Will it deliver?
Will it deliver?
Brayden Gray
Caleb Richardson
Hunter Price
already GOTY in my books.
Samuel Sullivan
From what I have seen.. yes.
John Ramirez
I'm literally buying a 65" 4K TV with HDR plus a PS4 Pro for this game and Persona 5. The last time I had a console was the SNES.
Carson White
To be honest, the only thing the Alpha's suffered from was lack of content.
They also said we'd be getting a tonne more spells, weapons, skills and armour types.
So yeah, I think it will.
Aaron James
It's gonna be a great game if you digged the beta. Can't believe the same team behind DMC made this
Kayden Gray
>Dark Souls
>But with a gook theme
No thank you.
Alexander Ross
nothing like Dark Souls its a better Diablo with engaging combat not made by nu-Blizzard.
Juan Jackson
>monster titties
>ninja gaiden souls
already goty for me