So dobson loves bieber? Just another reason why he's such an insufferable cuck

I hate dobson and he's a nobody

what now?






bieber isn't bad tho

does anyone want a synopsis of that cat story from last thread? i beleive i have it pretty well understood.

I can never read these long pictures when I'm browsing Sup Forums on my phone. It's always so blurry what the fuck is going on

>She has no gender
>She has no partner



Ho boy..

>she has NO style
>she has NO grace



What kind of mental state do you have to be in to make this

Every time.

Open picture in another page
Check the link on top
Delete the "m" before .jpg or .png
There, you have a good image

Gook moot can't stop us


It's pretty obvious isn't it? The parasite infesting her cat realizes he's causing the girl trouble because people are scared of him, so he stops infesting the cat and infests her hair instead.

As for the deeper metaphors, meh, you can endlessly grasp at straws on those.

>anime and manga
>two seperate category of things on it's own with thousands of subject

>Justin Bieber
>not even a musical genree like EDM just a performer

This doesn't even make sense. You can explain how low quality Justin Bieber music is but you can't shit on the entire manga and anime industry as a whole.


>Anime and Manga are popular

now I've heard it all, time to call my ISP and cancel my internet



This is a really well drawn depiction of mental illness.

also congrats

well yeah, pretty much, but in case anyone didnt go and speedread the damn thing like i just did.
im glad the cat lived.

>liefield hate is misdirected
how can one man be so wrong about everything?



No, faggot. Fuck off.

Hot Pockets have zero trans fat

wtf liefeld hate is anything but misdirected.

I mean
>People hate Bieber because he's popular
>Not because his music is shit


I tried that and it just sends me to 404.
Is th new owner being a dick or what

>look at me im smart and he's silly
filled to the brim with intellect as always Dobson

Bieber isn't actually bad though

Everyone hopped off that train about 2014 my man

I don't think anyone thinks that about you, Dobby

But that's probably your ego talking

More of this, fucking please



No way fag.

The clover on his head should be red

Sure thing dobbo


>never been on /fit/


>my cucksband
please tell me this is satire or an edit

Did he make a 2017 comic?


A nobody hating a nobody means nothing to anyone.

Just use clover


Not as great as the other ones.His probably running out of ideas.


A new one?


Didn't this guy get professionally hired by Disney or something?

>gains goblin at the door

Is the little things.



Get nihh

>y-you too
This killed me, Jesus Christ

I thought my phone had a problem but it's actually fucking hiro

It's subtle but not that subtle. You have to be a gullible moron to even doubt it.



I haven't. I'm a shortstack brown girl, I don't (need) to be fit, only want and barely at that.


at first he worked on rick and morty, but then he quit and joined some other animation team because he needed money and the writers had pretty much dug themselves into a hole

How actually is going to a public gym?
My dad has a home gym so I just use his by myself mostly, but I feel like I should try to get out more.

>I'm queer even though I'm really a bisexual and thought was a lesbian



>I'm really just bisexual, but my head is so deep into the ass of identity politics that I don't even know what to call myself anymore

This is marvelous mental gymnastics because at the base of all this she just wants to do whatever the fuck she wants and make it ok in her world without anyone telling her theres consequences.

read the thread

People say /k/ is a magical place (it is)

But those people haven't been to /fit/ yet.

FUUUUCK, this only seems like just a few months ago
wait holy fuck, undertale is more than a year ago



Who is excited for Mc Donald's Night in two days?

Hopefully he's doing well with the other group.

What the fuck were they thinking with the R&M story? Maybe there will be something to do with the One True Morty.

I know I found it after I posted that.
Sorry for being a faggot.

it was literally posted early in this thread



>I have no standards and will fuck literally anything because my sense of self and self-worth are inherently tied to what I fuck

Only rocks don't change their mind. What now, changing mind isn't allowed?

Hiroshimoot is a massive faggot. That's all you need to know.


Nigga how is an umbrella term supposed to be "identity politics"? You're the one trying to stick a more specific label on her. Why? It's not like her sexuality will ever be relevant to you. Why do you have to put her into a category at all, let alone one she doesn't recognise herself in?


holy fuck rock hard gimme more

shut up faggot
go back to whatever tumblr shithole you crawled out of

>some people seem to believe I'm an artistic god with popular opinions
I get that he's exaggerating for what little comedic effect that there is, but come on...

Go back to your containment thread unless you start posting the ghost grill


>It's not like her sexuality will ever be relevant to you.
True, which is why her making such a point of it is so absurd.

>hating on a medium=hating on a single artist

Is this guy retarded?


It's a simple title called "Kuro". It's meh. Mostly shock value, loliloliloli, and oh wow colour. Also mean girl best girl with best looks. Nice girl is bitch with shit looks.

Wasn't queer an insult? Is like saying that your sexual identity is faggotsexual.