How is this? Any good? Left handed by the way.
How is this? Any good? Left handed by the way
Use your right hand you special snowflake faggot
Great game. I'm right handed.
>Left handed
dont play this
its utter shit and the conrols are laughable. Its a sin and punishment clone that was ported to the 3ds late in development/
I'm left handed too. If you have a New 3DS or Circle Pad Pro it might be fine. Otherwise, I had to take a break like every couple missions due to the discomfort. That aside, it's a must-play and one of the best games Nintendo's put out in 10+ years.
Serious question. Why didn't they just make the controls good?
>they had to sell a separate peripheral to make the game fucking playable
At no point did ANYBODY step in and say enough s enough? That's just ridiculous
>boss fights galore
>great music
>good graphics
>some sassy and nice humor
>50% of the game is starfox arwing gameplay
I don't see how they could make the controls "good" without having to completely redo the game.
It's a brilliant game but I'd imagine that it's borderline unplayable if you're left-handed.
Also anyone who complains about the controls was holding the console wrong. Admittedly it's Nintendo's fault for bundling the game with a stand that encourages you to hold it incorrectly.
I'm left handed, and I had to mess around with the controls for a while until I found a set-up that worked. Luckily they are incredibly customizeable.
I don't see how holding it slightly differently will prevent the pain but enlighten me. I hold it left hand on the console right hand tappety tapping. Like every other 3DS game.
If your hands are cramping up eat more bananas.
It's absolutely incredible desu, best game on the system
I'm a lefty but have no problem playing right handed, just give it a shot, you'll love it
Never had an issue with the controls, people must have weak hands or something. Fantastic game. Great localization which is surprising from Nintendo.
>How is this? Any good?
Easily the best game on 3DS.
>Left handed by the way.
You're not good enough for this game, you freak of nature.
tfw want to try it but litterally every 3ds game gives me hand cramps to begin with
Would it be playable on an emulator using a conventional controller?
Maybe on lower dificulties, the game's too fast to aim with sticks from difficulty 5 and on.
I can see it working with a mouse, but using an analog stick would make it unplayable at higher difficulties.
I like the controls, almost like playing with a mouse, fuck playing shooters with sticks.