Why didn't they keep the art like Pirate's Curse?
Why didn't they keep the art like Pirate's Curse?
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It was too weeb
Wanted a wider audience.
Matt Bazon Style >= Risky's Revenge > HGH > Weebtae
You don't really believe that
weebtae resulted in that one huge CG set
it's the best by default
You do know that Matt didn't draw the pic on the right, right?
Too distracting.
That first 2006 artstyle is actually pretty rad. Surprised they never used it for anything.
Shantae a cute! CUTE!
I miss Shantae's little jacket, she doesn't have it in HGH.
Bazon style lets you see Shantae's legs and generates more lewd thoughts.
Later Shantae versions don't need imagination which is sad.
I like the art from Pirate's Curse the best. People say it's too weeb, but I feel that HGH is even more weeb due to some of the animesque expressions and it's really off-putting. That, and Shantae in that game has a blank stare 90% that honestly doesn't look nearly as soulful as anything from PC's art.
Anyway, let's talk a little about color design in this series. Do you guys think there's a bit of an over-usage of red and purple as a combination? Purple is also used a lot in this series, in isolation. All four of the main female characters in the series feature purple as a predominant part of their design in some form or another. The character designs themselves are fine, but would you be okay with Wayforward colorswapping some elements of these characters for the sake of keeping it visually interesting?
As an aside, one user here mentioned that Shantae should have green eyes. Y/n?
hit the nail on the head
>With a DS demo moving around to publishers, many comments came back that she had lost too much of her original look.
So what is their reason for HGH?
>As an aside, one user here mentioned that Shantae should have green eyes. Y/n?
It's a joke about Sonic you retard.
>It's a joke about Sonic you retard.
If you weren't in the thread don't make stupid assertions. He was arguing with another user about color theory and how green compliments both red and purple, which are both part of Shantae's core design. You can see that Squid Baron has green eyes and therefore sort of utilizes this.
Because Half Assed Hero fucking sucks.
what if shantae had blue arms
and a backpack
Which one is supposed to be Matt's?
What CG set?
Gonna need a link, user, don't leave me hanging.
>people actually using 'weeb' to insult one of the art styles used for a series that is inherently americanime
just call it a shitty style, you don't have to use memes in every single phrase you type you dumb fucks
>I like the art from Pirate's Curse the best. People say it's too weeb, but I feel that HGH is even more weeb due to some of the animesque expressions and it's really off-putting
what the hell does 'weeb' even mean to you retards
"thing i don't like"
It' not even an accurate statement. Even "weeb" Shantae is much more American than 99% of anime. Can anyone here name 5 anime that legitimately resembles the exaggerated cartoony style of that Shantae? There's like Panty and Stocking and even then you know what's unique about that show? The style is based on American cartoons/
Big eyes, exaggerated proportions and such is not unique to anime. In fact it was fucking Disney that made that style popular, get fucking educated.
>PC's art is drawn by Makoto Yabe (KOU)
>makes Shantae look like a moeblob instead of a DCAU character
>wonder why people call it weeb
Why would you want that?
"weeb" was the Sup Forums wordfilter for "wapanese", art by a Japanese artist is practically the opposite.
>DCAU character
You sound like you have a really terrible observational sense and think having a massive black dick up your ass about "weebshit" constitutes clever criticism.
What DCAU shows are you even thinking of? Shantae's old design is clearly more inspired by anime than by, say, Bruce Timm. It's just inspired more by 90s anime styles like Slayers because it's a 90s game.
Shantae as an implicit westernized anime art style, you can see it in the faces particularly in Pirate's Curse, but expressions like pic related just takes it too far in that direction for my liking. It looks like shit.
He thinks old Shantae looks like a DC cartoon girl even though she doesn't, at all
Same for this one and a few others.
I like all of them, PC has grown on me though
Are you sure you're bothered by it looking like "anime" and not like modern otaku targeted cute girl anime in particular? Cuz there's a big difference.
It's just a comparison to the old character designs, thin waists etcetera. I wasn't stating my opinion on the art style(s).
>"weeb" was the Sup Forums wordfilter for "wapanese"
And people have been misusing it ever since. I was just trying to explain why people call it weeb.
That's even worse than my own comparison.
how is that any more "anime" than this
They change the art style with every game but Pirate's Curse has the best style.
You're telling people to "get educated" but you say silly stuff like
>Can anyone here name 5 anime that legitimately resembles the exaggerated cartoony style of that Shantae
No because that style is something very specific to western anime fans like Matt Bozon, it's taking stock anime and mixing it with western cartoons. Japanese cartoony styles are usually nothing like Shantae or Skullgirls or whatever. Panty & Stocking doesn't really look like Shantae either.
I can name more than 5 cartoony anime, here's a guy obviously hugely inspired by classic Disney films youtube.com
PC is the most consistent imo and everything looks so soft
nothing was wrong with pixels
Well sure, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. If you wanna class THAT as "weeb" then maybe that's what we're talking about, I only used that term earlier because someone else did. I can't articulate these things well because I'm not actually a fan of anime myself.
Maybe because it looks kind of bad. It's drawn and colored by the same people at Inti Creates though.
I was looking for a HQ version of that portrait, thanks user.
Maybe the HGH version isn't more "anime" but it looks more homogenized and I feel it's distracting. I prefer the PC portrait far more, same with any of Risky's "angry" portraits from PC compared to the HGH one.
Why is 1/2 Genie Hero rated T unlike the other games?
Probably the mermaid factory. Techno Baron was chopping up maidens to make them into canned food.
>Maybe the HGH version isn't more "anime" but it looks more homogenized
just admit you call thinks 'anime' or 'weebshit' when you just mean 'things I don't like'
it's in HD
My dick liked it, that's all i care about, i don't think any of the artstyles are bad though
this face is pure anime
you people are dumber than pig shit
How to you get Techno Baron's disc/floppy in the factory? Do you need the spider-form abilitiy because I can't find it.
>Fatty 'X' knees
I'm 'gonna puke.
Does Shantae have legs?
Is there any art of her without her pants? Because those puffy pants are good and all, but makes it difficult to tell how toned she is under her waist.
>westernized anime art style
Frenchmen invented "anime style", actually. Nips adapted it and changed it
>That's even worse than my own comparison.
Nah it's not, it's not the best but it's still far better than yours
Doesn't change the fact that it's the best art style.
Guaranteed replies.
> pirate's curse had inconsistent art styles because they tried to re-use old assets but had to make a few new ones
> half-genie hero re-drew everything to prevent inconsistency
> that's why it sucks.jpg.zip.lzw.tar.gz
Those hips look wide enough to me
Really? Didn't know that, thanks user. Do you have links to any docs depicting the origin and subsequent assimilation of the style?
That's the harem pants bagging up you retard
Where can I find high quality versions of all the other Shantae portraits?
why i want to fuck her SO bad? please stop this boner
Pedo pandering got them the money.
He didn't say that was a bad thing.
preggo risky when?
>Tits not engorged with milk
Didn't play HGH yet...fuuuu this is so much worse than PC. Makes me sad.
>first Shantae game I've ever played is Pirate's Curse
>I really liked that art
>discover some time later that the art style is changed every game
It was sad, Pirate's Curse has the best art style
I like this style.
Twitch and Vinegar coming back in HGH was cool but FUCK OFF WAYFORWARD BARRACUDA JOE WHEN?
He's busy
Harpy ya dingus
>mfw Matt Bozon's brother Mark was one of the original heads of IGN's Nintendo section way back when
Don't call him a dingus that's rude
tsuki wani was the last person I would expect a shantae fanwork
Risky's Drunk Delusions when?
>Sky is absent
no one cares about Sky anyways
best girl
>Frenchmen invented "anime style", actually. Nips adapted it and changed it
You got a source on that? I was under the impression it came out of them taking from Disney and Betty Boop.
Hey Sup Forums former WayForward employee here. '94-'15
"Manual design"
Glad there's so many shantae fans out there. Even if most are just fans because of the character designs.
Well, maybe if there was a little more to those games than sexy chicks
If anything, for that picture she looks more like something by Rumiko Takahashi.
Hey, guy. Assuming you're telling the truth, I'd just like to say that I'm new to the series but I love so much about these games. The characters are cute and charming (even the male characters are likable), the dialogue is pretty funny, the music is great, the level design is pretty good, the mechanics help the series stand out and of course the art is always awesome.
Why are you a former employee though, if you don't mind me asking?
so like
bottom-of-the-barrel waifuing aside, can we just agree that shantae's idle animation is the most hilariously endearing thing the medium of video games has ever produced
I hated this idle animation at first but seeing it in-game with the music playing and all that made me like it more.
He's king of Tan Line now, remember?
If a male would have that idle animation everyone would call it sexist
I still have no idea what the fuck is she doing. It's like some half-assed lazy crotch thrust
Shantae is cute! CUTE!
Hm, nah. I would have liked it as the idle for a Shantae 1 style dance mode.
Skys been busy.