The protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced with Carl
How's your game now?
The protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced with Carl
How's your game now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dark souls
doesn't matter what button I push he just say "I ain't doin that"
>persona 4 golden
This is gonna be good
> red orchestra 2
This game is full of Carl's anyway on American server
Yakuza 5
"AY. YOU THROW THAT FRIGGIN BALL DOWN THE GODDAMN STRIKE ZONE. Almost hit me asshole, I gotta write an article for the massage parlor tonight."
"what are those some giant crabs? I got your giant crabs right here!! ya know what... im doing there meatman"
I need to commission someone to draw the cast of FFXV as Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Prompto as Meatwad is so fucking funny.
literally every piece in every medium would be improved with a carl, prove me wrong
ha id get a kick out of that
>Until Dawn
He would try to get into Jessica's Ashley's and Sam's pants for the whole game.
I'm sure there's a wad that actually does it.
I could actually make him...
>I'm sure there's a wad that actually does it.
Where, I can't find it with my amazing Google skills.
>Katawa Shoujo
Would Carl be able to fug at least one of the girls without falling into a bad ending?
Nope. Bad ending is the only route he has a chance getting.
>Steel Battalion
>So, uh, are we doing this or what? When are we fucking moving?
Dragon Quest Builders.
He'd make one room and assign Pippa to it. And it'd be his room. The rest of the villagers would be left out in the dirt.
Hey elf! What's with all the frickin rats all over my lawn?!
Played FFXV, so Carl would replace Noctis.
Game immediately gets better.
Insomnia can go fuck itself.
pic somewhat related, Carl making another game better
>binding of isaac
>nuclear throne
carl would just compliment big bandit's gun
>dishonored 2
Oh boy
Who the fuck is this grease ball.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
literally nothing has changed
>R6: Siege
Hey you gonna frickin' drone in for me or what?
My surgeon is replaced by that lazy piece of shit.
Eh. I've tried worse.
>Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Not that different desu
Who's gonna get their dick ripped off tonight?
Last Game I played was Overwatch. Carl is now a hero. What is his kit?
Left click
Left Shift
Optional [Not standard on every hero]
Right Click
Secondary Item/Weapon
Minecraft? I guess it would be the same almost too.
Haha. I've cleared the practice arena with worse characters than Carl.
>Ace Combat 0
It's fantastic.
This is gonna be freakin awesome. TONIGHT
Yo Alduin wanna stop with your swallowing bullshit and shit?
Carlos, bangs both broads and drinks all day at the bar.
Carlos bails and dies at the tower wondering why all these sheep are weird
>The demo to Nier Autamato
Well, everything is better, but I think the biggest improvement is the sex appeal.
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
And I thought the game couldn't get anymore perfect.
I've been replaying Borderlands 2, so Carl would actually fit right in. Probably be the best class.
Demon Freakin' Cradle!
I'm freakin invincible, fryman
The Last of Us
Bill: Are we square?
Carl: Yeah, whateva.
Bill; Then both you and the kid need to get the fuck outta my town!
Carl: Aw, come on. You don't gotta be like that! I was thinking we could go family style on her eventually.
Bill: That's just sick. She's just a kid!
Carl: What are you, gay?
So I'm da freakin dragonborn or whateva? Will this help me get laid?
>Dynasty Warriors 8xl wei storyline
>New Vegas
>Pokemon alpha sapphire
Hey professor man you're giving me a frickin pokeman now or what?
Best pokemon game ever
I agree
>My Summer Car
I don't see a difference
>animal crossing
"Hey neighbor you gonna come over to my friggin' birthday party or what?"
>night of azure
The blood donations would get a little weird but Carl wouldn't mind the rest.
>What am I, some kinda frickin' cyborg or somethin?
>Hey Doc...turn off my pain inhibitors-ow OW OW OKAY TURN EM BACK ON
>So uh, can I get some "cyborg enhancements" downstairs or what?
The game may have just become a 9/10
Why can't video games have characters as likeable as Carl?
>Cutscene with Monsoon
>All Carl says is "Oh, man. You are getting me so angry."
>Titanfall 2
>Hey yo, can a getta freakin' Titan down here!? There's a buncha assholes all jumpin' around runnin' on walls, it's freakin me out!
>Welcome back, pilot
>Hey, it's good to be back in ya, babe. Now less pop that freaking sweet laser and lets ROAST THESE SUCKAS! TONIGHT!
>So what are ya, some kinda brain bot? You put your brain in a robot, but the robot has tits? I've heard of butterface, but jeez...
I can dig it
>yo fryman, we gonna friggin stop time or what?
>Yeah, yeah that's real nice uh, space broccoli, NOW CAN YA GET IN THE FRIGGIN BAG?
I can't.
Dudes fucking magical.
>Carl in Lillie's outfit
>both of them
Drawfags I beg of you
That sounds like it could be a line from an actual episode
This oughta be good
>Battlefield 1
>Hey Sup Forums-man, you gonna friggn' preorder my game or what?
>Yeah I got some downloadable content right here for ya, if ya know what I mean, heh heh
>Mankind Divided
Cant wait to show that hot babe over there my 'augments'
>10/10 game
It don't matter.
>Hotline Miami 2
The only difference would be that Carl would shout some lines every few seconds.
GTA V. Gonna be even better.
It would be a sight that my brain might never fully recover from.
I was playing Warhammer Vermintide and I was playing as The Witchunter. If he just replaces The Witchunter idk but if he replaces every protagonist and not just the one I played...
Well i'm not sure how Carl would play in a Warhammer L4D clone where we fight giant rats. Let alone 4 Carls fighting giant rats.
>Three Carls arguing with each other while a fourth Carl is on the radio complaining about Flylo's music
Would Carl and Trevor Phillips be friends or sworn enemies?
This can only end bad for him, like in every ATHF episode.
>Stardew Valley
what is this? corn?! i'm going to hit up all the women instead...worse comes to worse, i see me inside pam at last call
Edgeworth Investigations
Me, a murderer? Think a guy like me could do him in? Woah, that flight attendant is freaking hot! *adjusts crotch* I wouldn't mind doing her in, if you know what I mean.
>half life
>pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of the sky
Exploration team? I ain't doin that
>binding of Isaac
I imagine he would just keep screaming OH GOD and get destroyed by random ugly ass monsters
Look I dont know how the hook works either. Let's just get through this so I can call up another hooker when I get home.
>make Junkrat Meatwad
Game of the century