Will it be any good Sup Forums?
Will it be any good Sup Forums?
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It won't be the same
It looks better than the teaser trailer made it sound
Atleast they are not rehashing Q3.
most likely not though
Maybe, but personally I'm already turned off by the class-based shit it has.
Can't say if it'll be a success, maybe the same people who enjoyed the modern DOOM somehow, will it be enough to justify multiplayer focused game though? Could also bring in people disillusioned with TF2/Overwatch/whatever. I don't think it'll bring in any oldfag Quake players, because they're all probably still playing Quake 3/Live/whatever.
I hope it fucking crashes and burns, because the last mention of a Quake 5 I remember is an apparent return to the Lovecraftian type shit from Quake 1, that sounds a lot more interesting than another shitty heroes multiplayer shooter. But, see how it goes.
Well it's not realy a hero shooter I mean every character will only have one ability.
Still unsatisfactory.
I see a lot of people complaining about there being classes but I don't get it, there have been FPS with classes since the times of old classics like ET and whatnot. Just because Overwatch exists and sucks that does not invalidate the whole genre,
you can switch em off and play pure.
>I don't think it'll bring in any oldfag Quake players, because they're all probably still playing Quake 3/Live/whatever.
A lot of QL players are looking foward to it.
>I remember is an apparent return to the Lovecraftian type shit from Quake 1
Why would go back to niche shit when Quake true success came only when they focused on multiplayer?
>Many elements of the game, including maps, outsourced to Saber Interactive AKA a bona fide kusoge making machine
I have zero faith. NuDoom's MP was its weakest elements and that was outsourced to Certain Affinity. id can deliver, but their game are too ambitious to be finished with a single studio anymore (look at how cobbled-together RAGE was in the end)
>A lot of QL players are looking foward to it.
Maybe, I think it's just a vocal minority, or fucking whatever.
>Why would go back to niche shit when Quake true success came only when they focused on multiplayer?
I had considered this, bit I'm being idealistic, I don't fucking want another multiplayer class-based game, that's all.
I'll play it and I'll probably like it, specially if it isn't like the old ones.
Don't get me wrong, Quake is one of my favorite franchises ever, but the genre needs a breath of fresh air. Without normie bux most games aren't succesful and, holy crap, it'll be Overwatch + Quake speed/gore so I'm already sold with that.
honestly i'd be fine with just a rehash than this crap, we don't get a lot of big budget pure arena shooters these days
>A lot of QL players are looking foward to it.
I know I am maybe it will bring in some new players.
>I think it's just a vocal minority, or fucking whatever.
I've seen very view people within the scene who aren't at least willing to give it a shot. There will be more QL players playing QC than there are going to be playing Diabotical and Reflex, that's for sure.
>There will be more QL players playing QC than there are going to be playing Diabotical and Reflex, that's for sure.
Well of course, those other games were trying to appeal to people, with a type of game they already had one of, and liked.
>Maybe, I think it's just a vocal minority, or fucking whatever.
Most people on this group are active QL players and server owners.
>I don't fucking want another multiplayer class-based game,
And we are idealistic as well that QC will feature a classic arena mode that makes justice to Q3.
>it'll be Overwatch + Quake speed/gore
I call but guarantee no gore - QL to this day has no gore (officially), you need a fan mod for it
Esports and explicit violence don't mesh. You need these sweet asianbux
why don't they just do a gore/non-gore option
there's gibbing in the trailer though
I will be trash like DOOM.
inb4 angry replies from nudoom fans
DOOM was not trash but I think saying it was a faithful update of the original is a lie.
>overwatch with a quake skin
don't worry, all you need is practice and you'll stop being trash
QL is free so id can't put a teen rating on. QC - could - be free but at the moment it's best to assume it'll not be.
nuDOOM was a great Halo game
nudoom having no proper modding is thrash.
QL is 10 bucks.
This is nothing like Overwatch aside from having classes.
QL is not free.
QL is 10 bux senpai
that does not make the entire game trash. I think this is actualy cause of the concoles
I don't get the whole overwatch comparison the champions only have one ability and there are no real supp characters.
Looked like it could be good from the gameplay shown so far. I'm pretty tired of how broken a game QL is, and I'm getting bored with it as well, so I'm hoping this is good. If it's shit, then the last hope would be for VQL and CPM to be made in Reflex.
Most people playing QL are looking forward to it, from what I've seen at least.
Plus it's not even like it's the first time you have Quake + classes. See Quake Wars, maybe ET could count too since it shares the engine.
nope it's just a poor imitation of quake that is being outsourced to a russian studio because the bethesda bigwigs don't want to spend money on a quality product but want to cash in on the overwatch/hero shooter fad while it's still hot using a recognisable multiplayer focused brand
I bet you don't even remember when it was called Quake Zero.
>character based arena shooter
>not expecting overwatch comparisons
Consoles or not, no modding made this game only relevant to year 2016. There is no legacy beyond that.
The original games were harder though and I love them.
Maybe from ignorant people, class shooters predate OW by a long time and OW didn't revolutionize anything at all
>does not make the entire game trash
It hurts the replayability and makes the game age much faster. There's no reason to remove modding support in franchise born on the pc.
Yes they predate OW, but OW is the freshest in people's minds. And for most it will be the first thing they think of when they hear 'character based shooter'.
sad isn't it?
Absolutely not. nuDOOM on nightmare is much harder than anything but maybe parts of E4
it might have a legacy if it jumpstarted the arena shooter again.
I said "originalS" which includes Doom 2 and Fial Doom.
Then again, Team Fortress began as a Quake mod.
As a guy who plays QL almost everyday, I'm kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time I'm worried it won't be good but still end up completely killing QL.
doom 2 is not hard. final doom is basically a paid mod.
If you think NuDoom is harder than Doom 2, you are fucking retarded.
great argument fagtron
I've beat Doom 2 on nightmare multiple times, I've never been able to do that with Doom 4.
the only hard part of doom 2 is finding the randomly placed button that opens a hallway on the other end of the map
Samefag much Bethshill?
it's due
old doom is not really that hard, meng
>Arena shooter genre where only the best players survive and get kills by keeping track of weapon pickups, armor/health pickups and sometimes powerup pickups
>Completely fuck the balance by giving characters abilities and whatnot
Nah I'm gonna be playing Quake Live.
Timing pickups has always been the most boring part of AFPS though. As long as the gunfights are cool aim duels I'm fine with it.
Wasn't it free when they first put it on Steam?
Also Team fucking Fortress.
I agree that having to time pickups is an annoying. Team Deathmatch and Free-For-All with all weapons in inventory is the most fun for me.
>game comes out
>it isn't exactly like Q3A
>quakebabbies have a fit about how nothing will ever top the Best Game Ever Made By Anyone and go back to jerking off to railgun clicks in Q3A
>game comes out
>it's exactly like Q3A
>quakebabbies have a fit about shitty rehashes with new graphics everyone will disable anyway and go back to jerking off to IMPRESSIVE.wav in Q3A
I hope they do a decent attempt at Duel
it will be shit
just look how garbage nudoom ended up being
nudoom was great
t. non quake player
it's good to be worried you twat cause the abilities do change the game. but to say that the change is bad means you are just as big of a twat.