LISA The Pointless

So is it worth playing?

Is it a whole game like the painful, or will it get split in episodes?

Heard it's the best out of all the fanmade games yet though that doesn't mean anything since they're all shit.

Wonder if there'll ever be some official sequels. Don't know if there's a story left to tell since the joyful concludes it pretty much.
But I'd love to see more of it

There should be more about the mutants

>pic related, scared the shit outta me

I don't have a clue what's wrong with these guys.
what's the connection with Yado

lost Bird Guy to that mofo. Literally the only time I lost someone

>Brad did LITERALLY nothing wrong the whole game
>People turning on you were LITERALLY treacherous bastards

Aren't all Fangames shit?

I don't get Buddy's descend into pure edgyness. Couldn't brad just have fucked her?
>imagine the baby is a boy and buddy dies

That face when no ones replying so you have to made up the entire thread pretending there are people discussing
I might just kill myself

I like undertale and I'm not afraid to say it

Pumpkin pie is actually made of melons which are painted orange

Episode 1 is decently sized but it still has some plot points that are left unresolved.

So they're still working on it?

I'd assume so, yes.

Failed experiments basically

bad writing reveals talentless hacks

They weren't aggressive somehow

Reminder we'll never get another LISA ever again because he's turned into a cock

But the first one's story was great in my opinion. Did he just lose interest when making the sequel?

Joyful was a stretch goal IIRC.

I mean his dads death sure was sad. But why did he turn into a puss puss

Why stretch something that was perfectly fine when you didn't plan another sequel?

He probably wasn't thinking ahead.

I'd love some spin offs focusing on side charaters. Like Gary or Terry.

>well never hear any of the great music ever again because apparently that guy died

Yeah, but I guess he'll never do anything like that

she's the only person who was born into the harsh world after the flash, she hasn't seen anything but murder and misery her whole life
of course that's going to affect her personality

also brad did teach her to kill people and be paranoid of everyone, so he did that wrong

When i played the game those things didn't make me sick

Now i look at them and they make me sick

these guys are one of the few times i have played a video game and honestly felt disgusted

Well, LISA fangames are notoriously never finished, so if it simply releases it'll be the best LISA fangame ever