>think game is nearly over
>you're only halfway through
Think game is nearly over
Other urls found in this thread:
that pig made me furry
Please stay on topic.
Stop using my friend's art to shitpost
sauce on this lewd swine?
Tell him to draw her taking the BBC more often.
Castlevania SotN
Kid Icarus Uprising
i want to suck her juicy butthole
Cyan capsule
No, fuck off
I want to pork that piggy.
Has Cyan done anything new recently? I haven't been keeping up with his stuff.
Tales of the Abyss
amazing, lengthy game
cute face but her body is abs disgusting. the artist cant draw for shit
>it's always the opposite in reality
>Beat game that was 60 hours long
>suddenly wake up in a room with 30 other people
>the real hero did what you did hundreds of years ago and it was just a test to join his order
>everyone else in the order has done that and more
>hero approaches you to say you aint shit, but could be in time
>credits roll
>no sequel ever
post the one where she has a dick
name at least 3 games that did this, or you're making shit up
you are literally retarded
>praying for the game to just end already
>it's got another 20 hours of shitty filler
fuck you Okami
nice meme
triggered you hard
>think game is nearly over
>it's only halfway through
>never end up finishing it since it overstays its welcome
yeah i gave up on that game
>artists can be judged to be objectively good or bad
>implying art isn't completely subjective
This desu senpai baka
>look up the artist
>think the pig is alright
>the more I scroll down the more I see how fucking horrible the artists taste in proportions are
Jesus fuck, why does this dude like banana tits and saggy flab so much, and theyre not even good banana tits.
Okami gets me every time, like I've played it a million times but every time I beat Orochi I think "Wait it's over I thought there was more."
And the the fucking art fox and I'm always exhausted at that point because holy fuck
Name five googol games that do this.
i know right, theres nothing attractive about it. that guy is a fucking degenerate
He got worse over time, the old stuff is actually decent.
you can judge technical skills if you're not retarded
but Sup Forums sees things only as
>i like it so it's good
>i dont like it so it's bad
A woman shitting her period blood on to the ground is not a good artist and never will be.
There's no objectivity in art but there's unanimously held standards relative to their directed audience.
No one is gonna say Slugbox is even remotely as good as an artist as Doxy or Asanagi with proportions.
Some people have different tastes.
I like the banana tits and flab.
Bravely Default
FF7 leaving midgard
Your tastes are wrong, though.
But then again, part of Slugbox's appeal are the ridiculous proportions.
Everyone's go to answer
being fucked in the head isn't really having different tastes
I bet you don't even fap to nezumi, pleb
Symphony of the Night (I didn't know about the Reverse Castle)
Dark Souls (I thought Ornstein & Smough was the final fight, or at least the semi final)
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door (after the skeleton pirate, you encounter lord crump, which I assumed the final boss would be soon after)
only when he draws humans and not furries.
>not liking banana tits
You're probably one of those loli-loving faggots who jerks off to "barely legal" porn.
Hey, I might like lolis, but that doesn't mean I dont like tits as well.
The issue is, these aren't good banana tits, they're just really depressing banana tits, sad!
who's the pig artist i forgot it
im pretty sure hes in this thread defending his garbage hentai
but i like it tho
Tales of Symphonia.
Yes i was a stupid idiot considering half the plotpoints were unfinished and several characters from the box still hadn't shown up.
>I get warned for posting a webm of Hitomi with a bra on
>clear porn is being posted
Why is it that people make such a big deal out of the skin color of the dick? It's just a dick.
And I mean in both ways, fetishizing it and hating on it.
>think game is nearly over
Did you forget that the game has 3 discs?
thanks user
Where were you when /u/ got a thread that reached image and bump limits an hour ago?
Because they are genuine cucks.
>criticizing mods
Ooh get ready for another warning, user.
I was playing titanfall 2
Is it fun?
Low player count but yes, it was my goty for 2016
Thanks, user. You're quite helpful.
kiss already
Read the thread
this thread was better
That'll ruin our friendship
>you have to play through the game 3 times to get the full story
It's 30 dollars right now if you ever have an interest. it's 6 v 6 so finding matches is still pretty easy and the Titanfall general always has members on if you ever want to group up with faggots
I'll kiss you
It had a PC version.
>I'll kiss you
the oats brother
Subjective, just because you don't like does not mean it's bad. It can be good art but it also fall into something you don't like.
where did this fucking meme come from
it's been being forced on s4s since like 2 days ago
>New game+ adds nothing, only increases enemy HP
>game jokes about it being over
>you see through it instantly because it was so short
>eventually it does the same thing again
>this time for real
>it still feels like the game has barely reached the mid point
Rhythm Heaven Megamix was really disappointing because of this. I didn't care for the story, and with 75% of the games already old ones, they could've at least extended it by adding ALL of the old games together.
Hell, the final remix didn't even have all the games remixed into it.
>think i'm only halfway through the game
>it suddenly ends
It's even better when that halfway point feels like a full game.
earth defense force insect armageddon was so short i thought i was only a third of the way through the game
>Dark Souls (I thought Ornstein & Smough was the final fight, or at least the semi final)
it should have been, I'd honestly prefer it to be 3/4 done than 1/4 shit
Owlboy why?
Why'd you have to be shit.
I wanna pork that piggu
At least Nier is a pretty short game if you ignore those quests.
Sophie > Rosie > Emelie > the rest
>as good as an artist as Doxy
doxy has literally never seen a fucking human face in his life
You have literally never seen a human vagina and people don't give you shit for it.
>playing pic related, having a good time
>almost to the top of the tower, the place the game has been selling as the endpoint the whole time
>get to the top of the tower
>lol u aint done here have a new gimmick and climb all the way back down and through the basement
>not having fun anymore
sometimes finding out you were only halfway through isn't a good thing and makes a game overstay its welcome
Holy shit this image is perfect
I want to glaze dat ham.