Game basically requires two players

>game basically requires two players
>too nervous to play online
How did you overcome your fear?

For me it's Revelator. I just got it and I'm practicing but as soon as I go online I get bodied and worry I am making the experience worse for good players.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no bf

Add me up loser



lmfao no friends

Add me up, desu

>Couldn't even kill himself right

n o

Back to /r9k/ you attention whore, i've been seeing you there for months.

But I added you a while ago. I think you removed me though, I talked to you every other day.
So add me up, bf/gf

When I discovered that people found my voice cute and endearing instead of grating and annoying, which is what I used to think.
When I lost my fear of being hated for my voice I opened up and started making lots of friends.


But I care for you, lonely user

Post vocaroo

>beastiality nipple fucking
what the fuck OP

Its some dude in space year 20xx using the latest action replay to make a video game character shit endlessly. You do not want it.

How can you become such a weak faggot? Were you born like this?

Not gonna give topping yourself another go?

no the hentai picture

Just share the source pls.



scat warning if the radiohead name is not enough

(C81) [GADGET (A-10,Harada Takehito,RADIOHEAD)] GIRLIE vol.4 Part 2 (Kannagi) (ENG)

They always make them look like ice cream machines in doujins like this. Never understood it.

As a person who suffers from constipation, I have to say that the thought of being able to do the number two like she did on page two is heavenly.


Would only play vidya with

What is that supposed to mean

woops, my bad
I though it was this

I'd play vidya with you proudly whilst holding a platonic relationship with you.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, thanks I guess.


Why are you sorry?

oh look it's this faggot again
why did you deleted all of your friends fag?

Funny enough, I already know you!

You do?

That voice. I'm so, so sorry.


shit profile tbqh

Oh well it is what it is, I can't change it without hurting my throat so I just accept it.

Nobody ever takes me seriously though, it makes playing competitive games a real pain in the butt.

>worrying about making the experience worse for others rather than them making it worse for you

You outta have some self worth user

Why is it shit?

I don't get it.

Do you try to make calls and stuff and people just ignore you because of your voice or something? Sounds like a pain if so. You can change how you talk if you try and you take it slow.


Quit watching anime and reading hentai. It rots your brain and makes you autistic.

Either they disregard what I have to say, or laugh at me or accuse me of being a child.

How am I going to tell someone what to do if they won't take me seriously? I've lost so many games because people just think they're smarter than me because I don't sound like an adult...

Like I said, you can change it. If you are going to complain about something in your life you have the power to change but not actively work on bettering what you do not like about yourself, you have no right to be complaining and you are simply doing so for attention.

If I try to sound manlier I just sound like an old woman and end up with a sore throat.

you guys are such faggots

Stop being a meek faggot and speak with your diaphragm son. I have a pretty bad voice too (not very deep) but if you speak loud and clear and with confidence people don't pay attention to it. What you're doing is just drawing more attention to your already shitty voice.

Your voice is fine the way it is. I wouldn't change it if I were you. I seriously doubt people would suddenly start listening to you if you change it.


In my experience with competitive games user, average players are so full of themselves and won't listen to directions at all unless I yell at them, and even then, as soon as they get the chance they'll do it again.

You're better off just making calls and that's it.

>So dumb that they don't even know nipnongese enough to know onee-chan.


It's still very annoying that every time I speak it's like "omg are you a grill" or even worse "wtf are you 12".

>it's an "N5 student tries to show off his IME" episode

I stopped caring about games with rankings cause its just a massive magnet for assholes.

>it's another beta white bitch episode

>not embracing your gift

Do you know how many people would kill for a cutesy voice? Just go along with it and have a laugh.

This is adorable. You should go out with me.

Y-you think my voice is adorable?

Yes. I wanna hold your hand while you say cute things.

>thinly veiled Steam friend thread
>profiles are all socially retarded and autistic weeaboos
Oh gee who would have expected something else.

What else?

>want to play r6 siege
>scared I'll just get angry TKing Russians
>or just get my team angry cause I'm new

What kind of things would you like me to say?
I've been thinking about starting a youtube channel and reading stuff on it.

I wanna hear you make some cute sounds, if you catch my drift.

Lewd, you want to hear me moan is what you want. That's lewd.

Well, replace "hear" with "make."

ASMR usually requires facecam or cam of something that people can stare at (when they're actually watching the video). Give it a shot.
People will literally patreon you to do it

You should do ASMR as well. Cute girls like you have the best voices for that sort of recording.

>Face cam
But I'm actually ugly :(

Double lewd.

I'm not a girl and I couldn't make ASMR.

dumb animeposter

>I'm actually ugly

Prove it

I don't wanna post face because people will inevitable make fun of me for being ugly.

Listen to his voice, it's clear he has a face to match. He sounds disgusting.

You could show me in private.
Or we could just do something else in private and pretend.

Tfw youre qt af but have an ugly deep monotone voice. Feels bad.

>>too nervous to play online
>I get bodied

nah deadass ur full of shit bodied is a recent term only people with friends know about
ur lying n r shit nigga
fckn retard

The only way you could have sex with me is if you put a bag over my head.

Qt how though???

Qt like a fujoshi (^:

It makes me happy when someone I met from these threads talks to me

wtf kill it

Date me immediately

I can't believe all these desperate thirsty gay virgins think that sounds cute.

I dunno man. Not usually one to judge, but that is not cute.
Sounds like a goblin with a funky European accent to me.

Yeah, same, it's rather grating.

Well I think he sounds like a real cutie and I wish he would hop on my dick

Well its not my business if you're a freaky fag.
I was just stating my opinion.


I'm sure you'd think that about just about anyone. He sounds like a disgusting little fantasy creature.

Very mean, this is why I almost never use voice chat.
Everyone is just mean for no reason.

I won't be mean to you.

I'll be extra special nice.

You're not being nice, you're just being a tranny chaser.

In addition to that voice, you've clearly got a disgusting personality. You're begging for attention and avatarfagging so everyone knows which posts are yours so they can pay more attention to you.

all you of gayboy sissy erp trapfags need to gassed