What is the most appealing characteristic a character in a videogame can have?

What is the most appealing characteristic a character in a videogame can have?

I only know rachel alucard.

i'm a dude and i don't know who the knife ear chick is

Being cute.

If she doesn't want to fuck those characters she's not the one either.

I'm a guy and I know neither of these. Those 10-15 years I spent gaming were a lie I guess

They have to make me want to play them.

>playing western games
Kill yourself.

But I like my normie life sir

i can't even name these characters

If she's not a tasteless weeb she's not the one?
She can name Rachel though.

im not a weeb

Etna and Rachel I know ~no idea whot the elf is. Something fire emblem if I had to guess ?
I barley play japanese stuff.

Western is pretty good, desert, horses, gun duels...

Not liking the wind in your hair when you ride towards the sunset...dude

West has some good stuff too.

My gf named all 3, I only knew 1

is she going to leave me

No, but you're the woman in that relationship.

Does it really count if it's one of the most legitimately weeaboo games ever? It's like how even though Dark Souls is technically a JRPG, it's a WRPG in all but where it was developed.

You don't deserve her, you're too casual. If you really care for her, you'll let her go. Perhaps Chad Thundercock will better appreciate the subtleties of Japanese character design.

Eh, sure. Why not.


>name 1 overrated and 2 shitty characters

My GF favorite game is Axelay, so you can fuck off.

Etna, Alucard, Rachel
Fuck/marry me, OP. It's not gay, I'll just divorce you once I have citizenship and can collect neetbux.

Voiced by Eriko Nakamura

I stopped playing JRPG at PS1 era like everyone with taste... guess you missed the memo