Which game has the lewdest succubus?
Which game has the lewdest succubus?
thats not a succ it's just some whore in a costume.
I heard succubus.
Fuck you for reminding me of Vindictus. It could have had a much longer life.
Dark Messiah
>small titted succubus.
look that womanlet, how is she supposed to get her nourishment?
inb4 sucking hard.
Shhh, relax and let mommy feed you.
but lilith a best and she's flat
Lilith its a pedobait, she basically get the lowest class nourishment.
Best succubus (vidya).
dude morrigan lmao
What games have a succubus (male)
This is the important question here
Planescape torment
These in DOA were great, but it was pretty short area
Can't even compete
>promises sex and her body all game
>walks nude at the end to coerce you into murdering her father and impregnating her for eternity
>actually wants you to succeed and fuck her, not going to kill you or anything, genuinely wants your seed
Best succ hands down
Succubus boss from Castlevania - Lament of Innocence.
Why are overwatch fans so shit with SFM
Because SFM is shit.
>why is SFM so shit
Fixed that for you.
Because Overwatch is shit*
Nah, SFM is shit, Blender and Maya is where the quality is.
Best Western Succubi. Wants you to succeed, survive, unlock your potential, and let her be with you for forever.
Also tantric mind sex.
Best Eastern Succubi. Doesn't feed on blood or semen or souls, but on FUN. Playing vidya with you would sustain her just as well as mindblowing sex.
Also just a really sweet gal with a mischievous streak.
This nig knows whats up
Not so much as a where than as a when.
Morrigan is literally perfect.
So we are all in agreement then? As a general consensus these are the best reps for their species from their place of origin?
Raspberyl is the hottest piece of ass in the industry
Succubi is the plural tho.
Succubus Quest or 幻想世界マインディア
succubus tower
dood delinquency lmao
Fucking this
not even a contest
Isn't she a tengu?
that's a tengu dum dum
Not that user, but does that REALLY matter here? Or am I just underestimating Sup Forums's capacity for autism?
>on Sup Forums
>expects less than high-level autism
yes, and no
Tengu and Succubi are very different thing in mythology/fantasy
and yes, Sup Forumss capacity of autism is huge.
So, what game?
>Reading comprehension is autism.
Boku no kiku
>get called out on being a retard
>waah waah you're just all autistic
you must be 18+ to post here
>game has succubus
>they dont succ any bus
This one
Google Image search, you lazy fuck.
>look at this dog
>but that's a cat, user
all SFM is shit m8
Annah throws a shitfit when I get her. I should replay it and romance FFG, feels like I missed out.
That's a huge bitch!
>a franchise entry introduces a literal semen demon character
>it's the best game in the franchise
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Yeah but what game
The premier kicking simulator
Dark Messiah
Yeah, but what game
I tried to get into KB: Armored Princess after I bought it on GoG but it just feels boring.
Is the whole game a huge grind where you go into areas that are still too high level and run around monsters picking up loot, and then taking the fights you can while running to shops to restock your troops after one or two fights?
>Is the whole game a huge grind where you go into areas that are still too high level and run around monsters picking up loot, and then taking the fights you can while running to shops to restock your troops after one or two fights?
Yes, it is and there's nothing wrong with it, because the combat system is actually great and the unit variety is amazing. Seriously, if you don't enjoy this type of gameplay the series is not for you, unless you want to play on difficulties lower than Hard.
KB games are all about combat, everything else is an afterthought.
>he doesn't like loli succubi
Who is this piggy?
>manifestation of lust and desire
>a child
>mfw not enough good doujins of her
dark messiah of might and magic
You aren't looking hard enough. Or at all.
>puzzle game
It could have been so good.
Would bully with real busty Succubi
It was great, puzzle platformers are great you shut your whore mouth
Superior taste, user.
It was fucking great though. The versus mode was especially fun.
Why are succubi so god tier and why dont they exist irl
Man, I'll never forget playing this for the first time and being blown away by all the ways you kill people with just your kicks.
I also appreciated how the evil ending is objectively the best ending.
they do exist user.
they just want your money instead of your semen.
haha epic
Because of the feminists invented a time machine but could only prevent succubus or uneven wages.
Not that user, but
>it's true, not just a meme
>wanting to murder your father, who just wants to be free so he can rule the world with you and play demonic ball by the beach
Fuck off, Xana. Plus I want that dragon sword.
>not getting the ending where you get xana and free dad
I really want the sword.
more please
why does she have bird poop on her butt
Yeah, for all the faults DAO had, it has without a doubt the sexiest succubi ever made.
a real warrior only uses the honorabru 4% crit katana.
sauce pl0x
What was her name again? Spoony?
A male succubus is an incubus, shin megami tensei games have them
The word is Incubus.
The answer is, all games with Succubi have Incubi.
A Succubus is a demon stealing semen from men in female shape. That very same demon then turns into an Incubus. With the human sperm corrupted in its body, the demon now seeks out a woman and impregnates her.
Thus a half demon is born, oftentimes deformed.
Succubi and Incubi are shape changing demons.
Dickgirl Succubi are canon. Thanks to the Catholic Church.
No. Succubi/Incubi refer to sex positions.