Why aren't Soulslike game a thing anymore?
Why aren't Soulslike game a thing anymore?
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Because they always turn out to be shit. At least the indie ones. hoping Nioh is good.
>western audience so devoid of creative western video games they resort to Japan's superior game designs and mechanics
Western video games has become so stale and yet faggots fight over which platform is better
Because what made Souls fun is that it was different and mysterious.
When you know exactly how Souls work the magic is gone.
Because this looks like a shitty half assed excuse to play as a teenage girl.
The worst offender is Lords of the Fallen, which I honestly believe to be one of the worst games I've ever played.
>We're going to make the the BEST Souls game just you watch!
>put Denuvo on this bad boy because it's going to be a BLOCKBUSTER!
Those poor dudes could not have missed the point any harder. That game was so bad. And they went with the whole World of Warcraft aesthetic on top of everything else... just why
They're all the same.
Because ripping other games off is not a good idea, try your own combat system and shit. I don't want another era of not-CoD games but with Souls
Is this the 2D Dark Souls I have been hearing about?
What was the dark soul game of 2016?
What is this?
they made the mistake of only trying to compete in terms of gameplay, where they are doing well, just not as good as dark souls and that made it seem comparatively much much worse
if they had added better story, characters, world design and balancing, the game would have beaten dark souls in all those categories easily
Dark Souls 3
Is this a new porn game?
It's about defecation. Don't bother.
It's not even the main character who defecates, it's some ugly pig-like zombie which defecates on her feet, and she looks disgusted.
Wow, that's a really long title.
hold the fuck up
is this a lewd game?
"Soulslike" was a flash in the pan, and no one knew how to properly capitalize on the Souls formula because no one has been able to recreate the magic of Dark Souls 1. Including From Software
S&S was pretty decent i guess.
The problem is that they tried to copy Dark Souls, but they copied 2 and not 1.
I honestly don't like using the term, but it has some of the most blatant artificial difficulty I've ever seen in a game. The enemies with those big shields are complete fucking horseshit, and it basically becomes a tedious waiting game of waiting for your magic fist thing to get its MP back before using it because that's really the only way to damage the fuckers.
You mean like the Undead areas and Anor Londo?
Because everything else isn't really that great.
For a board that loves to complain about rehashes and lack of innovation you swine sure as shit gobble up every bland uninnovative rehash you can find.
S&S is bretty gud
Oh shit, it's the same dev as the gun girl.
You can just guardbreak them though if I remember correctly.
I barely used the gauntlet because huge weapons.
Artificial difficulty wasn't really the problem.
It was mostly lacking enemy variety, lacking environment variety and shit aesthetic.
Combat was also a bit weird I guess.
The undead areas, Blighttown When the framerate is fixed, Sen's Fortress, The Painted World, The Great Hollow + Ash Lake, and Anor Londo. This might be an unpopular opinion, but while the three post-lordvessel areas do in fact steep in quality, Duke's Archives and Tomb of the Giants are either decent or simply mediocre, with only Lost Izalith being outright terrible. It's the worst area in any of these games, but I stand by my point.
This isn't even including the dlc.
Not every formula is a "copy-paste-success" process (like military shooters, mobages, etc), and most publishers figured it out quickly (for Souls series, at least).
>Their shield's hitbox is so fucking huge that I end up hitting it when I go for an opening
>That shield bash thing they do is instantaneous
I actually loved this game.
Only real negatives about it were the shit art style and no online co-op. Local co-op was nice though
When is this coming out?
Because they either end up being knock offs pretending to be homages like Salt and Sanctuary and LotF, or just try to be LE HARD GAEM XD and end up garbage like Let It Die
Nioh has the chance to be a great game that takes the right amount of inspiration from the Souls games but ends up being good thanks to original mechanics and improvements to From's formula
Sometime this year according to his blog.
I can't wait that long.
You'll have to.
When will Miyazaki realized he approached the souls games the wrong way?
Instead of just putting out sequel after sequel of new games with new characters and new atmospheres, he should have just kept giving expansions to a single game
Like, imagine if Bloodborne had 5 fucking expansions right now. That'd be better than having to a buy a bloodborne 2, right?
because even soulsfags themselves dont realise what the genre is about
the game evolved from exploring the world filled with obstacles to a hack'n'slash mlg PvP bossrush shitshow
also souls combat was never ever good, and you fucking know it, fags used to constanly boast about it, while comparing it to skyrim, a game with 0 emphasis on combat. A light attack, a heavy attack, block, parry, 0 combinations, wow so interesting. Even a fucking witcher 3 does it better
Why would I play a ripoff over the real thing? That's a problem that arises when you copy another game to a certain point. You might as well skip the middleman and play Dark Souls instead.
>Tits hanging outside portrait window
What are the best soulslike?
Indie ones?
Demon's Sperm.
I don't know, worst combat in the series and a bunch of broken areas and mechanics like poise arent really magic. Especially compared to the masterstroke that is BB.
>worst combat in the series
Couldn't disagree more, but since you also say Bloodborne is the best one, I can see where you're coming from. I like the slower, more plotting combat of DS1, while you have more of a taste for the faster, aggressive combat in BB.
It sounds like you want something like DMC. I liked Dark Souls combat because it was weighty and lethal if you made a silly mistake. Felt like I was solving encounters on my first playthrough rather than just breezing through trash mobs on my way to the boss.
The problem with DkS1 isn't the slow deliberate combat, it's poise basically shitting on the easence of the game established by Demon's Souls; instead of spacing, timing, and waiting to counter attack, you run up and smash R1 into an infinite or frame trap spam, completely removed from danger as you shrug off hits.
On top of that the movesets are objectively worst in the series.
There are also other problems like the enemies being a total joke, weapons in the same class having different speeds, ranged and shields shitting on everything, poles and other weapons causing you to stagger like a retard if you miss with them, upgrading weapons increases their hitstun meaning you can't test a new weapon properly without upgrading them, ultra weapons being completely useless in one hand, small fast weapons became just R1 frametrap mash (with evety weapon imaginable being a downgrade), etc.
There are a fuckton of problems and the combat is a joke.
the map was also hilariously small
I'm glad I got it for "free" on PSN
This is pretty good aside from the pixel perfect jump required for good ending.
Soullike 2D game = metroidvania
>upgrading weapons increases their hitstun
This is completely false, btw.
Also, half of the things you mentionend are pretty shaky as well, the movesets complaint being one of them. In demons souls not only the various swings are pretty badly animated, but they were also monotonous (1 (ONE) standard moveset for every class of weapon) and pretty unsatisfying to use (the rolling 2h r1 on greatswords, what the fuck is that slow-ass shit). Your only valid points are how poise and good shields trivialize the game.
No. It's completely true. I did a video about it.
Silly mistakes aren't glitches or bugs user
>He hasn't played Bloodborne
please do share the video, I'm curious.
You meant the Firelink-Parish-Burg-Darkroot-VoDrakes Hub?
I want to know what From Soft are planning to do next
Skip to 3m in.
Soulslike game of course
>Duke's Archives
They are great nigga, the best post-lodvessel area hands down
Oh I assumed that retiring the Dark Souls series meant a different gameplay venture
Welp guess I'll look forward to Steampunk Souls
Release when?
the next material is going to be Spermborne
No, that's probably Salt and Sanctuary.
Which is shit.
Wait, but this is all relative to PvP. I thought you were talking about PvE in your orignal post.
Nevermind then, I'm retarded.
If they did some HR Giger shit with subliminal cocks everywhere I would enjoy
Wait, is a demo out?
Soulslike is not a fucking genre. Souls are ARPGs. Any "souls-like" is a souls ripoff and nothing more.
scornsouls when?
It looks like the Dark Souls of ecchi gemu.
Is Dark Souls 2 the Dark Souls of the souls series?
Its the hardest after all. All the systems are made to hamper the player, not to make for a smoother experience like Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne.
I would have to agree.
I fucking love Bloodborne, haven't loved a Soulsborne so much since my first experience with DaS1, but I honestly just don't really want to see a sequel happen for Bloodborne. It's something that really kind of only works for one title and then be expanded to fuck upon through expansions.
It really sucks, though, because I am dying for more Bloodborne, but I just don't think a sequel would be a good thing and expansions the size of TOH or bigger would be fucking fantastic.
Pirate Souls
Mickey & Donald Souls
Caveman Souls
Stone Age Souls
Cyberpunk Souls
Magitek Souls
Urban Fantasy Souls
Atomic Punk Souls
I should finish Dark Souls, I lost my save and I was quite ahead, I was in that crystal "mine" area or whatever is called. I went dexfag with daggers backstabbing, had fun, I started a new game going as a STRfag but I kinda didn't care to play all the thing again to get back at that point
Miyazaki hates sequels, I'm pretty sure he said that himself when Dark Souls 2 was coming out.
I think he only did DaS3 because he had many new ideas to incorporate from BB and also because the fans really wanted it. Can't say I'm complaining though, DaS3 was a really good time for me, but ultimately I think BB and DaS1 were way better because of their one-off nature, and DaS2 being an affront to God.
>better story
FUCK YOU, stop with this story meme, jesus, who gives a fuck about the story in games. I literally played Dark Souls 1 blindly without understanding half of what was going on for the first time and I have the time of my life.
Srsly, anyone who cares about story in games are the pure cancer that is destroying this industry.
Game is very early in development though
What the fuck are you talking about
>ultra weapons being completely useless
thats probably why zweihander is the game's hidden easy mode.
And here I thought winter break was over for you kids.
Just give me Mouse Guard Souls and I'll be happy
ARPG also includes Diablo-like games, eg isometric view
It's valid to use Souls-like as a descriptive sub-genre of ARPG just like saying Diablo clone lets you know what that is too
>don't like using the term
Then don't. There's no such thing. You just suck at the game.
"Soulslike" games never were a thing. Nioh is the closest anything's come, and it isn't even fucking out yet. Why do you have a word for a genre that doesn't exist? Why are you already working on a eulogy?
>demon's sperm
>not semen's souls
How do you fuck up that badly?
>Mickey & Donald Souls
I need this.
Shoe Souls
I remember seeing webms of a game just like that on Sup Forums but I don't remember what it was called. Looked pretty cool.
Dark Maus?
>ultra weapons being completely useless in one hand
nice reading comprehension my man
who the fuck one hand zweihander?
I want to make a game called Petit Dragoon, in which one would play as a jerboa knight who uses his big ears to maneuver high multi-jumps so he can skewer big nasty animals with his spear.
But I'd quite happily play your idea, too. I'm not even sure if you're referring to Redwall, which I never read much of. But I am pretty bored with playing as people, and I'm pretty bored with the scenery most games offer. There's so much that good artists could do with natural environments to a rodent's scale.
Apparently there will be jerboas in Ark, but they don't look as cute as this one.
No, this game was 3D and had really good graphics.
>ultra weapons being completely useless in one hand
how the fuck is this a bad thing? You should have to 2-hand to get the most out of a fuckhuge weapon.
I was thinking on the Mouse Guard comics actually. DIdn't know Redwall...
Your game idea sounds interesting. Would buy, if it ever got made.
>semen's souls
Right after bekzinski souls
And you're a faggot, SnS was fantastic. Git gud casual
Pretty please.
Altrought Scorn is pretty much Beksinski + Giger