FFXIV Stormblood


3.5 trailer when?

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This Friday if we're to by muh patterns.

>RF is released
>everyone competent who already have clears use it instead of PF, groups have very high success rates
>time goes by and more people get carried to clears
>they use RF and its general quality decreases heavily for some time
>but soon they realize they can't be carried and return to making "2 CHEST NO BONUS 2 MISTAKES = KICK" in PF
>RF returns to being the easy and convenient way to get your weekly loot

its PUP

>yda not visibly older, always wears a mask
>papalymo always with her

>people think the woman in the trailer is not a monk despite doing the same exact attacks as WoL monk, just with different color glow (aka different school like in the quests)
>people think the woman isn't Yda

Why aren't we getting another healer? Why do the developers hate that role so much?

Because they don't know what to do with it.

>tfw 4.0 will be the same rehashed content and patch cycle as ARR and HW

>2 sword users in one expansion
>2 DPS in one expansion


Healing can only be done so many ways, and the devs cucked themselves by locking the entire game into only 3 roles to make jobs for.

sam is tank
eat shit

>doing the same exact attacks
What is a Mime?

>2 DPS in one expansion

DPS queues just going to get worse. No choice but to level in PotD. Please look forward to it.

>He wants another variation of WHM

>3 Sword Tanks


>Healing can only be done so many ways

>Tanking can only be done so many ways, you generate threat and use cooldowns
>DPS can only be done so many ways, you 123 and press cooldowns

Nobody is asking to blaze new ground here, just make something functional with a different flavor.

>there's people who can't clear A11S
>they can't clear it not because they can't find people to play with, but because they think it's difficult
Why is people so bad at this easy as fuck game? I haven't met someone as skilled or more than me in 2 fucking years. I just can't believe this.
Are good players this rare?

>I haven't met someone as skilled or more than me in 2 fucking years
1v1 me fag

>Why is people so bad at this easy as fuck game? I haven't met someone as skilled or more than me in 2 fucking years. I just can't believe this.

Maybe you aren't finding people who have been playing as long as you have.

datacenter pf soon comrade

>what is rdm
>what is nin

Unless you're at the top of every FFlogs chart in the game, you're on a dead server.

This game does have a problem of overly fractured community (64 fucking servers for no apparent reason) but if you're on some backwater ass shit like Lich or Mateus and complaining there's nobody to raid with, maybe consider moving to where people are. If you're actually good that is.

>1v1 me fag
Heck at least in PvP I get outskilled sometimes.
But seriously people is so fucking retarded for PvE. They can't literally do more than one mechanic at once. I have played with people so fucking retarded that I had to call every single fucking mechanic everytime. When I don't say it they die and they say "call it please I don't remember :'(", while I'm perfectly fine playing without voice chat too (expect maybe stuff like A12S). What the fuck?

I hope it works m8, I also fucking hate how 90% of the people on this game stays afk in Limsa/Idyllshire without queing for nothing.


>This entire post in an FFXIV thread the most casual mmorpg to date

ahahahahahahahahahha tanks for the laughs mate

It's so obviously BLU it's unfucking real with how much more stuff focusing on that than the Sam Raimi bullshit which was already discarded.

How's Legion treating you?

Thinking more Blue than Sam but it could be both(?)

>immediatly assuming i play legion

ahahahahahahahah are ffxiv casual babbies this defensive? thakns for the laugh maties

I would subscribe instantly if they added Blue Mage.

>ffxiv casual babbies
Well you're just confirming it.
I mean, you can't be possibly play another MMO different from WoW and XIV.
You're not retarded, right?

That's exactly what I want.

That or he's one some private server.

>assuming i play an mmo in 2017

ahahahahahahahha so defensive mate did i trigger you hard nao? so funny tanks mate

If you're not going to elaborate on what game you're playing then I have to make assumptions.

That or your could quite possibly be here only to ruffle feathers.

then how do you explain the red girl in the trailer?

she's clearly not a monk because she's using some type of blade

my guess is SAM and DNC, tank and healer, they still don't have ANY idea how to add BLU and make it work within the system


He already discarded blue mage and pet classes for real in more than one occasion. The only thing he said about Sam Raimi is that Spider-Man has many directors (wink wink nudge).

>she's clearly not a monk because she's using some type of blade

wat? she was dancing around and fighting with her fists

She's her own job.

>my guess is SAM and DNC, tank and healer, they still don't have ANY idea how to add BLU and make it work within the system

I was really hoping they would add one tank, one DPS, and one healer, so I'm completely fine with that, too. Blue Mage is a little more interesting than Samurai, but as you said, it would be hard to implement. I suspect it would simply amount to you "learning" new abilities by undertaking quests that set you against specific enemies. Which is exactly how other class quests work enemy.

>tfw jap leaks confirm 3 jobs
>tfw rumors on jap imageboards about potential race after tokyo fanfest
>tfw even more rumors on jap imageboards about more surprise collaborations with staff from other jrpgs

A blowjob


He outright said no new races in las Vegas.

Fucking why


Who in their right mind would want a new race when we have such shit customization options for the existing ones

>They had a count down event for new year's in Japan with the 3 producers from FFXIV, PSO2 and Dragon quest 10, which are the 3 top online titles in Japan. However, the FFXIV community team screwed up and put Yoshi-p's character on the wrong server and none of the FFXIV players showed up for the event. Everyone in Japan is saying FFXIV is dead now and it's become quite a big fuss now. Yoshi-p was screaming at the JP community team and he used violent language (like "the community team should die") which is also being posted everywhere.
Seeing Yoshida flipped that hard was pretty funny though.

Because all the other races are shit with awful customization.

I feel bad for Yoshi-p for being put in such an embarrassing situation

This is karma for refusing to localize DQX

>1.0 races are ugly
>So 4.0 races are also ugly


XI cucks would die happily over this lol.

How the hell do you fuck this up? Does no one double checks things before going live?


Perhaps they could get more options with the dropping of PS3 LIMITATIONS.

You have no clue how smug I felt when I first saw this


>Ever fixing all the horribly shitty old garbage plaguing the game

Haha okay user, they'll fix the old races right around the time they give summoner more summons and machinists some machines.


>playing old races


>that shamefur dispray

Nowhere because it's in the paid steam.

someone fucked up hard at square enix but you can understand yoship's frustration because of how big and simple of a fuckup it was and how bad it makes the game look


You don't even know man.
They fed the Flames so much they had 4 guys with Battle Fever.
They then proceeded to rape us and spawn camp us.


>Everyone in Japan is saying FFXIV is dead now and it's become quite a big fuss now

Glad to see JP players are as equally retarded and jump on bandwagon rumour trains as the rest.

> less than two weeks left until 3.5 and the trailer still isn't out

Go pay for the stream.

Not when they accidentally tweeted only two jobs for the expansion.

>4 guys with Battle Fever.


Friday, like all other trailers.

This is hilarious and deserved. Dead Game. Should have shouted there was a S rank then maybe people would come.


Holy shit that was rough to watch.

Yoshi's face through the split screen parts, that scrambling to get the correct server up

>get 275 weapons for alt jobs
>still only have 260 for main job


So you don't have a source.

New race confirmed.

Yoshi has to literally change the server himself and then we can see how many players went there


not to mention FFXIV won that context, BTFO

>That relived look on YoshiP

>Defending this dead as fuck game

english translations when

rapier is not a sword



yes it is

There isn't that many people there.

What about all the literal dancing she does too?


>rapier is not a sword

>two sword tanks
>three 2h weapon tanks
>two sword dps

not a chance

>2 dps
>1 dps 1 tank

not a chance

SAM will use reverse edge sword
it deals blunt damage

These will be your DPS for the roulette today

Post the cute japanese elezens from tokyo fanfest.

I don't. I want more customization choices for my femelezen.

Stop fucking bashing YoshiP you assholes. It's hard as it is for him. Show some empathy.