Why do you hate pixel art video games, Sup Forums?

Why do you hate pixel art video games, Sup Forums?


i hate indie pixel shit
i dont hate pixel art

Because none of them look even remotely like that. All shitty cheap "aritistic" indie bullshit.


Because they often look like lazy shit and when they don't, they have bland gameplay because they spent all their energies to make it look pretty.

Just ignore Sup Forums when it generalizes and you'll live a healthier life. "All western games are shit" "All RTS are shit" "All sandbox games are shit". Nobody with decent knowledge of Video Games makes silly sweeping statements like that and who cares about stupid people on the internet? Not you, hopefully.

If Undertale had good art it would probably be in my top 10. Hopefully his next game has an art budget.


love me some pixel art

I love it, sometimes I buy games based on their pixel art.
The one game I didn't like was Olwboy, because it wasn't a great game.

Because modern indy pixel art is pic related, not anything like yours

You just made that in Photoshop didn't you?

I like good pixel art. Sup Forums wouldn't know good pixel art if it hit them in the face though. You poor saps think Shantae and the Pirates Curse has good pixel art.


I don't, I hate lazy, incomplete and shoddy pixel animation that tries to pass itself off as 'retro'

Pic related: GOOD pixel animation


How could you tell? It could have been from any number of recent indy games! I even made sure the pixels were not real pixels and all over the place, IT WAS FOOL PROOF!

>Pixel animation

The second game looked even better. Dat smooth rotoscope animation style.

Back to your containment board subhuman.

nice source file fucko, could you have had any more gif compression elements in it?

You just want me to post more gifs, don't you?

like really look this is what im working with

Fucking Undertale! Shitting up threads everywhere and always.

Pixel art died with the Neo Geo.