That user that complains about games being "weebshit"

>that user that complains about games being "weebshit"

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, weeb.

Chinese cartoons

Ooogaa boogaa

>that user that plays weebshit

quality thread OP

I like weebshit because a lot of it is the opposite of casual trash.


>game has weeb graphics
>instantly lose interest

I never realized how huge Yukino's forehead was before.

Hey look everybody it's Weebs McGillicuddy

Please fuck off, also VN's arenr videogames because there is 0 GAMEplay. It's a fucking book an either belongs on Sup Forums /jp/or /lit/

Why do you care about reddit's opinion?



man i hate games with weebshit, it's so fucking weeby and shitty, why does it have to have so much weebshit in it is japan fucked up from the nukes america dropped on them or some shit?

Where is her nose? Did she get her nose taken away?

>Entre Elle Et Lui

Sup Forums doesn't allow vidya with anime artstyles, dumb ledditor.

also pic related, go away.

mouthbone madame

>he likes weebshit

No offense

If your primary entertainment is not from Japan just leave this site

Just leave

>That person who says that complaining about weebshit on Sup Forums is wrong because it was founded by an contains weeaboos
>proceeds to believe America is a country despite being founded by and contains Europeans

Doesnt make it any less true, though.
Anime posters are automatically on the same level as a child.

>Sup Forums has no room for people who are easily triggered
is this nigger serious? he is moderating Sup Forums right?

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

I'm that guy.

It's 90% about some fat tiddie'd or loli bitch and how they "accidentally" make ultra lewd gestures/poses but are 100% "pure".


I legitimately and unironically hate any and all non-Japanese beta mega cucks that are fans of Anime.

They need be literally thrown in to a garbage dump where they really belong.

>someone made this image


>it's an "I hate animu and mango but browse a website who's mascot is a mango girl" episode

This to be honest. How the fuck did you even find your way here if you hate anything japanese related.

>here's a pic of fucking banners

Nice "argument"

Doesnt make you any less of a manchild, m8.

What do we do about the anime problem, reddit?

You're only allowed to talk about video games in one of those listed boards.

funny thing is i got a week long ban a while ago for calling someone who turns out was a mod a beta faggot.

also complaining too much about upskirt fap bait threads on Sup Forums gets you a ban too, even if no video games are posted in the thread

So somehow a board devoted to actual videogames is fine with fucking anime books being discussed here yet the board dedicated to anime doesn't even want them, despite them being more of an anime thing.

>expecting any form of discussion from weeb bronies

If you haven't grown out of anime by the age of 18 then you are, by definition, a manchild. Every time an anime picture is posted on this website it's accompanied by post full of children's babble

>that pic

Nice "argument".

weebs were a mistake

>expecting logic from moderators

Vocal people against anime in Sup Forums aren't any better than Muslims in Europe.

>someone made this website

You know what Sup Forums was the first board and has 5 other fucking boards, but that doesn't mean it represents the whole website and should really keep to it's numerous containment boards...

Nice try faggot, I like the way the reason has a big white box around it that doesn't match the rest of the image

but muh Sup Forums boogeyman tho

I refuse to believe that there are mods on this site who are such sissy ass pansies who get asspain when someone insults their imaginary so called wife.

If Sup Forums is nothing but anime why have different fucking boards?

Lets post animes on Sup Forums, /k/, /o/, /ck, /biz/, /his/ and fucking /sci/

lmao who tf is that, never seen him before

Why do ledditors on Sup Forums complain about animu reaction pictures and memes leaking over on a website based around animu culture , but are completely fine with Sup Forums reaction pictures and memes leaking over?

>its another triggered weebs defending their chinktoons thread

Would you prefer a food analogy? I don't even browse that hellhole.

t. Sup Forumsolerant

>someone made this

Sup Forums is the same as rapefugees as well.

>Sup Forums can only be about games I like

>go to anime imageboard
>go to video game subboard
>be surprised when people like animne

>go to runescape forum
>go to politics subforum
>be surprised when people like runescape

>website based around animu culture
Is that really what you believe, newfag?

Beleive me the mods here are just as cucked as reddit, anything I say something offensive they like to hide behind gr3 and ban me for a fucking week or two.

At least it's an objective truth that Anime is pure 100% cancer


fuck i guess everyone is rapefugees now

But we already do, it's mostly anime reaction images though.

The difference with Sup Forums is that unlike /k/ where there are no anime guns, there are actually anime games.

>that user who constantly brings up western vs japanese games

What's that OP, you buttmad because someone shat on your Taroshit tnread? Please fuck off to /vg/

Books aren't videogames user, for something to be considered a videogame it has to have actual gameplay..

Considering there are stickies created by mods with anime pictures, on non-anime related boards, and how mods blast animu music in Sup Forums and Sup Forums stickies, sure.

>games with shit gameplay that its only appeal is animu style
>not weebshit

I do everything but the last one

We both know it's a shitty rip off of a japanese website.

Sup Forums isn't everyone.

The self hating weebs trend needs to die

>people on Sup Forums pretend to hate weeb games and culture just for the conflict

LUL you aren't one of these people are ya user?

In your own words, define "animu culture" for me


wait so this faggot and other "cool" youtubers is the reason why you underage b&'s hate anime?

makes sense, teenagers aren't very good at thinking for themselves or having their own opinions.

>tv culture
Normal people
>anime culture
A bunch of hissing autistic smug children who resemble mlp in terms of absolutely childish behavior

Gee I wonder.

For fans of Japanese media to discuss other hobbies or themes

>implying I meant visual novels
>not jrpgs
>not rhythm games
>not fps and platformers
>not bullet hell
>not dynasty warriors type shit
You're wrong and stupid.

Didn't you hear, Sup Forums's been normie central for a few years now, it's getting worse and worse. It's the reason why there's constant Overwatch threads and the like. Shame really.

>for something to be considered a videogame it has to have actual gameplay.
Games don't need gameplay user, it's the current year!

The fact that the website was built around anime and manga.

It's funny that people here take him seriously in any way because he's 100% reddit

He's not wrong.

>casuals arguing about dota or overwatch mechanics
>then they always turn around and say competitive qualities don't matter when people bring up rts, fighting games, and arena fps

I love Hanekawa-chan so much, why can't she exist irl

>that user that plays weebshit

>anime imageboard
I love how you threw that into your little argument right off the bat, because it makes it easier for me to tell you to fuck off.
>This is an imageboard dedicated to many interests including anim,videogames,television and many many more

Each interest has it's own sub board and Sup Forums has fucking 5 of them and still isn't content, they want the whole board to themselves

>weebs getting this butthurt at other people for not liking anime

Is this the power of autism?

Because we browse Sup Forums in the first place.

Crab is superior

>new waves of newfags see weeb hate as a joke
>they all take it seriously
>repeat since 2007
and now we're here

>Le autism is bad meemay

What's your favourite visual novel Sup Forums?
Mine is Battlefield: Gundam

I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to anime. I really like it, love it even, but people with smug anime girls as profile pictures and a bunch of anime artwork on their steam page just come across as incredibly pathetic and I feel disdain for them immediately.
Same goes for people who have a folder of smug anime girls they're just waiting to post when someone holds an opinion they don't agree with.

Anime banners doesn't mean the entire site was built around anime and manga retard. And being a shameless weeb who flaunts his disgusting fetish for all things Japanese was never acceptable until the newfags arrived.

Why can't we have both?

>implying I was talking about anything but visual novels

Good we have an understanding, the rest of what you mentioned are videogames, albeit the rythym ones are fringe entertainment... but do contain gameplay. To be honest those belong on Sup Forums

Her life is suffering though.