These seem to feature quite a bit in video games. Giant fucking hole things.
Question is, what are they supposed to be? Do giant holes with doors and shit like this exist in real life?
These seem to feature quite a bit in video games. Giant fucking hole things.
Question is, what are they supposed to be? Do giant holes with doors and shit like this exist in real life?
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yes because how else to do the build under ground
>Do giant holes with doors and shit like this exist in real life?
what do you think?
silos, bunkers, even literal underground cities. ..
Yeah, there's plenty of these IRL
is there a scientific phobia for this as well?
It's been a long time since I've played that so I might be wrong here, but I got the feeling that they were an extention of drainage, sewage and the reservoir systems to prevent flooding in case coastal areas and areas of heavy rainfall. Basically they are huge chambers to allow exess water to collect indtead of flooding the city itself. Cities often have trouble with drainage since the huge volumes of concrede and surface areas of tarmac. It can cause problems if not taken care of.
Iirc Hong Kong had one of if not the largest such structures. Pretty neat actually.
draining water from cities or something, or at least storing it
That's a tower, not a hole.
It depends which end you're standing on
Isn't a hole just a tower in the ground?
>reactor steam chimneys
>all of that moss
Yeah, no, I'd be running like fucking crazy. Radiation and moss/mushrooms is nothing to fuck with.
Even outside of porn men need to satisfied their fetishes
and what's a hole? an inverse tower.
Checkmate atheists.
1.not nuclear
2.not in activity
You've never seen pictures of an industrial water plant or a drainage facility?
Penetrating Mother Earth sounds like the ultimate goal
it's a fucking missile silo, dumbass
OP's pic is a sewer/ventilation/maintenance shaft in a fictional city from Mirror's Edge
>Do giant holes with doors and shit like this exist in real life?
My family worked in the mines before they were closed, and my dad works in quarries digging big holes.
The reason giant fucking holes are used in vidya is because they don't use up resources when viewed from a distance (they are loaded once you are nearby) and they save devs from worrying about space restraints by working underground.