What are some games where I can be evil?

What are some games where I can be evil?

>pic unrelated

Came in here expecting edgy Sup Forums kiddies posting things like this and I wasn't disappointed.

kotor 2

>I'm just going to fuck up europe for a few years because I'm salty
Thanks Hitler.

This Hitler was a good boy meme is really old



>this triggers the Sup Forumslacks



Fallout NV/3

He a good boy, he dindu nuffin, just need more lebensraum for dem Germans

There are no evil guys in war, only diferent interests.

This tbqh fem

What are some games that let multiple players choose between the ideologies of capitalism, fascism, and communism, in an appropriate strategy setting set in alternate timeline starting at the second world war and going into the future?
You can't say civ since they've never done all three of those things right at the same time.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

There's no such thing as evil. The interest that matters to me is my own, as a poor neet, there are better choices in that era for me than the krauts.

But interests have inherent morality. ei, ethic cleansing vs liberating democracies.

Why do Sup Forumstards love Hitler when he was literally an SJW nu-male cuck who would have let in Arab refugees?

Was Hitler secretly a furry? I think he was...

Hitler could have saved the west

An interesting sidenote on the hitler was good meme is directly related to the propaganda campaign that surrounded the Fuhrer on a daily basis in Nazi germany. The Germans were enamored with Hitler, the leader could do no wrong. He purposefully projected an image that made him seem like the nice old leader, and all the bad things that happened was due to all the mean old party members like goebels and göring.

This has been studied in quite detail however, and Hitler was anything but a nice old man. He knew about all the atrocities, he knew about all the things that happened. You can argue that his love for Germany was probably true, although he was by no mean nice to anyone, German or otherwise, he thought opposed his view of a Reich to last a thousand years. Although it's more likely to have collapsed in a nuclear-powered civil war once Hitler died, as the leadership principle of the Third Reich called for strong leaders to ruthlessly seize power)


Please stay on topic, this is a video games thread.