This worth getting on PS4?
This worth getting on PS4?
Yes, it's a great game.
Yes. Others might say it's repetitive, but it's pretty good 2D action. I've only played the first two characters though.
>edgewald the knighthog
Yes it is.
Probably the best single-player 2D game available on the PS4 right now.
If you haven't played the PS2 version you'll enjoy it even more since you don't know the storyline (which is suprisingly good)
Also the platinium trophy is fairly easy to get.
No, wait for PC.
One of the reason I own a PS4.
Same. Nearly done with Cornelius story but so fair it's great. The only issue is that they do repeat worlds and bosses. But since each character seem to handle somewhat different it's not that much of an issue. I got it for my Vita since I enjoy the game in short burst which I feel helps with my enjoyment of the game.
>Spend too much time eating which seem to give me more EXP than just fighting enemies
>Seem to be overleveled in every area
Guess I should have put it on Hard instead of Normal
If you want a challenge, the game comes with an original mode, for how it played on the PS2.
How does it looks on Vita?
>Richer RPG elements
What does that mean? richer compared to what?
Like shit. Its like they resized the actual fonts and ui from the 1080 version and tried to cram everything in there, instead of design it thinking about the vita resolution.
The results are ui and text too small and blurry. And no, I have perfect vision. The blurriness is terrible on it.
Its weird coming from really nice ports of Dragons Crown and Murasama. I guess the fps was an issue on DC, but it looked great.
Never really looked it up. How does Classic Mode play different?
Looks great. I would have love to see it on my tv but I don't have a PS4 to play it on. Never really found any slowdown even when there's a chaotic mess of explosions.
Also to anyone how is Dragon Crown and worth playing on your own with my Vita?
Vanilla probably.
Dragon's Crown was made for the vita with all the point and click for treasure stuff on enviroments, it does slowdown a bit when things get chaotic.
The vita while having better controls, it cant really run the game, specially multiplayer.
Play solo on vita, continue your multiplayer game on ps3.
How bad is the slowdown? Effect the game in any major way? Heard that the game is mostly fun with friends so I wonder how the game is as just a single player game.
I never tried it myself.
Apparently, all moves drain the POW gage, and its harder to level making farming and eating more important.
As in both fps drop AND slowdown, multiplayer with more than one magical character is not playable. It really drops to slowmotion 10 fps.
Single player is fine
Probably meant in comparison to the original version.
What's the key to have fun playing as Velvet? She's just not fun, even more so than Mercedes.
I was racing through Cornelius and Mercedes story within 2 days. Then I got to Oswald and I haven't played in a week. He feels like a gimped Gwin until he enters his mash buttons faster mode.
Boss fights can get very repetitive but other than that it's great. I'd recommend it.
No, it's monotonous
My local store had this and Grand Kingdom half price yesterday so I picked them both up. Still have to finish Muramasa first though
Oswald will outdamage Gwen any day. Because his combos are faster than hers and I believe has a higher crit chance. When his berserk meter is full, using it and attacking with the normal attack combo will put him even further ahead of Gwen. Then charge again and repeat.
How bad is the repitition?
Of course. One of the best remakes+remasters of all time.
That's right, it comes with both.
Areas repeat a lot and so do boss fights. But each characters plays different enough so it doesn't really feel samey.
>on pc
>sick gameplay
jesus christ
Shit it felt samey before I even finished Gwendolyns chapter.
>How does Classic Mode play different?
You have a stamina bar that drains every time you use an attack, the combat pace is much slower overall.
Isn't there also a lot less skills?
I gave up at the third character
This is what I'm doing. I won't be burned again(Muramasa DLC, fuck you).
What's the difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions?
isn't it cross platform?
Idk, the ps3 version is cheaper and besides that i need to save space on my ps4. I'll probably get it on PS3 if there's no difference
If you have a PS4, then yes, Odin Sphere is worth getting.
If you just want Odin Sphere, then I doubt a PS4 would be worth picking up. Compare prices on PS4 vs. a Vita + memory card before making a decision.
Haven't played it yet but heard good things about the Muramasa DLC. What's wrong about it?
It wasn't included in the port.
PS3 version is 720p and runs worse than PS4 but better than Vita
PS4 is 1080p and runs at the best (most stable) framerate of all versions
There's no reason not to pick the PS4 version if you have both consoles. For surch a beautiful game I really do think the 1080p native is worth it.
They really shouldn't have charged for that, but it was well done.
>It wasn't included in the port.
There was no DLC for the original game. They ported it to the Vita, and then they created new DLC content for the game.
It's worth getting a PS2, yes.
Hard Mode in the remake is significantly easier than Normal Mode in the original.
The remake is great in most ways but it's a major case of "dumbing down for the masses", the original is highly strategic rather than a button masher, a game of resource management where every item and even every attack counts.
im not sure what new things they put in the ps4 version but you can get the ps3 version usually around $5 during a sale.
That's because the DLC didn't exist before the port. It was specifically made for the Vita version.
Unless there was a complete edition or something released I'm not aware of.
I got it on PS Vita and I absolutely love it. Definitely worth it
The payoff at the end is more than worth the repetition.
I'm sorry shitposter that lives under a rock, but this game is not the same as the PS2 version. Yes it has a complete remaster of the game, but it also has a remake where gameplay and pretty much all mechanics are different.
It isn't
It's funny because that still looks like a blurry mess.
And that's fucking jewish. I wanted the better version of the first game, not a ported game with additional DLC they didn't warn me about.
>Still full price
It'll drop eventually...
Yeah it's weird.
I found Muramasa way more entertaining even before the DLC even though there's only two characters who play exactly the same aside from one swinging the big swords a bit faster. Maybe it's because the sense of progression felt better and there were more unique bosses between the storylines.
You have 5 characters in Odin Sphere who all play fairly differently, but for some reason the repetition sets in a lot earlier. Even in the remake with skills to add more depth to the characters and all the other stuff it added, it still ends up feeling samey after the first two characters.
Don't get me wrong, I like OS. Even dropped $80 on the Storybook Edition. It just feels stretched out way too long.
Sure, if that's the case then the PS3 will be 66% more blurry, considering that 720p is less than half the resolution of 1080p
Whichever way you want to twist it, 1080p is better.
It has been on discount at least twice for the PS4 already, if not 3 times.
>additional DLC they didn't warn me about
The new characters were one of the first things they announced about it. They just took a long ass time to release them, to the point that people were starting to wonder if they forgot about them.
If you didn't know about the DLC beforehand that's really on you.
Consider it's their first game I'm guessing they went back to Muramasa to refine that type of game. I'm just happy they did remaster it because it honestly was a great game on the PS2 just with some issue like frame rate.
Theres pretty much no skills at all. The remake did such an amazing job because they made it so every character has their own unique skill set to make them different from one another.
Its not super pin sharp but you gotta be pretty blind if you consider that as a blurry mess.
It was 1080p on PS3
t. console gamer
what else are you gonna play on a ps4?
Did anyone else find Mercedes' story incredibly irritating?
After Gwendolyn and Cornelius' stories, it felt like a massive step down in quality.
The thing i think i disliked the most is the fact that the revolution kinda just happened no real buildup or anything.
That was really disappointing. We could have had some Midsummer Night's Dream -esque political intrigue, and instead we just got some girl whining about responsibility and falling into obvious traps for three hours before resolving that she wasn't going to be a fucking idiot anymore
We could have seen her dealing with the loss of her mother, and how devastating it could have been - but she barely brings it up.
Absolutely. It's fantastic.
Apologise. NOW.
it say slick arguably worse
7 dollars off wew
You can just overclock the Vita to get rid of most of the slowdowns
Mercedes is clearly the worst character, has the worst gameplay and the worst story, which suffers from the fact that much of the rebellion plot - including vital scenes like Melvin's death - is told in Oswald's story instead, so that most of Mercedes's story is just pointless macguffin quests. The climax is good though.
In the end though it's sad and poetic that it eventually turns out everything she did was completely meaningless - her story revolves about accepting her responsibility to be a queen and maturing into the role of being one... and then she dies in a ditch a few days later while her entire race is genocided to the last man, having accomplished nothing.
Quick question. Should I just eat the Miracle Fruit? Or use it for things?
PS3 is also pretty much the same, if people have no PS4 its perfectly playable over there too, pretty crispy visuals as well. Only 1 I wouldn't recommend would be vita.
Just get it for the PS3.
Best girl with best gameplay.
Just ALLAKH AKBUR some people away by dodging.
I really wish that they would have made the game for the Wii U.
Both on the PS2 and the PS4, the one thing I dislike the most about the game is the frequency of how often you have to pause to manage your inventory. And that's a rare instance where the Wii U could have really helped.
But of course. People will shit on me for even suggesting such a thing.
It's worth getting on any platform.
Don't forget best voice.
i want to FUCK that mushroom
Heard there's a new dub for the Leifthrasir version. Worth listening to or should I stick with JP?
>Heard there's a new dub for the Leifthrasir version
No, it's the same dub.
Stick with JP
What's wrong with the dub?
It's a dub. That should be enough unless you're a pleb.
Sounds not as good as the JP in almost all places.
Also I donĀ“t understand it so it does not trigger my autism when the dub differs clearly from my native subs
so nothing then?
Playing it with the dub and it's fine. There's nothing honestly bad with the dubbing personally unlike a lot of Japanese games.
I sort of alternate since I like hearing both.
Would Gwen be less nutty if Odin was a less shitty pop-pop?
Odin is not just a shitty pop-pop, he is a shitty person period.
No arguing that.
>raise two daughters that rush to their deaths constantly
This is Gwendolyn, princess of Ragnanival, and daughter of Demon Lord Odin. Let's all say something nice to her!
Best girl cause she actually saved her man
And finishing her story is the best part to quit cause everything else is the same after her
She's really loyal. But loyal to a literal fault though.
She could get this dick tho