Any Gwent fans?

Any Gwent fans?

last I heard it's in beta and costs money?

I got in for free.

I've been playing it a lot since I got a beta key the first day.
What's your favorite faction?
Skellige master race here.

I really liked it as a minigame/sidequest in TW3, but I don't like it nearly enough to play a dedicated Gwent game.

love it so far cant wait for nilfgaard

I just started recently and I've been playing a lot of Northern Realms

>last I heard it's in beta


>costs money

No. The game is free, if you want you can buy kegs which give you 5 random cards. You can craft any card you want using scrap which you get by playing the game or destroying cards you don't want.

Which Foltest? I use remove all active weather

Gwent is a failure.

Either you play a meta deck or you lose.

The balance is so shit, that the winner can already be declared after the coin has been thrown.

That's all card games bud


Lol no, that's absolutely not true.
Current "meta" decks are made to play against other meta decks and get destroyed by even starter decks.

I'm climbing the ladder with a Skellige wound deck which is something you barely ever see played.

Starter decks can carry you for awhile unless you're complete garbage. Also the games still in beta and there's hardly a massive cardpool. Stay shit m8.

I don't know much about the standalone verison, but the minigame is pretty shit imo. Dice poker was much more enjoayble for me, but maybe I just suck at gwent, doesn't seem too difficult tho.

Standalone version is fleshed out and actually quite fun. I'm glad CDPR didn't try to make another MtG rip off cashgrab like everyone else.

What is the best card and why is it Bekker's Twisted Mirror?
There's nothing more satisfying than letting your opponent play his copypaste strategy only to swap his strongest card at the last moment.

my favorite by far
even better if you do it witha gold unit


CCG's are lame.

Loving the game but I stop playing like 2 weeks ago, I went from bieng in the ranked 100 to 2000 now and everyone is level 30 or something and I am left at level 15...

Maybe I will return but since I bought other games I doubt I have the time to get into it again maybe once the game enters open beta or is released I will return.

Skellige not doubt, they got me to rank 60 2 weeks ago then I stopped playing, maybe I will try to return but I have fallen in the rankings to 2000 something.

Found the 1000th scrub. I have played most decks and I was focusing on a non meta deck and got a decent win/lose ratio and got to rank 60 with fucking Skellige. Sucks to be a scrub like you.

r8 my strategy

>load up with heroes, spies, and a few tight bond cards
>use cheap tight bond cards to make opponent exhaust their deck to keep up in the first round
>use spies to increase my deck
>don't go too far ahead so they give up
>end of round 1: whoever wins, I have now got like 10 more cards
>rape them twice quickly

God you're such a dumbass

Gwent in The Witcher 3 or Standalone Gwent?

In Witcher 3, I haven't played standalone

Most entertaining card game i ever played.

It is not as toxic as Heartstone, doesnt cost as much as Heartstone or YuGiOh, is more balanced than Heartstone or YugiOh i get better rewards in a shorter ammount of time than Heartstone , every deck is can be played with different tactics.

I played Skellige since Day 1 and since than i had 4 different decks ( changed everytime a patch was released )

There isn't an actual strategy on TW3 Gwent. You just build up the deck with spies and destroy your opponent with Card advantage. TW3 Gwent is a game where you once you have certain cards you are practically invincible.

Though that is the strategy I use as NR, I just spy the shit out of the first round wait for the AI to pass and then scorch the front row with Borkh and usually win, that or play a hero card, then keep spaming spies and decoys and then win by 200 points or more on the last round.

>tfw you wanted to play went in tw3 but "didn't have enough unit cards"

You have to play Northern Realms until you win/buy enough cards in another deck