have you ever tried to quit video games? do you feel like vidya takes over your life?
imagine if you took all the time you've spent playing video games and put it towards a hobby or craft.
have you ever tried to quit video games? do you feel like vidya takes over your life?
imagine if you took all the time you've spent playing video games and put it towards a hobby or craft.
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Video games are a hobby, you fucking idiot
Literally nothing you have done, are doing, or could ever do will not matter in the slightest
There's literally no point in doing anything, so may as well have fun
you have to be 18+ to use this website
Thanks for the tip, don't see how that applies to me though.
Imagine if you cut out all movies, tv, social media, vidya, traditional games, books, and whatever shit, and just did various crafts and shit. You'd be the best robot ever. Move over Carmack, we have a new god in town, and he has no stories to tell.
Nice shitty rebuttal on your shitty thread
i just assumed you were a teenager because you are still in the "life sucks, nothing matters" stage of mental development. my bad
Didn't say life sucks
If you think your life has an iota of importance then you're a delusional retard
>reading comprehension
>have you ever tried to quit video games?
I have, but I just keep coming back. I've probably got a real problem, but nothing does it for me like vidya.
>have you ever tried to quit video games?
>do you feel like vidya takes over your life?
>imagine if you took all the time you've spent playing video games and put it towards a hobby or craft.
Videogames are a hobby and I have others already,
There is literally nothing wrong with wasting your life on video games - everything is a waste until the gubmint figures out how to make us live forever.
Maybe when I was a young fuck up, I could've played less games. But now I'm 22 and my shit is in order. Plus I wouldn't have met my best buddies if I wasn't playing games at the age of 15.
Also I do have other hobbies. None of them involve going outside, but that's my business.
I did quit. For a year and a half. I wanted to do start a hobby that gave me something pysical as an end product, so I started painting miniatures and playing 40k. Now I do both video games and 40k. It's a pretty good split. And I learned about painting and converting to an extent. Pic related.
Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, user, at least it's an ethos.
I already have little time to play video games due to work, so I could see myself not playing them anymore.
But it would probably just be replaced with watching videos online or browsing this website.
Probably would have offed myself already without vidya.
>He thinks anything he does matters in the big picture
I probably play less than one hour per day.
So no.
not bad
objectively, nothing we do matters
even the most powerful people can only change the course of history for a minute amount of time
I have the opposite problem, life takes over my vidya time
i stopped playing because for too long i've been an ambitionless fuck and now i have big things i want to do, and i feel like i have something to prove to everyone everyone i know and ever knew
Compared to some years ago I've quit eventually because I got bored. Nothing interest me anymores.
Now I'm just playing Chess and Street Fighter 5.
It's like they say, nothing that's good lasts forever, and if it does it's because it's making bad for you..