God tier games that are semi popular
pic very related (german videogame masterrace)
God tier games that are semi popular
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Was Gothic better than Morrowind?
Is Gothic like TES but not boring?
Is there anything that is TES but not boring as shit?
Its different. Much more densely packed with content and characters, but the scale is much smaller.
Even on release that was the general consensuses.
Don't know about Murrika, but in Europe it was universally accepted that Gothic > Morrowind
Only flaw Gothic has imo is it's image because of Gothic 3 which is acceptable with the many fanmade patches
G3 was literally launched not mere half a year, not even a year, but 2 (TWO) WHOLE FUCKING YEARS AHEAD OF ITS PLANNED RELEASE DATE.
Of course it was unfinished.
No it's not.
They launched in the same period, are because of their structure were bound to be compared.
They really are two different games - completely different atmospheres and things to do.
It comes down to preference. It's like comparing Metro to Stalker.
yes, and Gothic 3 was better than Oblivion
in terms of gameplay, yes
more interactive and skill based combat and also much better balance in gothic
graphics were about the same level, different styles though, morrowind a bit more impressive for its time than gothic was
storywise, gothic had a much more unique story, also much better characters overall
in fact, the only thing that morrowind did better was the amount of content, while the overall content quality in gothic was better
One of my favorite games
This documentary series, watch all parts. I think they have English subs.
nice try bethesdashill
> It's like comparing Metro to Stalker.
no its like comparing Skyrim to Witcher 3
>gothic had a much more unique story
Is that a joke, user? Because Gothic's story is shit. Worse than shit because it takes an interesting premise and then ruins it with the most generic fantasy plot possible
One of the best game of the generations.
It deserves much more praise than it got !
Elex is a game for which I wait the most in 2017
Gothic 3 gets shitted on way too much. It was bugged on release and was a little bit different but still a fucking good game (after the community patches fixed it)
>german videogame masterrace
GO-DICKfags should gas themselfs.
>better graphics even though released year earlier
>interesting dark fantasy setting
>god tier music
>pretty hard
>it was made by few guys having a dream of making a video game
>motivations of main character aren't even noble - he just wants to escape the prison
>first few chapters differ a bit depending which faction you join
>no elves
>designed for keyboard, not keyboard+mouse which makes controls clunky
>although after getting it you can murder anything with ease
>bugs and glitches
>overall plot is pretty simple and cliche, even if interesting
>even though it's prison you don't hear anyone swearing, which for me removes some authenticity
>no elves to murder
gothic 1 was doing shit that bethesda were struggling to make convincing even in oblivion.
holy shit I never knew Gothic devs were from my state
but remember that JoWood and THQ were also the ones responsible for Arcania
>>even though it's prison you don't hear anyone swearing, which for me removes some authenticity
What kind of butchered translation did you play?
German and Polish versions have plenty of swearing.
Jowood and THQ have literally nothing to do with Gothic though you dumb retard.
Piranha Bytes is the developer.
ArcaniA was made by Spellbound, the developers of Desperados and Robin Hood.
>>even though it's prison you don't hear anyone swearing, which for me removes some authenticity
it's fantasy prison
Funny thing is when TES games regressed with each part, Gothic got more and more complicated. Gothic 3 gave you absolute freedom of choice and removed unkillable characters, while Oblivion introduced it. Gothic 3 was best open world fantasy RPG of it's time, even without community patches.
Polish version was pretty lightweight, they didn't use any heavy swear words. No kurwas in this vidya.
Germans are great at making hidden gems.
Also, at least Gothic lives on in Witcher, which is basically the work of Polish Gothic addicts.
>ArcaniA was made by Spellbound, the developers of Desperados and Robin Hood
fairly certain the devs responsible for those switched to Mimimi Productions as seen by Shadow Tactics
I guess I may be misremembering since it has been good 10 years since I played it.
Jowood was the publisher
Blades of the Shogun-mind
And publisher has fuck all importance other than being responsible for setting deadlines and handling money.
Which is also why G3 was rushed and unfinished due to Jewood trying to save themselves from going bankrupt.
so let's just count:
>gothic: interesting premise + generic fantasy plot
>morrowind: generic fantasy plot
2:1 for gothic
Arcania isn't a Gothic game.
Risen was true Gothic 4.
Gothic 3 was and still is the worst game in the franchise, some fan patches won't fix a fundamentally broken game, or how they decided to completely shit on the best part of the previous games.
They wanted to complete with Oblivion (vanilla TESIV may be one of the worst games ever made) and in doing so made a game way too big for them to ever finish or design well. It's like they willingly took the strengths of their previous games and just decided to shit on them.
Wich is the opposite of having nothing to do with gothic
Watch the documentary before you spout objectively bullshit lies. G3's failure lies entirely in Jewood's jewery.
Risen's director's cut intro literally starts right where Gothic 3 ends.
Nameless: Is it still a long way?
Mentor: No...
Mentor: No... I think we have found it.
Nameless: Hm?... I can't see anything...
Mentor: I think...
Mentor: There is still time for one last question.
Nameless: I wonder...
Nameless: In a world that doesn't have Gods, what takes their place?
Mentor: That, my friend...
Mentor: ...is a very good question.
Mentor: It's time...
Mentor: ...follow me.
Nameless: (trying to outshout the loud noise) WHAT WILL WE FIND THERE?
Mentor: Secrets...
Mentor: ...that they can no longer hide
Mentor: ...that we will now bring to light!
Nameless: What happens now...
Mentor: Watch... and learn.
Mentor: The road to power is a bit like the tides...
Mentor: ...and for each faith that disappears, there is another eager to fill the emptiness left behind
Mentor: ...and with it come people with ambition
Mentor: ...who will seek even the remotest places of the world in order to wrestle their mysteries from them
Mentor: ...and obtain their power.
They both get two points in my opinion, Kirkbride's drug-induced writing for lore of Morrowind was pretty good. Also, what games don't have generic fantasy plot?
>gothic lives on in witcher
there were a few things that made gothic special, like the conceivable characters, skill based combat, actual characters progress, great world design, great exploration, freedom of character development and so on
witcher had nothing of that in any of its games
witcher devs are just greedy jews that used the gothic name to sell more
But Morrowinds premise is interesting despite being generic, simply because of the uncertainty of Azura manipulating the character, or Vivec allowing you to kill him.
Nah, those are completely different people.
Not a single dev from the credits of their games is present in the Shadow Tactics.
Good game developers are not a finite resource that doesn't exist anymore.
These Germans simply loved the old Spellbound games and improved upon them.
It's more like what Witcher 3 wanted to be.
So, is Gothic 3 with fan-patches/tweaks worth playing, coming from someone who likes Gothic 2, Morrowind and Oblivion?
I did, a long time ago. You can blame the publisher all you want but shifting it completely in favor of the developer and treating PB like angels is retarded. It's a fact that they bit off more than they could chew, the world was too big, the plot was shit, the mechanics were worse.
Not to mention that Risen and Elex and all of PB's projects that don't use the zENgine are complete failures of game design. They have no idea what made their games so good and so they can't capitalize on it.
On a side note:
How would one even make a game that doesn't somehow end in the player character defeating a great and strong foe and willingly or not saving the people / the world from trouble?
I mean, any other setting would just seem too insignificant or boring to make a game of it.
This is a question I struggle to answer every time. I love both but not always for the same reasons. I think I prefer Morrowind to Gothic but Gothic II manages to be superior to both.
>storywise, gothic had a much more unique story
I've played both games extensively and this statement is false.
>no elves
>no elves to murder
You are my friend.
>from someone who likes Gothic 2
>Morrowind and Oblivion
Absolutely, but your standards are so low if you like these games that you might as well enjoy bargain bin jRPGs from early 2000s.
What you want is as follows:
Gothic 3
Patch it with Community Patch 1.75.14 (I think Steam has it by default)
Install Quest Pack (Quest Pack 4 Update 2)
Install Update Pack (Gothic 3 EE 1.75.14 Update Pack 1.04.10)
Install Content Mod (Content Mod 3.0)
Some of them may have newer versions by now but this will give you an idea what to do.
Definitely. Quest Pack is also pretty good.
>complete failure of game design
Please get cancer and die.
You are so objectively wrong and such a corporate shitslurper that you should be flayed alive.
Travelling to the Moon
and then what?
see even if you travel to the moon and then the game is about how you either live there or need to escape, if there is no conflict from some form of dangerous enemy things will get boring fast
I meant 2 and 3 and the series as a whole, Risen 1 is passable albeit completely ruined due to the terrible combat. Bad animations and completely abysmal mobility of the player character in combat is something that PB have always struggled with.
For some reason G1 and G2 don't have this problem, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be improved. Which is partially why G3 is so fucking terrible, as well.
>no elves to breed
Unplayable shit. These games don't become tolerable till Risen.
>Risen 1 is passable albeit completely ruined due to the terrible combat.
>terible combat
Son you're digging your gave evne deeper, I hope you get raped by a thousand niggers with AIDS and then burned alive.
Erstmal was rauchen.
>hurr durr I'm a fucking retard, ad hominem without any arguments
About what I'd expect from people who like G3 and any other PB game after NotR, yeah.
>Skyrim to Witcher 3
Both are casual trash. How can anyone say these games are significantly different?
Risen is universally accepted to have the best combat in the series, please kill yourself.
>implying Germans are good at making vidya
Germans ruined the Men of War franchise with Assault Squad.
t. German.
You're universally accepted to be a cretin, and will be until you provide some concrete arguments without generalizations. Now fuck off.
I don't give a fuck about your inbred tasteless shitposting son, you're in minority so get cancer and die already.
I hated Risen for being so painfully linear.
Hahaha, no. You have to be deluded to think that.
In THE minority*, shouldn't you be in school learning english right about now? Middle-school, probably.
>be an underaged retard who disregards that Risen's combat is clunky, when it is
>get told
>"u-u are inbred"
Laughing my ass off at you.
like what? I only played 2 & 3 and I hadn't detected anything like that aside from animation & model quality over Morrowind.
Should I start with Gothic 1 instead of 3 if I'm a newbie to the franchise? How important is it story and lore-wise?
Is there any major graphical mod for the former? (Morrowind was absolutely fine with the Graphics Overhaul 3.0)
Gothic 3 apologists need to die.
You should start with 1 because it's the best game in the series. And graphics mods are for plebs.
You start with 1 because it's the first game in the franchise, then you play Gothic 2 with Night of the Raven installed. You don't play Gothic 3 or any other game in the series after that, because they're all terrible.
As for mods, you should install the starter packs for each game and a DX11 mod if you want to. I wouldn't recommend it for G1 though because there are some really annoying bugs with it.
daily routines for npcs.
Twój ojciec zabawia się z owcami.
not that guy but
>comparing a fun sandbox collectathon with a decent story with a fucking gamebryo mod platform
I'm not fanboying, just wondering how you got through life so far without being declared retarded
I liked and finished all 3 Risens
You must hate yourself
There are probably people who like cutting themselves, doesn't mean everyone else does. Get some standards by playing more video games, man.
>How would one even make a game that doesn't somehow end in the player character defeating a great and strong foe and willingly or not saving the people / the world from trouble?
Witcher 2 did it.
You're out to get your memory back and clean your name.
The memory comes back as the story progresses and you can as well forget about the name thing altogether because the nation in question is getting invaded.
Gothic 1 had something that Bethesda still doesn't have: working ladders.
Start with Gothic 1, then proceed to Gothic 2 NotR.
Don't play Gothic 3 unless you absolutely must.
>How important is it story and lore-wise?
Very. The games happen in chronological order and are very closely connected. Well, G1 and 2 at least. Gothic 3 was meant to be the grand finale, but it has little to no story so to speak of.
>working ladders
Oh yeah, Gothic truly had ladders to die for.
I enjoyed Gothic more. It had that mysterious and original setting and somehow a likable characters.
Morrowind like every Elder Scrool game, has weak undeveloped NPC's and since you create your character from scratch, you can't attach yourself to protagonist as in Gothic (or Planescape:Torment)
Pretty sure, Poland place Gothic as number one game. It's also a game that Witcher series was based. Gothic was made by germans btw.
But all that ultimately ends with fighting some really strong enemy and consequently saving everyone.
I coudnt bear to play Risen 3 after first fight with a monkey in chapter 1, I uninstalled the game after that. I also didn't give them any penny as i pirated it via torrent.
Get your asses ready, one of the best mods for gothic 2 notR is coming out.
The history of khorinis
>voice acting done in professional in-house studios by some of the va's who did the original characters
best thing to come out of Poland since W3
Aside of the polish professional voice acting, the asthetics of this mod will be 120% god tier. I hope for gothic 1 atmosphere though
It won't be coming out for a while though, we're just getting promo materials for now.
the krauts are usually shit at anything involving creativity and winning wars but i have to admit they did some of the best rpgs i've ever played
the risen series are pretty much the best games of their kind - they might be technically inferior to major games, but the atmosphere and the engagement they provide are so much better than any skyrim with 20gb of mods
Dobry angielski cieciu
i have to be honest: although i can see the combat might be clunky and oversimplistic, in the end i really like the game and the combat was a minor annoyance that i learned to love.
just like playing any battlefield game after starting with cod; the gameplay might be inferior but with some time you'll eventually like it... and that happen because i probably didn't start playing the game wanting it to be something else
I know, this project is almost ancient and still active.
They need to take their time to create this god tier mod even better. Hopefully, for me, I won't even move out my pc because it will sent me back in time
>t. weebs playing the same reashed trash meant for kids for the last two decades
>used the gothic name to sell more
except they never did?
the fans themselves see the inspiration, devs never mentioned it
he's delirious