views.


sad but true

>shit on fans fanning the flames of a controversy
>months later after the game fails and the deal is done say he may have been to harsh to fans

Why should you respect someone who can't even take care of himself? When he first starts having respect for his own self and lose some of that fat then maybe I might see him and his contradictory arguments in a different light.

> all
That's a hyperbole. Yes there are many fat lards in the PC gaming community but not -all- of them are like that.

Donald Trump was mocked on his hair, his weight, his complexion, how he talked, his hands and everything else possible.

He will soon be the president of the united states.

a fat cuck that fucks a female version of himself. the narcissism is amazing.

I never said anyone needed to "respect" him; just that I don't understand why people are so vitriolic about something so inconsequential as video-game journalism.

Also, something can't BE a hyperbole, idiot. It can be an exaggeration, but hyperbole is the process; an abstract, not a concrete noun.

You're a hyperbole faggot.

>he said SJWs won't steal your vidya
>literal weebgarbage isn't released in the West
>it's somehow his fault

Not when you have influence over people's decision to spend money. And there's no such thing as "Video-game Journalism" it isn't a special snowflake position, it's just journalism smartass.

>Also, something can't BE a hyperbole, idiot. It can be an exaggeration, but hyperbole is the process; an abstract, not a concrete noun.

it's not that he caused it, more that he said it wouldn't happen and then shamelessly backpedalled hard

An exaggeration is also a concept, not a concrete noun...

>influence over people's decision to spend money
top kek mate. If you're stupid enough to purchase anything that a singe critic tells you to then you deserve to waste your money

Edgy neackbearded manchildren

Whats with the faggy riding gloves?

Glad you didn't understand not a single thing I've said.


Did they pay people to fuck them?

Good cop-out. You can justify harassing a videogame critic however you like my man.

>in addition to hating him for getting DOA not released in America

Seems like that user is blaming him for it.

>it's okay guys, he doesn't push his sexual agenda on you, he's a great reviewer!

Something can be hyperbole, and something can be an exaggeration, but something can also be exaggerated while something cannot be a hyperbole.

My hyper bowl.




Why would i want videogames!

Not an argument. Go back, read what I've said carefully and see where you went wrong. I'll also let your clearly stated bias pass and won't call you out for it. Think logically next time.

so what about my hyper weapon?

>not an argument
a Molyneux cultist I see


If you want video games you should get the fuck off Sup Forums for one thing.

Fat and a retard


A hyber weabon needs a hyber sheathe

Only faggots likes e-celebs

I don't get it

Did he post the wrong picture? Is he trying to make a joke?

99% of his opinions on games, publishers and developers are Sup Forums-tier and Sup Forums hates itself so we all hate him.

>Pretentious fat e-celeb.

They seem to be all the rage these days.

I don't understand those cucks and sjw.

I'm probably not progressive enough

Well, what can you say? He's pretty much the one who reviewed Cawthon's game about beavers as having "creepy animatronics".
So, he created one of his arch-nemesises.

I don't like how he talks down on his audience, it hurts my feelings.

He thinks Vanquish was bad. That's all you need to know to know his opinions are shit.

literally a fat cuck

Ass long as you're not a women, it's pretty easy to be fat and ugly.

Just be confident.

>I'm going to spend the rest of my life talking about video games
what a sad life.

Sup Forums is convinced he's a cuck (because a sexual fetish is somehow a bad thing) and loves leveraging all sorts of infantile noncriticisms at him that fall apart when you dissect them in spite of the fact that he's honestly a pretty cool, level-headed guy (despite the fact that I only agree with him on ~65% of things), and having a mouth as loud as his decrying the bullshit in this industry can only do good.

now i just need to wait for someone to call me a shill or jim

>Why should you respect someone who can't even take care of himself? When he first starts having respect for his own self and lose some of that fat then maybe I might see him and his contradictory arguments in a different light.
You're aware this isn't a justification for hamfistedly dismissing someone's arguments, right? Are you seriously correlating someone's physical fitness to the validity of their arguments?


That's some "only the strong survive" prehistoric gradeschool bullshit, user. Are you saying you'd rally behind Hitler if he had six-pack abs?

inb4 "i rally behind hitler already"

He's changed some of his angles over time, user, it's part of how growing as a person and an industry works.

Kys fat fuck

It's amazing how shit people who play video games and talk about video games for a living can be at video games.

I remember when Bloodborne came out and he was talking about how he was stuck on Gascoigne. For days. Like, several fucking days for one boss.

Sup Forums robbed this image of context because that'd mean they'd need to be fair in their shitslinging.



Fat, obnoxious, annoying, talentless, fat faggot.

oh hai Jim

And yet he still got through the game, played it multiple times, and heaped mountains of praise on it besides. He's gone on record saying he's not the best at games, but if he's willing to see a game like that through to the end, he'll always be better than fucking Polygon in my book. He also either doesn't review or passes to others games that he feels aren't personally his kind of game, which I have to respect. He wants to give everything a fair shake.


fat cuck

I want to marry Kiwo's voice

>game like that

It isn't a fucking marathon user. He's not an Olympian for managing to beat a game millions of other people have beaten.

He sucks at games. Which I consider odd for a man that literally lives for them. His entire life is about vidya. How much of a shitter do you have to be to dedicate your entire life and livelihood to something and still suck shit at it.


Imagine defending a cuckold for free on an Antarctic research board.


Leftist agenda pushing scumbag.

what's the context though?

clever but far too confident for his modest abilities

which inevitably produces an external expression of an internal mess

hence the leftist nonsense and the unfunny vulgarity

well i dunno, our president-elect isn't much of a businessman, why not ask him


Fat cuck

That has nothing to do with the conversation faggot. Fuck off.

Here's your (You) I guess.
