In preparation for Resident Evil 7 i have been playing the whole RE series and I've finished this game for the first...

In preparation for Resident Evil 7 i have been playing the whole RE series and I've finished this game for the first time today. Normally it feels so good to go back and re-play the games once you know where to go but i never want to see this game again, help me out here Sup Forums, what makes CVX so mediocre? I can't quite tell.

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RE3 added sick dodging and ammo mixing, fleshed out Mr. X stalking thing, and added little choose-your-option moments.

CVX drops it all. Weren't they developed at the same time or some bullshit? It's bland. That's what.

While we're at it OP, I just wanted to say that Zero is poop

>It's the next one on my list


I don't get the hate towards Zero.
I always liked it, even if it is not as good as Remake. Definitely better than the CV

It's not that bad user. The inventory management is kind of wonky but otherwise it's a fun ride.


Let's say that I've played RE1 on the PS1, RE4, and RE5, and I only liked RE1 and RE4. 4 was even a little too actiony for me. Which RE games should I play while I wait for RE7?

S. D. Perry ruined my life

3 is the perfect mix of action and horror in my opinion. Also if you liked 1 you have to play REmake.

Dead Space

2-3 and Remake.

I loved Dead Space, but the sequels were not very good IMO. Even 2 was way worse than 1. Never should have given Isaac a voice.

i played remake a few months ago and the other week went through 2 and just finished 3 and starting Veronica. execpt i just quit the game forgetting to do a first save - so its not worth it and i should move onto 4?

if you enjoyed the original RE1 you'll probably cum over REmake, so i'd go with that

Try it and see if you like it. I still don't know what made it so unbearable for me, maybe playing the whole series one after the other made me realize how much better 3 is, like user said, it's a very stale game compared to the others.

not sure if im just a little burnt out after playing 2 and 3 in a row but im ready to pass veronica if you reackon its passable

it kinda is. It gives continuation to both Chris' and Claire's stories in the series, and re-introduces Wesker as a major player in the saga, all which is sort of concluded in RE5.

>Concluded in RE5.
>Re6 could've been the farewell to Chris.
>Instead Umbrella Corps hints that Albert is either alive or his body has been recovered.

nah even in re5 he just TP's away in the last split second.

>Instead Umbrella Corps hints that Albert is either alive or his body has been recovered.
wasn't it hinted in RE5 that there was more than 1 "wesker" `?

Leaked info from 7 says that there is a character named Albert, also
>Playing Umbrella Corps
What are you doing user?

the knife was so broken in CVX. also, fuck steve.

There is more than one Wesker, they were twins.
She's relegated to being the main antagonist in REV2.

The leak doesn't say anything about a character called Albert, but rather a gun called Albert.

Also I got it for free from a friend after it just dropped.
We snapped the discs after beating the game.

Code Veronica was originally intended to be RE3 (which is why it continues the Wesker story and such) and RE3 was going to be RE: Last Escape. Capcom decided to change it around because they didn't want to confuse people by having a numbered entry on a different console at the time.

They made the right choice, I can't imagine what REs reception would be like if this slog was 3

Guys, wesker got boulder punched by Chris, shot by rocket and fell into a vulcano. As much I like him I have to say he is really dad. No returning charcaters in VII by the way

>he is really dad.

CV is great, i played it on dreamcast back in the day and loved it

I played all the RE games as they came out, and CV felt like a weird, clunky downgrade in the queue.

maybe it was because it was my first resident evil but i really enjoyed it

RE3 and RECV were developed at the same time by different teams (in fact, RECV was outsourced to Nextech, the Sega-owned studios who made the Saturn port of RE1). RECV was announced much earlier than RE3, when the Dreamcast was first launched in Japan in the end of '98.

This is only half true. RE3 was supposed to be a gaiden game . In fact, it was actually titled Biohazard Gaiden at one point and then Biohazard 1.9, before Capcom decided to make it a numbered installment since it was going to be the last RE game for the PS1 and they wanted to end it as a trilogy.

There was another RE3 in development at the same time RECV and Nemesis by Hideki Kamiya's team (who worked on RE2), but that ended up becoming original Devil May Cry.

i've been playing through the series as well (i'd only played 4 onwards before for some reason).
I play the games in release order so I move away from archaic mechanics instead of into them. With this in mind, would you recomend playing CV before 3 as it is the weaker mechanical entry even though it came out later? thanks

>maybe it was because it was my first resident evil
yyyeah... the "virgin effect" truly is powerful and frightening thing.

Play 3 and then CV so you can truly understand how inferior it is, it's not super archaic compared to 3, but it is worst.

that doesn't sound like the funner way to play though?

Don't listen to him, RE0 is fantastic. Unless you're one of those morons who can't handle the new inventory system, which actually is just more convenient for the player. Don't be dumb and leave important items 80 rooms away and you'll be fine.

Avoiding the knife, CV is probably one of the hardest RE games, I'd say next to Outbreak. It's also by far one of the longest of the series too.

I once put all my weapons onto Claire for the Alexia fight and then switched to Chris for the final fight and had no ammo or healing items. I had to restart the game like 8 years later to finally complete it.

>RE0 is fantasic
Holy shit, nigga. Either you're a Rebeccafag, or you have awful taste. RE0 Is not only terrible, it's probably the worse game in the entire series, spinoffs included.

The problem with CV is Claire looks like moldy dogshit and is not fun to play as and Steve is a retard in every way conceivable and the villains are bizarre as fuck even for RE standards. There is really nothing pleasant about the game at all and it ruined Wesker. Avoid at all costs.

Why is it so bad user? I just finished it for the first time last week. If you liked REmake you should have no reason to hate 0. Not even about Becca, just the atmosphere of the game was great, exploring new maps were fun, and the new enemies were nice after playing REmake 80 times. Literally the ONLY difference is there's no item boxes and I don't know why this triggers people so hard. Being able to drop an item to pick up ammo and combine it then re-pick up your item makes the game a lot easier, unless that's the complaint, that it's too easy, which most people say the opposite. The antagonist is cheesy and dumb, so the story is the worst part, but >playing RE for story.

I thought CV was alright. it's definitely the game where the series went completely off the wall into anime action and it didn't add anything gameplay-wise but classic RE games are just enjoyable to play

the last boss was kind of horseshit though, can you even do it without getting hit a billion times?


You have much reason to hate 0 even if you enjoyed REmake. Two characters, small inventories, leaving items on the floor and no centralized storage, enemies are mostly fast animals or flying crow-like enemies, bosses are BIG BUGS and stupid shit like that. It's a horrible RE game imo.

Story retcons and characters aside, 0 suffers from inexcusable problems. No item box and small inventory is a huge fucking deal that drags the game down. You shouldn't have to drop items on the floor and backtrack to pick up that fucking bowgun thing. The character switching mechanic was half baked, and from a gameplay perspective there is no reason to ever play Rebecca as Billy is stronger and makes headshots more often.

The stages kind of sucked too, most people say the train was the best part but it lasts for all of 15 minutes.

You get Chris-sized inventories but you get 2 of them, so it's more space overall. You'll mostly be traveling in a pair.

REmake had no centralized storage either on Real Survivor.

What's wrong with bugs? REmake had BIG SNEKS and BIG PLANTS.

I dunno mang, I had no problems with the inventory. It's an old school type RE where puzzles are abound. Item management is another type of puzzle you have to work out. Even going from the church back to the train wreck is only 5 rooms away.

big snake was scary, watching centipede run around aimlessly with a cheer-leader Rebecca in its grasp was just stupid.

You get a lot more items in Zero to manage than you do in REmake it feels like without storage. It just sucks, it's a chore.

I think the stupid part was wearing the goofy costume, not the cool 'pede.

>Either you're a Rebeccafag, or you have awful taste
But, user, Rebeccafags have awful taste.

CV and Zero are why Capcom had to change everything with RE4. I hate how fags bash RE4 for being too different when CV and Zero were much worse.

Nah it was a pain in the ass. Two character mechanic along with being forced to drop and pick up items. This adds nothing to the gameplay in fact it makes the entire thing more fucking annoying as you have to backtrack and either drop/pick up items off the floor or meet up with the other character to switch off some ammo or health.

I see what they tried to do. But I think it failed.

I understand, but I disagree. To me dropping items is more convenient since if I'm stocked I don't have to run across the mansion to find an item box to free one space, I can just drop some trash handgun ammo and get the key item right on the spot and move on.

Re0 was a 5 hour special edition of that really fucking terrible zoo mission in outbreak 2

SHit game

was only a part of the overall stupidity of the spectacle. I could just sit there as Billy and the centipede would do laps and take a break to squeeze Rebecca... bad boss, that and the scorp.


Different strokes for different folks. We'll agree to disagree then, user.

I'm soory you feel that way

Not sure. Probably because it's easily the hardest of the classic games. Sup Forums is a bunch of casuals, what do you expect.

RE7 on PC is guaranteed to be shit... as in loads of patches needed a few rootkits to boot and some serious issues with GPU's.

Forget capcom games on release. Wait and see what the early adopters do. I will put my money down that they fuck this game so bad that even the light gun games seem like gold. This is going to be so fun to watch. Here comes resi evil Pachinko hehehehe.

RE6 was actually good but got flack for being action driven. RE5 got flack for being set in Africa with less horror and more macho rambo shit. RE4 was hailed as it added more action and a creepy atmosphere. RECV was.... Dreamcast..... meh ..... I liked it but there was something off about it. RE-> RE3 was awesome.

RE outbrake was phenomenal!
RE remake was and is the BEST the series can offer.

ZERO....... whatever Rebecca.

Because you have have shit taste.

RECVX is the last good RE game.
>Great story about an autist obsessed with his sister
>Claire loses her love interest
>Chris comes to save his sister going through many hardships
>Weskers mystery
>Level design
>Enemy design

Only thing crap about it is yur first playthrough you need to worry about weapons and ammo when transfering characters.

It was not hard but rather extended and felt like there was a lot of filler while playing as both chris and claire. I loved the beginning with the prison but the arctic level was a bit of a hit and miss. I finished the game 6 times so I cannot see what is hard about it.

>RE7 on PC is guaranteed to be shit

Maybe if your PC is a fucking decade old. The demo ran great, not sure what you're on about.

SFV.... rootkit..... constant updates.... LOADS OF DLC.....

poor PC support. Console Port.

Demos always run great. Hey go buy it and tell me what its like and if all is good so will I. DEAL!!


are you retarded?
My RX480 gets around 120-150 FPS in the demo, maxed out at 1080p, and it's a midrange card

>RE5 got flack for being set in Africa with less horror and more macho rambo shit.

RE5 got flack because Sheva was a dumbass who kept using more valuable ammo over handgun bullets and using first aide sprays when you were at 98% health.

This isn't SFV though? This isn't even the same engine as that game. You must be fucking retarded.

>Claire loses her love interest
>implying she gave two rats' asses about Steve

>RE6 was actually good but got flack for being action driven.
and you expect anyone to respect your opinion lmao

It ran okay-ish. I have a 960 and I get about 5 fps intermittently every few seconds even if I have it locked at 30 fps. Locking it at 60 fps does the same thing. Only leaving it as variable gives me smooth fps which is completely backwards. Even then I get small dips to low 50s when turning that corner into the kitchen.

playing a game alone I see

You can't really say you beat the game when you did it with another person who shouldered the load and did half the work. Doing it solo is the only legit way to claim victory.

sure its gonna run at high fps... wonder how the miracle of constant crashes and lack of stability on windows will treat you. Go and buy the game early adopter while I wait and see if this on rails walking sim is any good. Till then you spend you money while I grab the popcorn and wait. HEHEHEHE

CAPCOM the satan of the video game industry. Fooled everyone many times. Looking at you Dino Crisis 3 >.>

It was the highest earner among all the new games. RE6 actually is a far better shooter than any of the others. I always felt RE was a survival horror with guns while silent hill was a horror period.

You sound like a faggot... HEHEHE....

>tfw demo looks good but I'm too much of a pussy to go in the basement

I want RE7 but I know it'd be money wasted because I would be too scared to actually pay it.

CV is the easiest in the series once you learn how overpowered the knife is. The only thing hard is the bullshit parts like running away from tyrant Steve when there's no way to avoid him and you have to use 2-3 full health items to survive.

honestly? I loved CVX

I loved the feel, I love the backgrounds, I love the atmosphere, I love the guns, I love claire's massive ass

then all of a sudden chris shows up and the game just turns kinda meh

but then you play as claire again and the game gets fun for 5 minutes before you accidentally take all your good guns and lose them when you fight steve's shitty ass

the shared item box system is pretty garbage

also best save theme in the series

t. guy who enjoyed every game in the series except the 2 games he didn't play and fucking ORC and UC

>Love RE1
>Like RE3
>Like RE0
>Love RE4
>Like RE5
Other than 6 it's a pretty great series imo, yes it stagnated a bit but when they tried to change it too much they fucked it up completely. Let's hope RE7 manages to be good.

Victory..... but you didn't get to bang Sheva!
Sheva the sexy african goddess. :D

What do you think of the PAL cover my fellow shitposters?

Now go play REV 1 and 2.

I did, and they were pretty bad/mediocre


they ruined the series. Raising my pitch fork and torch. Time to burn capcom to the ground.

RE6 is a shitty res evil game, a shitty shooter, and one of the most linear games ever made. It might as well have been an action movie.

Don't be a pussy.
Handaxe chop the fuckers arms off.
Watch him try and fail to bite you.

Remeber to use the bag to stun it every now and then and keep your eyes firmply on the chest so you know where to dodge.

Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

Don't.... do not play those games.

They are ... OK I guess. They are kinda good sometimes.....

go play them... see for yourself.

Revelations 1 was GOAT if for no other reason than wetsuit Jill ass

why the hate dude. Do you need a Xanex?
Chill man its just a game. Sure its not as atmospheric as Resi 4 and Resi Remake but its got its titty moments. Plus it has Merc Mode.

I finished this again recently & I agree op, it kinda sucks compared to 3 (cept for the AWESOME MULTI-HIT KNIFE)

>Here comes resi evil Pachinko hehehehe.
You're seven years behind, user.

Because you have dogshit taste

though Jills face kinda looked weird. Maybe due to 3DS limitations.

I liked that too.
But overall the best thing about it was Raid mode.

We will never see Sheva again.

I've never played any of the RE games before, and last month I decided to play start from the beginning and work my way through the release order of the games. I just finished the original RE1 Director's Cut a few days ago with Jill and found the game to be great. I'm eager to jump into 2 now but I'm told I should really play Chris' playthrough. Should I? What's the major difference with Chris' section?

I got the GCN version of 2 and 3 on the Gamecube through the Wii's USB loader app, and I have the rest of the games on PC, including 4 and both Revelations game. What am I in for?

>First area of the game is literally just a long hallway you have to walk up and down a bunch of times
>No item box, have to deal with piles of garbage on the floor
>Billy can't mix herbs for no reason other than to add to the amount of bullshit inventory management you have to do. Even 10 year old Sherry Birkin could mix herbs
>Uninspired enemies (giant scorpion, giant bat)
>Ridiculous mess of plot, locations, and timing when they should've easily been able to fit the story between what we already knew about the STARS Bravo team and where Chris meets Rebecca in the mansion. Piss poor writing even by the rock bottom standards of Resident Evil

>why the hate dude
because RE6 man. Its the only game in the series I legitimately hate. I love 1-5, but RE6 is a shitty, retarded mess

I'm a gay and like alien isolation. It's not the direction I wanted RE to take, but after 6 I had accepted the series to be dead and it does look pretty entertaining