Why did IGNiggers give such a low score to the Last Guardian?
Why did IGNiggers give such a low score to the Last Guardian?
They said it was good, suck it up faggot
Honestly the Last Guardian looks like it deserved a 7
Sony didn't bother paying them.
>"looks like"
Bet you haven't even played it PCück
who fucking cares
I own a PS4
But no, I haven't played it because it looks super boring and frustrating.
>wahh, they didn't like this game I did
All of those are valid points.
I tried Alien: Isolation myself after seeing so many faggots on here jerking off over it. Turns out, it's just a frustrating game with a nice aesthetic.
>taking gaming "journalism" seriously after 2014
>actually validating a website that gave "le gone home" meme a 9.5
I shiggy you not, OP.
It was a beautiful, melancholy game filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows
Fuck off Ryan, go jerk off to your Forza cars fag
Wow a 7? In IGN speak that's like a 1/10. Game was broke af though, get over it sonygger.
Probably cause it's filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows
It was full of padding so yeah, they were right for once.
Because it's a phone minigame with wii graphics sold 60$
reputation and hype alone doesn't make a game good
But a 7 is what it deserves. It's good with some annoying flaws. You're delusional if you think this is a 10/10 game
7 is higher than what i'd give it.
the controls are purposely delayed and clunky, puzzle elements are light, there's no challenge and the visuals and audio are fine but nothing spectacular.
i'd rate it higher if i was rating it as an 'experience' but as a game it's pretty fucking average.
>with Wii graphics
For all of the games faults, this is not one of them. You must not remember what the Wii looked like. You're like those faggots that think everything looks like a ps2 game. Probably had a PS3 or 360 as your first console too
>Boring walking simulator gameplay
>No real involvement
>Shit AI
>Only thing the game could ever have going for it was the story
>Which was a completely played out "Find an animal, it grows on you, then it dies lol" story that a 10 year old could write
3/10 the atmosphere was alright and Trico's animations were cute
Does it really even deserve that high a score?
TLG was the funniest shit. Fanboys literally said bad controls, camera and low FPS didn't matter at all.
The FPS didn't matter at all, it's a slow paced adventure puzzle game. The camera is only a problem when passing through doorways while riding the Trico. And the controls are incredibly simplistic.